Technology Education – Power tool safety

(Documentation and teaching methods)

Power tool qualification records:

The individual safety sheets are intended for student reference. They should be available for student review on-demand. A course notebook with a section on power tool safety would facilitate this.

For teacher reference, a modified class list such as the sample below facilitates easy reference. After the initial demonstration and introduction with the safety sheets, collect, correct and initialize (teacher’s) the safety sheets. Return them to the students and have the students initialize the class list (see below).

Absent students are easily identified and may be qualified separately or restricted from the appropriate machines (eg. Will Peters on the disc sander).

Power tool qualification

Technology 9

C – block


“I agree to follow the procedures demonstrated in class and described on the power tool safety sheets.”

Student name / Drill press / Band saw / Disc sander
Tom Brown / T.B. / T.B. / T.B.
Sara Hill / S.H. / S.H. / S.H.
Will Peters / W.P. / W.P.
Jessica Smith / J.S. / J.S. / J.S.

For student reference / reminder, a duplicate could be displayed in the shop.

Signage posted in the shop should also reinforce that only those qualified on the power tools, may use them.