Term 1
Busy Bees Playgroup
Term 1 – Nursery Rhymes: Sleeping bunnies
Learning Outcome:Students will be experiencing different textures whilst learning about bunnies.
Target Language:
Textures: soft, rough, bumpy etc.
Bunny, carrot, orange
Introduction to Topic:
Circle Time: Register and Songs
Before lesson preparation: Buy/get from supplies the following: Cotton wool, sand paper/crepe paper, lollisticks and a carrot. Stick cotton wool on a square piece of paper and lollisticks on another. Cut the sand paper/crepe paper in a square shape.
Theme Introduction: Put your 3 squares in the middle of the circle. Pick up one and let students touch it by passing the square around the classroom. Elicit how it feels. Do the same with the other 2 squares. Now, show students the template of the bunny (Attachment 1). Show them that we will stick cotton wool on the bunny to make if feel “soft and fluffy. Ask students what a bunny likes to eat. Let them feel the carrot.
Main Activity:
Craft 1: Fluffy Bunny – Print a copy of template (Attachment 1) for each student. Let them stick cotton wool on the bunny.
Craft 2: Carrot craft – Print a copy of template (Attachment 2) for each student. Let them stick orange crepe paper on the carrot and colour the leaves green.
Craft 3: Bunny ears – Sample picture attached to the lesson. (Attachment 3)
Sensory Play:
Put rice in a big tray. Add some items with different textures in the tray. For instance: cars, balls, pineapple, pipe cleaners etc.
Game/Movement Activity:
Song: Sleeping bunnies (Attachment 4)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RZNBFm1vuo
Feed the bunny carrots: Print the picture of the bunny (Attachment 5) on A3 card and the carrots on A4 card (Attachment 6). Stick the bunny on the board.
Extension Activity for 2+yrs:
Make some orange playdough from the recipe in the resource book and add some rice to the dough to add extra texture. Print a few copies of the template (Attachment 7). Let the students create carrot shapes and add to the picture. Sample picture attached to the lesson. (Attachment 8)
To close…
Goodbye Song
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
Sing our Farewell Song.
It's time to say goodbye,
It's time to say goodbye,
Goodbye, goodbye,
Goodbye, goodbye
It's time to say goodbye - GOODBYE!
Activities to be included:
Story: Any book about bunnies
Songs: Sleeping bunnies
Games: Feed the bunnies
Needed for this lesson plan:
· Introduction: Cotton wool, sand/crepe paper, lollisticks, carrot
· Craft 1: Cotton wool, glue
· Craft 2: Orange crepe paper, glue
· Craft 3: White & pink card, cotton wool, glue
· Sensory Play: Rice, other items for texture
· Extension Activity for 2+yrs: Playdough, rice
Supplied with the lesson:
· Attachment 1: Bunny template
· Attachment 2: Carrot template
· Attachment 3: Sample picture of craft 3
· Attachment 4: Song lyrics
· Attachment 5: Bunny picture
· Attachment 6: Carrot pictures
· Attachment 7: Template for Activity for 2+yrs
· Attachment 8: Sample picture of Activity for 2+yrs
· Attachment 9: Extra craft ideas
See the little bunnies sleeping till it's nearly noon
Come and let us gently wake them with a merry tune
Oh how still, are they ill, wake up soon
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop.
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