1. Introduction (Do Not Label the Introduction Section)

1. Introduction (Do Not Label the Introduction Section)

Behv5170 Behavior Change Report

Student Name


1. Introduction (do not label the introduction section)

1.1. Describe the context of your study

  • Why is your intervention relevant? Describe the current literature regarding the topic of your intervention.

1.2. Problem

  • Describe the problem that you want to solve

1.3. Behavioral Definition

  • Your behavior of interest is what you want to change with your intervention (the behavior of interest or a product of that behavior)
  • State your behavior of interest quantitatively, in a way that you can observe and count it
  • Make a descriptive behavioral definition of the behavior of interest or a clear description of the product of the behavior of interest that you are measuring
  • If you are changing components of a complex skill, describe each behavior that you are measuring as dependent variables

2. Method

2.1. Participants

  • Describe the participants of your intervention

2.2. Setting/apparatus

  • Describe the places that your intervention occurs
  • Describe the materials that you use in your intervention

2.3 Intervention

  • Describe your intervention. State what environmental changes you will make to change the behavior of interest.
  • If you don’t know exactly what part of the intervention is having an effect, state that your intervention is a package
  • State your independent variable
  • State your dependent variable
  • State your experimental design
  • Explain why you chose that design

2.4 Procedure

  • The procedures section is a more detailed description of how you are intervening on the behavior of interest
  • State the data collection method that you will use and why
  • State step by step what happens in your intervention and the order of the events

3.1. Learner Rights

  • Describe in detail how you will take into consideration the 10 rights learners have in treatment conditions or educational settings.

3-2. Graph

  • Include a labeled graph showing how you would plot your data and present to the clients
  • Look at some graphs in JABA
  • Your graph must contain:
  • A relevant title, usually stating the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable
  • Condition labels (i.e. Baseline, Treatment I, Reversal and Treatment II)
  • Axis labels
  • Phase change lines
  • Break data path across the lines

Figure 1: Effect of the Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable

Figure 2: Title

4. Results

  • Quantitatively describe the results found in the study
  • Provide a written description of the graphically displayed results. This description should match/correspond with what is graphically displayed.

5. Conclusion

  • Relate the results of your study to the literature that you reviewed in your introduction
  • Relate what your graph shows and how would you base your decisions on the data. For example, if the data show that the intervention is not succeeding, how would you change the procedures? And if the data show that the intervention is succeeding, what intervention would you do next?

6. References

  • You must use at least 5 references
  • Look at the references section in some JABA articles and use the same format to write your references