DSC4012 – Terrorism

Terrorism and the Media

Chapter 4

Learning Objectives: Chapter 4

¡ Discuss the role of the media in constructing social reality.

¡ Explain the tension between security forces and the media.

¡ Describe how the media can be viewed as a weapon.

¡ Explain how news frames are used present a story.

¡ Describe the special relationship between terrorism and television.

Learning Objectives: Chapter 4

¡ Explain how the Internet has impacted terrorism.

¡ Summarize various positions about bias in the news media.

¡ Define the contagion effect.

¡ Debate the issues of freedom of the press and censorship.

¡ Both security forces and terrorists want their version of the story published.

¡ Each side wants to control the media environment for one simple reason



¡ Meanings are socially constructed.

§ Reporting is part of the social construction of terrorism.

§ Terrorists are aware of the power of the media and seek to manipulate their message through it.

§ While the media enhances the power of terrorism, it does not cause it.

¡ Terrorism involves symbolic communication:

§ It is aimed at an audience well beyond the immediate victims of violence.

§ It is designed to communicate specific messages to a select audience (Jongman).

§ It is an effective communication device that governments respond by trying to send their own messages through the media (Snow).

Passing of Stories

¡ This is the way human beings share stories; it is not merely the product of entertaining fiction.

¡ Consider the following videos.

Passing of Stories

¡ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcdnf0Ckxmc&feature=related

¡ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3X_KyqGf3w

§ United 93 (2006) hijacking ending scene

¡ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA_2teLmm1Q&feature=player_embedded

§ World Trade Center (Movie) - WTC collapse

Media Misconceptions

¡ Media’s presentation of terrorism is dominated by several simplified stories, presented on 24 hour cable news networks

¡ Media exaggerates the threat of WMD

¡ Media uses simple catchphrases to popularize a point

§ “Broken borders”

§ “War on terrorism”

¡ Some analysts of the media suggest that their reporting is sympathetic to governmental positions.

¡ American media has been criticized for writing reports favorable to security forces.

Media and Security Forces

¡ Media social constructions often run counter to governmental objectives and policies

¡ Police and military perceive themselves to be the forceful extension of democracy

§ They think reporters are only trying to gather sensationalistic stories

¡ Embedded reporters

§ 2003 invasion of Iraq, Pentagon invited journalists to join combat units

§ The results were partially realized

§ (After editing reports did not show more favorable general coverage.)


¡ “The media is similar to a loaded gun lying in the street, the first person to pick it up gets to choose how to use it.”—Richard Clutterbuck

Media as a Weapon

¡ Terrorists recognize the power of the media as a weapon

§ Ayman al Zawahiri

§ Says any attack, especially if sensational, can dramatize the struggle.

§ He can turn to his own media relations group.

§ Uses his own writing to justify terrorism.

¡ Jihadists are keenly aware of the media’s ability to influence the social construction of reality

§ They seek legitimacy for their movement

§ They want to spread their message and increase sympathy for their militant interpretation of religion

§ Their opponents are targeted for intimidation

News Frames

¡ Reporting patterns are packaged in segments called news frames

§ Purpose is to assemble words and pictures to create a pattern surrounding an event

§ Creates a narrative for a deadly drama

§ Characters are introduced, heroes and villains are defined, and victims become the suffering innocents

News Frames

¡ News frames help “mediatize” the presentation of terrorism

§ Media shapes the way an event is communicated

¡ News frame is one of the least understood aspects of broadcast journalism because its complexity goes unnoticed

¡ Reporting Frame

§ A quick, fact-driven report that summarizes the latest information about a story.

Types of Frames

¡ Reporting frame

¡ Dominant frame

¡ Conflict frame

¡ Contention frame

¡ Investigative frame

¡ Mythic frame

¡ Campaigning frame

Ø Superficial, short, and laced with facts

Ø One authority’s view

Ø Two sides, with experts

Ø A variety of positions

Ø Exposing corrupt, illegal behavior

Ø Hero stories

Ø Broadcaster’s opinion

Types of Frames

¡ Reportage frame

¡ Community service frame

¡ Collective interest frame

¡ Cultural recognition frames

¡ Mythic tales frames

Ø In-depth coverage with background

Ø Information for viewers

Ø Reinforce common values

Ø Group’s values and norms

Ø Hero stories

Beating the War Drum

¡ American television presented only one news frame after 9/11 (dominant frame)

§ Douglas Kellner:

§ Patterning the attack as a clash of civilizations

§ Suggesting that only a military response would stop future attacks

¡ Television called in a variety of terrorism experts who reflected the single view

¡ Radio was even worse, engaging in sensationalistic propaganda

Do you agree with this perspective?

Beating the Wrong Drum

¡ Some critics believe the media’s focus is improperly centered on military and law enforcement action overseas

¡ Media has virtually ignored domestic security issues

¡ Nacos’s study after 9-11

§ American news media did not believe there was a need to focus on domestic security

§ Televisions’ preference for sensational events

Infotainment Telesector

¡ Barber calls the twenty-four-hour news networks the “infotainment telesector”

§ Media flourishes on one overriding factor: entertainment

¡ The infotainment telesector is not geared for depth; it is designed to create revenue

¡ Negative effect on homeland security

Television Drama

¡ Control of the drama pattern was held in a Western monopoly until recently

§ Al Manar television presented a sympathetic view of the al Asqa uprising

¡ Television makes the viewing audience participants in a terrorist attack

¡ Television seeks drama, and terrorism provides an unfolding dramatic event

Gender Stereotypes

¡ Television tends to portray women as minor figures in the male-dominated occupation

¡ Nacos presents several images created by television news frames:

§ Physical appearance frame

§ Family connection frame

§ Terrorist for the sake of love

§ Women's lib frame

§ Women as bored, frustrated housewives

§ These gender-biased reports weaken our ability to respond to terrorism

Media Ownership

¡ Edward Herman (1999) focuses on the social construction of reality and political bias

§ American media is part of a vast propaganda machine promoting values and goals of corporations

¡ David Baron (2004) takes a different approach, suggesting that bias appears on two levels

§ Individual discretion of the reporter

§ Public’s desire for the most captivating story


¡ Critics suggest that large groups of people are portrayed without depth in American television

¡ Critics believe the media is spreading incorrect information about terrorists

¡ Richard Miniter (2005) identifies 22 misconceptions about terrorism accepted as truth by most newspapers, magazines, and broadcasters

Internet and Terrorism

¡ Steganography

§ Embedding hidden information in a picture, message, or another piece of information

§ Message can be encrypted, placed in plain text in a hidden file, or sent on a covert channel

¡ Terrorist groups use media to present messages and portray images that will not appear in mainstream media.

¡ Recruiting and Training

§ Salafi-jihadists using Web sites and e-mail to make training manuals available

¡ Salafi Movement

§ Orthodox Sunni Muslims who impose Islam with force and violence.

§ Use Internet sites to provide in-depth theological apologias to justify religious violence.

As Sahaab versus al Hurra

¡ Al Qaeda’s underground video network, known as As Sahaab, wages an effective propaganda campaign using the Internet

¡ In response, the US launched al Hurra, an Arabic-language 24 hour satellite station

§ Results have been disappointing

§ United States has yet to capitalize on the Internet for spreading propaganda

Media Ownership

¡ Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey Milyo (2005) stated that the American media has a liberal bias

¡ Fouzi Slisli (2000) says that the American media is full of oversimplifications and stereotypes

¡ Baron (2004) says news companies keep major biases out of stories to avoid risk of lower profits


¡ Miniter believes that all media serve as a source of disinformation

¡ The primary reasons are sloppy reporting, editors who fail to check facts, and rumors that are accepted as truth

¡ Many of these media-based “truths” cannot stand the test of investigation

The Contagion Effect

¡ Some analysts wonder if media coverage inspires more terrorism

¡ Many researcher believe that the fear generated by media reporting is contagious

§ Anthrax attack

§ Madrid commuter train bombing

§ The evidence of a relationship between behavior and media violence is not conclusive.


¡ Paul Wilkinson (1997) believes that governments face three choices when it comes to maintaining freedom of the press and combating terrorism:

§ Laissez-faire attitude

§ Censorship

§ Media self regulation

Censorship Debate

¡ Democracy is threatened when the government openly censors information

§ Censorship could do more to damage freedom than the terrorist attacks themselves

¡ Others believe that in times of emergency, information must be controlled to ensure the survival of the state

§ America was fighting a new type of war and some form of censorship was required

§ The foundation of Western democracy is based on free speech and communication.

Chapter Take Aways

¡ Television and other media shape the way we view terrorism.

¡ This creates quite a bit of controversy about the role of the media in reporting terrorism, and it frequently pits reporters against security forces.

¡ All sides try to manipulate the media because of its extensive power.

Chapter Take Aways

¡ This means that there is extensive competition for presenting a point of view and a news frame, and it leads to charges of biases from all sides.

¡ This is especially true in television because terrorism is a made-for-television drama.

¡ Some scholars have called for limited censorship because the media is so powerful.