California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Associated Students, Inc.

Uniform Governing Council By-Laws

Associated Students, Inc / Greek Council

Greek Council By-Laws

Authored by: Brennen Byers

Approved by Council: January 30, 2013

Approved by ASI Attorney General:

Devon Graves


Preamble Uniform Governing Council Bylaws...... Pg. 3

Article I General Provisions ...... Pg. 3

Article II Membership ...... Pg. 4

Article III Executive Officers...... Pg. 9

Article IV Presidential Cabinet...... Pg. 12

Article V Advisors...... Pg. 13

Article VI Sub-Councils...... Pg. 14

Article VII Committees...... Pg. 16

Article VIII California Meeting Law...... Pg. 18

Article IX Quorum and Voting...... Pg. 20

Article X Funding Procedures...... Pg. 21

Article XI Elections...... Pg. 22

Article XII Leadership Training...... Pg. 23

Article XIII Due Process...... Pg. 23

Article XIV Policies...... Pg. 24

Article XV Judicial Code...... Pg. 24

Article XVI Amendments to Bylaws...... Pg. 32


The underlying purpose of the California State University, Pomona, (Cal Poly Pomona) Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Uniform Governing Council By-Laws is to form a unified student government; to simplify, clarify and modernize the by-laws governing the ASI Councils; and to make uniform the law among the various college jurisdictions. The Councils shall ratify all sections, except those that are not applicable.

Article I


Section I. Purpose

The primary mission of Greek Council is:

a)  To provide for the betterment of the student body of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona as a whole.

b)  To function within the framework of the Associated Student Incorporated, members of the Greek Council organizations, and the campus community.

c)  To act as liaison between the students of the campus community and members of the Greek Council organizations, and the ASI Senate.

d)  To ascertain the needs, desires, and attitudes of the University, for the purpose of representation and shall regularly report to the ASI Senate.

e)  To promote the welfare of its member organizations, campus community, and the Associated Student, Incorporated.

f)  To ensure the advancement of all students in the Greek community.

g)  To strive to maintain a level of accomplishment throughout the Greek community.

h)  To uphold the integrity and degree of achievement by each of its member organizations.

i)  To undertake the challenge and responsibility necessary to heighten each student's pride and sense of unity within the Greek community.

Section II. Name

a)  The official name of the organization shall be the Greek Council, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

Section III. Responsibility

a)  The Greek Council and its officers shall serve as official representatives for the Greek community at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and its member organizations to Associated Student, Incorporated, the University, and the campus community.

  1. Such representation shall relate to issues of the Greek Council's member organizations and be at the direction of the membership.
  2. The council shall not take stands on issues outside of its role in the campus community.

b)  The Greek Council must re-charter annually with the Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers.

c)  The Greek Council shall be responsible for the coordination of member organizations' activities so as to benefit the Greek community, the University, members of the Council, and the campus community.

d)  The Greek Council shall be responsible for the development, implementation, and enforcement of the bylaws, which are designed to coordinate activities, promote solidarity, minimize conflict between and among its member organizations, and to develop a positive image for the Greeks both on and off campus.

e)  The Greek Council shall be responsible for the allocation of ASI funds for activities involving all member organizations.

f)  The Greek Council must submit signature cards annually to the ASI Business Office.

Section IV. Authority

a)  The Greek Council shall serve as the Legislative and Executive body within the Greek community at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The structure and rules of the procedures are as outlined in these By-laws.

Section V. Non-Discrimination

a)  The Greek Council shall not discriminate in terms of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or financial, veteran or social status.

Section VI. Disclaimer

a)  The Greek Council and/or its members, when taking stands on issues, recognizes and will fulfill the obligation to make clear that it/they, in no way, represent the official position of the Associated Students, Inc. Senate or the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

Article II


Section I. Introduction

a)  The total governing structure shall consist of the Greek Council and appropriate Sub-councils.

b)  The Governing Code shall consist of these by-laws, the Greek Review Board By-laws, and all sub-council bylaws, standing rules, and judicial.

Section II. The Greek Council

a)  The Greek Council shall be the official recognized council responsible for social fraternity and social sorority affairs.

b)  The General Assembly shall consist of a representative from each of its member organizations, the Executive Board, the Greek Council President's Cabinet, and the ex-officio cabinet members.

Section III. Categories of Membership

a)  Members

  1. All recognized organizations classified by the University as social fraternities and sororities are considered members of the Greek Council. Subject to any restrictions stated elsewhere in this code, such organizations may vote on Council business and request funds through the Greek Council. Individual members of such organizations may also hold an office within the Greek Council.

b)  Associated Members

  1. Social fraternities and sororities in the process of obtaining campus recognition (chartering) may become Associate Members. Such organizations may not vote or request funds, nor may their members hold an office of the Greek Council.

c)  Affiliated Members

1.  Those other recognized student organizations with structure and goals similar to and/or compatible with member organizations of the Greek Council are eligible to become affiliate members. Eligibility to vote on council business, receive funding and hold an office of the Greek Council, with the exception of President and Executive Vice President is subject to those rights delegated by the General Assembly of the Greek Council.

  1. Eligibility shall be determined on an individual basis by the General Assembly, at the time of the Affiliate Member Organization's incorporation into the council.

3.  Representation must be at least three-fourths (3/4) of all meetings of the General Assembly, regular and special, during the academic school year for eligibility to be valid.

Section IV. Recognition Requirements for Membership

a)  An organization shall pursue the goals of the Greek Council.

b)  An organization must re-charter annually with the Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers.

c)  An organization must have its current By-Laws filed with the ASI Attorney General and OSLCC.

d)  An organization must have its current member list filed with the Greek Council Vice President of Internal Affairs. Any person not on the current member list of a member organization is not recognized by the Greek Council as a member of that organization.

  An updated member list must be filed during the third week of every quarter, excluding summer, or a notice of no changes.

  An updated member list must be filed during the tenth week of every quarter, excluding summer, or a notice of no changes.

e)  A representative acts as a delegate from an organization at all Greek Council meetings. The representative shall be elected by the organization.

Section V. Eligibility Requirements for Membership

Before an organization can attain affiliation with the Greek Council, it shall have met these conditions:

a)  Is approved and appointed to the Council by the ASI Attorney General;

b)  Submitted ASI Attorney General's written letter of notice of appointment to Council;

c)  Attained a membership of at least five active members;

d)  Organization officers are elected by democratic procedures;

e)  Submitted a copy of its By-Laws and rules that govern the organization to the OSL/CC;

f)  Submitted/updated your chapter Greek registration packet each quarter to the Greek Advisor, by the appointed date. The registration packet shall include:

  1. completed chapter information form,
  2. completed officer contact information,
  3. completed public information form,
  4. completed advisor information form,
  5. membership intake form,
  6. chapter roster and list serve registration form,
  7. completed web page chartering form,
  8. detailed quarterly calendar,
  9. a list of community service/philanthropic events of the previous quarter,
  10. and optional chapter kudos (any awards or chapter highlights). All applicable information shall be accompanied with all corresponding statistical information. (i.e., total man hours, money donated, members awarded, etc…) Sanction for breach of the above mentioned requirements are as stated in Article II, Section IX, Suspension of Membership.

g)  Membership in the Greek Council is subject to the provisions contained in Section IX - Expansion, of the Greek Council Standing Rules.

Section VI. Dues

a)  Each active member organization will pay an annual membership fee of seventy-five dollars ($75..00), each fall quarter. Each member organization will then be assessed dues on a quarterly basis at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per chapter consisting of 25 or more members. A chapter of 24 or fewer members will be assessed two dollars ($2.00) per member. Dues will be assessed for fall, winter, and spring quarters only.

b)  Dues must be accompanied with the following information. Failure to submit this information will result in the organization's dues being deemed late, and the organization will be subject to penalties, as outlined in this section.

  1. A quarterly roster, including the names of the organization's members and officers, the council representatives and alternate, and chapter advisors.
  2. Contact numbers must be included for the President, the Greek Council Representative, alternate, and advisors.
  3. The organization's current ASI account number in the ASI/ UU business Office.

c)  Dues are not required of Associated Member Organizations.

d)  Penalties will be assessed for late payment of dues. Organizations shall have until the third Friday of each quarter to pay dues. The first week the dues are delinquent, the organization will be assessed a five dollars ($5.00) late fee, and five dollars ($5.00) for each week thereafter. After the fourth week of delinquency, the organization will be considered inactive until dues and fines are paid.

e)  Failure to submit any of the required paperwork will result in a fine of five dollars ($5.00).

f)  Dues are required from every organization of sub-councils.

Section VII. Council Representatives

a)  Number

  1. Each member Organization shall select one (1) Greek Council Representative and one (1) alternate to attend the meetings of the Greek Council General Assembly.
  2. Only the designated Chapter Representative may cast their organization's vote.
  3. The alternate may vote at no more than two meetings of the Greek Council General Assembly per quarter.

b)  Eligibility

  1. These representatives will be active members of their own organization in good academic standing with the University, with at least a 2.2 G.P.A.
  2. The representatives shall be appointed by each chapter under these guidelines:
  3. Shall currently hold an elected position in that respective chapter.
  4. Shall have at least one academic year experience in their respective Greek organization.
  5. Shall attend all Greek Council General Assembly meetings of the year they are appointed. One alternate shall also be appointed. In the event that the appointed representative can not attend a meeting, the alternate may attend in his/her place. The primary representative shall not miss more than two meetings per quarter. Disciplinary action may be taken upon violation of meeting attendance.
  6. Shall attend Greek Council's Representative/Meeting Workshop held prior to each academic year.
  7. Any change of a chapter's representative or alternate must be filed with the Greek Council Executive Board one meeting prior to voting on an action item.
  8. Only under extraordinary circumstances can the above guidelines be subject to review for a chapter. A decision will be made by the Executive Board and cabinet of the Greek Council.
  9. The primary representative shall not be a member of the Greek Council Executive Board or Cabinet.
  10. Only active members can be representatives for their organization.

c)  Duties

  1. These representatives will attend all meetings of the Greek Council General Assembly, submit issues for discussion to the council, vote on all motions, report on all business and proceedings to their organizations, and carry out other required duties as prescribed by the Greek Council.

d)  Absences

  1. If any representative misses a meeting of the Greek Council General Assembly, the Vice President of Internal Affairs will notify the Organization he/she represents, and a fine of $10 will be assessed by the Vice President of Finance for failure to have a representative or alternate present.
  2. If any representative misses two (2) consecutive meetings of the Greek Council General Assembly, the Vice President of Internal Affairs will notify the organization he/she represents that the organization will be sanctioned for failure to uphold their duties as a member. If a representative continues to miss meetings, sanctions can progress. The range of sanctions available to the Greek Council Executive board includes, but is not limited to:
  3. Fines of no more than $50 each sanction.
  4. Removal of privileges to vote. The organization in questions shall be required to continue to uphold all responsibilities as a member.
  5. Suspension of membership, as outlined in Article II, Section X.
  6. If any representative misses two (2) or more non-consecutive meetings of the Greek Council General Assembly the Vice President of Internal Affairs will notify the Organization he/she represents, and a fine of $10 plus $10 per day missed up to a maximum of $100 will be assessed by the Vice President of Finance for failure to have a representative or alternate present.

e)  Sub-Councils

  1. Each sub-council must be represented at all Greek Council General Assembly meetings, but shall determine the number of representatives it will require from each of its member organizations within its own meetings.
  2. All fraternities and sororities must be officially recognized by the Greek Council in order to participate in a sub-council.

Section VIII. Active Membership Status

a)  After the Greek Council has approved active membership status, the Greek Council President will notify OSLCC and the ASI Attorney General written notice.

b)  The Greek Council will verify that the student organization has re-chartered at the beginning of each academic year, and each quarter excluding summer.