Tech-level Video Games Art and Design Scheme of Work –Unit Business for video games

Tech-level Entertainment Technology: Video Games and Art – Scheme of Work Unit 1 Business for video games Unit type: Externally set and assessed examination

Guidance Notes:
This Scheme Of Work (SOW) is intended to demonstrate the delivery of Unit 01 – ‘Business for video games’ across a three term, 10 week per term delivery model. Though a core unit, there are synoptic opportunities for learners to employ learning from other units dependant on the structure of the course. For this linked learning see the highlighted sections in the SOW text.
In all sessions there are 2 fundamental activities Teacher exposition/presentation and Learner Activity. This format is used to ensure that:
1.  Revisable content is delivered to the learner, (be it teacher exposition, video, presentation, documentation, worksheets, etc.)
2.  Learners are challenged with multi-style learning activities to support the delivered content.
As a core unit that is assessed by examination, it is important that teachers provide ample opportunity for learners to make/fill in/research revision notes that will aid in the latter part of the course both in mock exams and summative external assessment. If a more practical ‘Learners write a business plan’ approach is used (see Delivery Guidance in the Specification) then tutors must ensure that suitable revision notes are made.
Business for video games is not one of the units identified as being required to deliver the transferable skills as detailed at however opportunity exists for the practise of the transferable skills, Research in revision activities and Communication (written) in formative assessments.
This course has been designed with visiting industry practitioners in mind. Liaise with visiting speakers to negotiate a topic they are comfortable with and replace the relevant Teacher exposition/presentation with their contribution. This provides opportunity to have learners Q&A with a small independent developer. Prepare for the visit by ensuring that learners are prepared for the talk with appropriate business related questions. (As visiting practitioners/lecturers are usually paid an agency rate, institutions can help support and promote networking links with small developers).
In order to effectively timetable a June sitting of the final paper, specific revision & testing activities can be inserted after the study of AO1 and AO2 (Beginning of Spring Term) and after the study of AO3 & AO4 (Summer Half Term). The remaining weeks in the SOW would then be given over to Mock papers in preparation.
Starting in week one, Homework Activity describes work the learner should do away from the lesson and bring back the following week. Homework Activity should be expected as a bi-weekly activity for the learner.

Guided Learning hours: 90

Week No. / Specification Reference
Assessment Outcome / Key Learning Objectives / Learning Activities and Resources
Stretch and Challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group) / Plenary
How will learner progress be checked?
Evidence Requirements? / Embedding or Contextualising (opportunities for skills development)
Maths in PURPLE
English in GREEN
Research Skills in ORANGE
Autumn Term
1 / AO1
Understand the logistics of setting up a business in the games industry / Forms of business / Introduction to the unit
Teacher exposition/presentation
Forms of business
·  sole trader
·  partnerships including limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
·  private limited companies
·  public limited companies.
Legal responsibilities of major stakeholders
·  of the business
·  of shareholders
·  of directors.
Breakdown of companies by type – UK Business organisations
Learner Activity: Case Study
Research a games development studio start-up and ask groups to answer the following questions
When did the company form?
How many people started the company?
What business model did the start-up take?
What was the motivation for starting the business?
Example – Sumo digital interview with managing director.
Homework Activity
Follow up with writing a short written piece describing the learner’s motivation in starting a small business for them. Include business form and structure. Describe the game market that the company would compete in (AAA, indie, mobile, educational, etc.).
Learners to research how the Gaming Community can be considered major stakeholders and describe important aspects of the relationship between Gamers and Developers. / Q&A, Group discussion on the forms of business and major stakeholders
Check math analysis peer & Q&A
Short written report on ‘Why start a business’ / Speaking and listening skills used in the presentation.
Research into forms of business and legal obligations of stakeholders
Mathematical analysis of national statistics
Written language skills used in writing a short report.
Research into the interface between gamers and developers
2 / AO1
Understand the logistics of setting up a business in the games industry / Operational functions
(Day to day business) / The day to day running of a games development business
Teacher exposition/presentation
Beyond the development of games in the day to day running of a games studio there are other functions that must be attended to ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of a business.
·  sales and marketing
·  finance and accounting
·  administration
·  purchasing
·  research
·  development
·  distribution
·  human resources (HR)
·  customer services
·  IT and support.
Learner Activity: Role Play
Envisage problems that could occur for a games development studio and have learners (in groups of 4/5) decide how and what part of the organisation would deal with the problems as they arise.
Examples of problems
·  Major bug in the latest title, software only works on some platforms and a huge social media backlash ensues.
·  Distraught parent engages lawyer in legal proceedings as they blame the studio for gaming addiction then suicide
·  Local council workers accidentally cut the fibre optic link to 100s of business in the local area; the studio is cut off from the internet.
·  Disgruntled member of staff erases a library of assets after they are fired for misconduct, what next?
Have learners rank and justify the priority for operational functions for a small games development business of just 5-10 people. / Q&A, Group discussion on the Operational activities within a business
Peer checking and interaction through roleplay of difficult contingencies / Speaking and listening skills used in the presentation.
Speaking and listening skills used in the Roleplay
Prioritising business function in the light of limited resources.
3 / AO1
Understand the logistics of setting up a business in the games industry / Setting up a business 1
(Key set up activities) / Setting up a business: What to do first?
Teacher exposition/presentation
Describe the key set up activities in the starting up of a business including:
1). sole trader:
·  bank account
·  registration with Inland Revenue for personal tax
·  VAT registration (including threshold)
2). partnerships including limited liability partnerships (LLPs):
·  partnership agreement
·  bank account
·  registration with Companies House (if LLP)
·  registration with inland revenue for partnership tax and payroll
·  VAT registration (including threshold)
3). private and public limited companies:
·  bank account
·  registration with Companies House
·  registration with inland revenue for corporate tax and payroll
·  VAT registration (including threshold)
Learner Activity: Start-up bank accounts & Companies house
Have learners use the internet to research at least 3 banks for start-up businesses to get the best deal. Learners must enquire as to whether there are different terms and conditions for the different forms of business (sole/partnership/limited) and describe the best deal.
Homework Activity
Learners should then research what is required to register with Companies House and prepare a short numbered ‘How to’ list.
Learners should use the Companies House website to look up a games studio that they know of and find out at least 1 officer of the company and download at least 1 set of company accounts. They then must write a statement indicating the current stated health and future prospects of the company. / Q&A, Group discussion on setup activities
Small report comparing banking rates and services for small companies
Numbered How to….
Register with Companies House.
Information retrieved from Companies House / Speaking and listening skills used in the presentation.
Research using the internet to find products and services useful to a company.
Written language skills used in writing a short report.
Calculation of how to fine the best banking deal.
Research using the internet to find company information (Companies House)
4 / AO1
Understand the logistics of setting up a business in the games industry / Setting up a business 2
(Practical set up activities for all businesses) / Setting up a business: What should be in place the first day of trading?
Teacher exposition/presentation
Develop an understanding that although these activities and documents are a necessity from trading day 1 there are dire consequences for organisations that either forget or neglect to put them in place. Explain the following:
·  HR processes and requirements
·  trade bodies and other industry associations
·  health and safety requirements
·  the role of a lawyer
·  insurance types & coverage
·  preparing a place to work (setting up an office)
Learner activity: Budget an Office
In this activity have learners budget for a small office for a single person start up working out of their home. Using a spare room or attic as a launch pad, learners need to work to a budget of £6000 to completely kit out an office for a year.
·  Furniture
·  Hardware (PC, Scanner, Printer, internet connection)
·  Software (OS, office applications, game engines, art software (include free software and conditions of licence)
·  Printing (including printing costs)
·  Heating & Electricity
·  Stationary & Office materials
·  Phone & connection
·  Website costs
·  Specialist Hardware, (iOs, android, mobile devices and tablets, graphics tablets, consoles, game controllers)
·  Business stationary (including Letterheads, Invoice & business cards)
Learners should be tasked with researching the HR recruitment, Health and Safety, Diversity and Inclusion and insurance coverage of the institution that they are studying at. This will be a matter of public record. While they are not being asked to read the policies in full they should author a comprehensive document detailing where to find these documents. (E.g. a local college or school intranet). / Q&A, Group discussion on setup activities
Spreadsheet of budgeted items
List of school/college policy resources / Speaking and listening skills used in the presentation.
Budgeting calculations and use of spreadsheets
Research using the internet to cost items for office
Research using the local school/college intranet to find public documents
5 / AO1
Understand the logistics of setting up a business in the games industry / Business finance / Now for the important stuff, how to look after money.
Teacher exposition/presentation
Without focusing too much on the nuts and bolts of financial practice, introduce the key processes and tools used to ensure that a business remains operational.
Ensure an understanding of:
·  cash flow
·  payroll
·  VAT
·  invoicing
·  credit control
·  management accounts (P&L and balance sheets)
·  books and bookkeepers
·  accountants (what they do, what to look for)
·  financial accounts
·  expenses.
Detail the calculations and spreadsheets associated with:
·  cash flow
·  net/gross profit
·  Management accounts (Profit/Loss & balance sheet)
Learner Activity: Basic Financial Calculations
Provide worksheets and case studies to work through that provide and introduction, insight and revision for basic business financial formula & calculations. Be sure to include basic spreadsheet activities.
Homework Activity
Complete worksheets and/or provide advanced homework worksheets for financial calculations and spreadsheet use.
For those learners having researched the management accounts of a games development studio in Lecture 3, write a breakdown of those accounts and articulate how the accounts supports the directors statement of business. / Q&A, Group discussion on financial practice and calculations
Worksheets on basic financial practise (calculation and spreadsheet examples)
Written interpretation of company accounts / Speaking and listening skills used in the presentation.
Financial formula, calculations and spreadsheets
Financial formula, calculations and spreadsheets
Research using management accounts the health of a real life business.
Autumn Half Term
6 / AO2
Understand how to develop a business plan for a game development studio / Writing a business plan 1 (Sections of the plan) / Anatomy of a good business plan (BP)
(Introduce formative brief for the writing of a business plan to be workshopped at the end of the unit. Throughout this unit learners must build evidences and material for their own business plan).
Teacher exposition/presentation
Describe the main features of a successful business plan indicating to learners the importance of a well-researched, fully developed document.
·  vision statement
·  business objectives
·  market segments
·  channels to reach the market segments
·  value proposition/unique selling points (USPs)
·  key activities e.g. production
·  resources
·  key partners
·  costs
·  revenue streams
·  market/competitor analysis.
Learner Activity: Market Research
Have learners use a market research survey tool such as Survey Monkey or Microsoft Forms to generate market intelligence linked to an idea for mobile games development. Be sure to have learners use appropriate targeted and structured questions to drive design choices (e.g. ask for preferred type of game: platformer/match three/RTS etc. or preferred payment type: F2P, episodic, full payment). The analytics will be interpreted in week 9).
Learners should include revenue questions in their survey in order to provide a financial forecast for designing a game based on public preferred buying activity. (Again analytics should be interpreted in week 9). / Q&A, Group discussion on effective business plans
Peer review and use of survey.
Teacher review the acquisition of financial forecast data / Speaking and listening skills used in the presentation.
Market research activity
Numbers and market demographics should be used in order to write an effective market research survey
Written language skills should be used in order to interface with the public and ask appropriate research questions