NV Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (NGCDD)
March 3, 2016 Minutes
The Orleans Hotel and Casino, Salon K
4500 Tropicana Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89103
Members Present: Chair, Jodi Thornley; Vice Chair, Stephen Schumacher; Deborah Aquino; Jacob Arant; Jennifer Casselman; Jennifer Frischmann; Jane Gruner; Shelley Hendren; Kathleen Kingston; Russell Lehmann; Jack Mayes; Brian Patchett; Renee Portnell; Robin Renshaw; and David Sorensen
Members Absent: Robbin Dunn; Ronald Futrell; Filiberto Ontiveros; and Steve Rock
Guests Present: Sheree Cassingham and Santa Perez, Self-Advocacy Network of Nevada; Tim Brown; and D.J. Mullis
NGCDD Staff Present: Sherry Manning, Executive Director; Kari Horn, Projects Manager; Jessica Banes, Executive Assistant
Meeting was called to order by Council Chair, Jodi Thornley at 9:05 AM.
Jessica Banes verified that the agenda for this meeting was posted to the appropriate locations on February 19, 2016; meeting the requirements set forth in Open Meeting Law.
Executive Director, Sherry Manning reviewed housekeeping instructions.
Council Member, Renee Portnell informed the Council of her daughter’s upcoming graduation from the University of Nevada Reno’s (UNR) Path to Independence. Ms. Portnell will be throwing a celebration in honor of her daughter and her daughter has requested the attendance of the NGCDD.
Council Member, Shelley Hendren informed the Council that there is an accessible version of the Unified State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation available. Ms. Hendren will forward the accessible Plan to the Council.
Santa Perez requested to have NGCDD documents translated to Spanish in order to better reach the Hispanic community. Executive Director, Sherry Manning informed Ms. Perez that the Council is actually already working toward translating documents to Spanish. Easter Seals of Nevada has graciously offered their services to translate some of our documents in the near future.
Executive Director, Sherry Manning informed the Council of a new email procedure for emails coming from Council Staff to Council Members. Important emails will be marked “Important” in the subject line; these are the emails that need to be read and responded to right away. Any emails that are of possible interest to you, but not necessarily something urgent, will be marked “FYI” in the subject line.
Ms. Manning also informed the Council that she will be sending an email to the Council Members requesting their race/ethnicity. This information is required by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) and the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD).
Council Member, Robin Renshaw voiced his pleasure with the Council and the work they are doing. Mr. Renshaw mentioned how great it is that the Council Members are all on the same page and in agreement on important issues.
Council Member, Jacob Arant, thanked the Council for having him and voiced his excitement for future interactions with the Council.
Council Vice-Chair, Stephen Schumacher prefaced with informing the Council of a mistake that was made on the December minutes in regards to the locations of the meeting. Executive Assistant, Jessica Banes will correct the minutes accordingly. A motion to approve the minutes from the December 3, 2015 meeting with the change to the location address from Vocational Rehabilitation to NDALC was offered by Renee Portnell and seconded by Deborah Aquino. Motion carried; with Jacob Arant, Kathleen Kingston, and Russell Lehmann abstaining.
Jodi Thornley, Council Chair and Executive Committee Chair discussed actions and recommendations from their January 19; January 28; and February 16, 2016 Executive Committee Meetings; making specific mention to areas of note.
Ms. Thornley also informed the Council of the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) Annual Conference that is taking place in Washington, D.C. on July 5 – 8, 2016. The Council Chair and Vice-Chair will be in attendance and there is a possibility that the invitation may be extended to other Council Members on an application basis. The applications will be submitted for review by the Council’s Executive Committee and they will make the decision on who will attend the conference.
The Executive Committee awarded Mini-Grants to the following during the second quarter of FFY 2016 (January – March):
· Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities (KGCPP) – $5,000.00
· United Cerebral Palsy of Nevada (UCPN) – $3,425.00
· JUSTin HOPE Foundation – $5,000.00
During the February 16, 2016 Executive Committee Meeting, the Committee discussed the possibility of moving $15,000 from the Council’s General Fund to the Consumer Leadership Development Fund (CLDF) in order to replenish $15,000 that was moved from CLDF to Mini-Grants. The Committee made the decision to table the discussion and bring it to the Council for approval or denial. Brian Patchett made a motion to accept the recommendations of the Executive Committee to move $15,000 to CLDF and Jennifer Casselman seconded the motion. Discussion was held among the Council Members and the motion was passed unanimously.
For more information on the activity of the Executive Committee, please see the meeting minutes and handouts from their January 19; January 28; and February 16, 2016 meetings, posted on the NGCDD website: www.nevadaddcouncil.org
NGCDD Projects Manager, Kari Horn reviewed the Grantee Monitoring Report for the 1st quarter of Federal Fiscal Year 2016 (October 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016), specifically discussing the areas of note in the report. Ms. Horn also gave a verbal report on the current status of NGCDD Grantees and Mini-Grantees.
Ms. Horn also informed the Council of all upcoming Partnering for Awareness and Community Education (PACE) Events throughout the State.
For more information, you can view the full Project Status Summary, as well as the list of PACE Events, in the handouts for this meeting on the NGCDD website: www.nevadaddcouncil.org
Evaluation Committee Chair, Filiberto Ontiveros was unable to attend this meeting; so, in his absence, Council Chair, Jodi Thornley facilitated this agenda item.
Ms. Thornley presented recommendations from the February 4, 2016 Evaluation Committee Meeting. An interactive discussion was held regarding recommendations for the Draft 2017 – 2021 Five-Year State Plan. This item was placed on the agenda for final approval or denial of the full Council. Jennifer Casselman made a motion to approve the 2017 – 2021 Five-Year State Plan with the recommended change from DD to I/DD. David Sorensen seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. With the final passage of the 2017 – 2021 Five-Year State Plan, Executive Director, Sherry Manning updated the Council on the process of putting the Plan in place. Ms. Manning thanked the Council Members for their work on the Plan; as well as Jack Mayes of the Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center (NDALC) and Steve Rock of Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities (NCED) for their collaboration on the Partnership goals and objectives.
For more information on the activity of the Evaluation Committee, please see the meeting minutes and handouts from their February 4, 2016 meetings. All materials, including the Draft 2017 – 2021 Five-Year State Plan, can be found on the NGCDD website: www.nevadaddcouncil.org
Budget Committee Chair, Robbin Dunn was unable to attend this meeting; so, in her absence, Executive Director, Sherry Manning facilitated this agenda item.
Ms. Manning presented information discussed at the February 3, 2016 Budget Committee meeting. Ms. Manning also presented the budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2016 and Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2015 and 2016 Obligations and Liquidations.
Brian Patchett made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Jennifer Frischmann seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
For more information on the NGCDD budget, please see the Budget Committee meeting minutes and handouts from their February 3, 2016 meeting; posted on the NGCDD website: www.nevadaddcouncil.org
Jack Mayes gave an update of the Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center (NDALC):
· NDALC is working on educating and training self-advocates, as well as advocacy groups, on voting rights. During this training, many self-advocates were able to practice on a voting machine.
· NDALC received a Benefit Planning Grant that is going well.
· Mr. Mayes discussed the State ADA complaint process.
· NDALC received a $20,000 increase to their budget so they are actively looking for projects to fund.
Executive Director, Sherry Manning briefly reviewed the Director’s Summary.
To view the Director’s Summary, visit the NGCDD website: www.nevadaddcouncil.org
The next NGCDD meeting is to be determined. Council Staff will be in contact with the Council Members to set a date that works for everyone.
Council Member, Brian Patchett gave an update on legislative activities regarding the Commission on Services for Persons with Disabilities (CSPD). All of the meetings for CSPD are open to the public. Council Staff will send out the notices for the CSPD meetings so that any Council Members who may be interested in attending will be aware of the dates, locations, and times.
Council Member, Jack Mayes informed the Council that there will be an email coming soon relating to the Independent Living Council; as they will be holding town hall meetings on their strategic plan and project funding.
Council Vice-Chair, Stephen Schumacher congratulated all new Council Members (Kathleen Kingston, Russell Lehmann, and Jacob Arant) on their appointment to the Council. Mr. Schumacher also thanked them for participating on the Council, and he gave an open invitation for the new Members to feel free to ask questions.
Executive Director, Sherry Manning informed the Council that Council Staff has attended a media training and they will be working on doing some video trainings for the Council Members.
Meeting adjourned at 11:42 AM.
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