Integrow Student Information System

Last Update: 8/1/2000 SIS Admissions User’s Guide

Table of contents

Understanding Terms in Integrow 2

Understanding the Student’s Master Record 2

Adding a Potential Student as a Prospect 3

Following Up on the Prospect 6

Admitting a New Credit Student 7

Creating a New Credit Application 7

Checking To See If A Student Has a Master Record In Integrow 8

Adding a New Credit Application 10

Basis of Admission and Enrollment Codes 18

Special Designators 21

Modifying a Credit Application for a Non-Credit Student 22

Modifying a Credit Application for a Prospect Student 23

Readmitting a Credit Student 24

“Short Cuts” for the Credit Application Screen 25

Working with Multiple Applications 25

Locating a Student by Name from the Application Screen 25

Logging A Transcript Request 27

Entering Placement Test Scores 29

Adding Placement Scores to Integrow 30

Interpreting the Student Test Screen 35

Understanding Terms in Integrow

Student applications in Integrow require that a term of admission be entered on the application. A term in Integrow is identified by a four digit academic year and a one digit term number. The academic year changes at the fall semester, for example, fall of calendar year 2000 is the beginning of academic year 2001. The term is indicated as 1 (Fall), 2 (Spring), or 3 (Summer).

Some examples of terms in Integrow

Calendar Term and Year / Integrow Term
Spring 2000 / 20002
Summer 2000 / 20003
Fall 2000 / 20011
Spring 2001 / 20012
Summer 2001 / 20013
Understanding the Student’s Master Record

The student’s Master record contains information necessary to identify a student to the Integrow system, such as

·  A unique student ID number (MCCC uses the SSN for this whenever possible)

·  Name information

·  Demographics, such as address, birth date, gender and race

·  Their intended course of study, called a program objective

If a student is not on the master file, a master record may be created by adding the student as either a prospect for application, or as an applicant.

Adding a Potential Student as a Prospect

If an individual is interested in receiving information about the college, but is not yet ready to apply for admission, you may add a master record for the person through the prospect screen. This screen also allows you to log in the types of material that a prospect has requested, such as a catalog or an application, along with information on how the prospect heard about or became interested in the college.

The prospect screen can also be used to create a master record for a potential student who has taken placement tests but has not yet completed an application. The test scores cannot be recorded in Integrow unless you first create a master record for the student.

Step 1: Access the Maintain Prospects Screen.

From the Student Main Menu:



Step 2: Clear an old record if necessary.

If another prospect’s information is displayed on the screen, type a C (for Clear) into the Action field and press enter. All fields should be empty now, except the Student-ID field.

Step 3: Enter an A (Add) into the Action field at the top of the screen, type in the prospect’s ID and complete the information on the first screen.

As you complete each field, use the TAB key to advance to the next field.

Some Notes on Particular Fields from the First Panel of the Prospect Screen:

Field Name / Notes / How to Complete this Field /
State/Zip/Ctry / For US postal codes, you need only enter a zip code, the city, state and country will be filled in automatically when you add the prospect. / Type the zip code into the zip code portion of the field. Press the tab key to advance to the next field.
CD / This field is used to indicate the type of contact that was made with the student. A list of codes that may be used is provided through a browse screen. / Press the PF1 (ALT+1) key to display a browse list of codes. Place the cursor on the line where the code that you want to use is displayed. Press the enter key to select the code.
Source / This field is used to enter a code that indicates the institution, if any, that the student was contacted through. A list of high school and post-secondary institution codes is provided through a browse screen.. / Press the PF1 (ALT+1) key to display a browse list of institutions. In the Inst Ty field at the bottom of the screen, type either H for High Schools or P for Post Secondary. The cursor will advance to the Inst Num field. Type in the name of the institution and press enter to locate the institution code. Place the cursor on the line where the correct institution code is displayed and press the enter key.

A Sample Completed Prospect Screen – First Panel

STA005P1 ***** Student Information System ***** STA005M1

Jul 16,99 - Maintain Prospects - 1 more >

Stdnt Type= CC.. X VOC. HS.. NC.. PROS

*Action (A,B,C,D,M,N,P) A_ Student-ID..: 999-99-3990 Stdnt-ID Type.: _

Last-Name...... : STUDENT______

First...... : SAMPLE______

Middle...... : Q______

1__ of 3 Local

Street...... : 123 ANY STREET______

City...... : BARNEGAT______First

*State/Zip/Ctry.: NJ * 08005____ * US 1__ of Contact

*CD *Source Date

Home-Phone.....: (609) 555-1212______

Work-Phone.....: (609) 555-1212 X234______

Fax-Number.....: ______

Comments Exist...: N



Direct Command: ______


help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd CMNTS left right main

Step 4: When all of the fields on the first screen have been completed, press the PF10 (ALT+0) key to move to the second screen. Complete the fields on the second screen as needed.

Step 5: Press the enter key to add the student to the system. The message “PROSPECT ADDED SUCCESSFULLY” will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Some Notes on Particular Fields from the Second Panel of the Prospect Screen:

Field Name / Notes / How to Complete this Field /
Materials Requested
Mtrl Cd / This is a code used to indicate what materials a prospective student has requested, for example, a college catalog. A browse list of material codes is provided. / Press the PF1 (ALT + 1) key to display a list of materials codes. Place the cursor on the line where the codes that you want to use is displayed. Press the enter key to select the code.
Date Rqstd / This date field is used to record when the materials were requested.. / Type in the appropriate date.

A Completed Sample Prospects Screen – Second Panel

STA005P1 ***** Student Information System ***** STA005M2

< 1 more - Maintain Prospects - 10:15 AM

*Action (A,B,C,D,M,N,P) __ Student-ID..: 999-99-9990 Stdnt-ID Type.:


Materials Requested

Mtrl Date Date Follow-up

*Cd Rqstd Sent Date *Mthd

1 CC 07/10/00 07/11/00 1 ______

2 FA 07/10/00 07/11/00 2 ______

3 ______3 ______

4 ______4 ______

5 ______5 ______

6 ______6 ______

7 ______7 ______

8 ______8 ______

9 ______9 ______

10 ______10 ______

Direct Command: ______


help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd CMNTS left right main

8061 - Scrolling performed.

Following Up on the Prospect

After a prospective student has been entered into Integrow, you may wish to follow up on the prospect with a second contact. You may enter a follow-up date and the method that was used for the follow-up by adding this information to the existing prospect screen.

Step 1: Access the Maintain Prospects Screen.

From the Student Main Menu:



Step 2: Clear an old record if necessary.

If another prospect’s information is displayed on the screen, type a “C” (for Clear) into the Action field and press enter. All fields should be empty now, except the Student-ID field.

Step 3: Display the prospect’s record.

Enter a D (Display) into the Action field at the top of the screen, type in the prospect’s ID and press the enter key to display the prospect’s record.

Step 4 Modify the record to add the follow-up information.

Enter a M (Modify) into the Action field at the top of the screen.

Press the PF11 (ALT + -) key to advance to the second panel of the Prospect screen.

Complete the follow up Date and Mthd fields.

Field Name / Notes / How to Complete this Field /
Follow-up Date / The date the follow-up contact was made. / Type in the date of the contact.
Follow-up Mthd / This is a code used to indicate how a follow-up was done after the materials were sent to the student. A browse list of codes is provided. / Press the PF1 (ALT + 1) key to display a list of materials codes. Place the cursor on the line where the codes that you want to use is displayed. Press the enter key to select the code.
Admitting a New Credit Student

If a student wishes to be admitted and is not on the master file, they must be added through the application process in Integrow. The process requires different information, depending on whether the student is registering as a credit student or a non-credit student. Integrow provides three applications, College Credit, Short College Credit, and Non-Credit. Note that MCCC does not use the Short College Credit Application. A credit student must complete a paper application prior to being admitted.

If for some reason the student is already on file, (for example, the student was entered as a prospect and is now applying for admission) the screen will display the information currently on file for them. You need only complete fields that are missing or fields that have changed since the original application was entered. If it is a student who was previously enrolled as a non-credit student, additional information will be needed for a credit application. If the student was previously admitted as a credit student, but has not taken any classes for one academic year, you must readmit the student by adding a readmit term and modifying the student’s program objective as needed. Follow the instructions under “Modifying a College Credit Application” or “Readmitting a Credit Student”.

Creating a New Credit Application

Be sure the student has given you a completed paper application form with the required information.

When adding a credit application to the Integrow System for a student you may encounter various situations:

  1. The student is not in the system
  1. The student is already in the system because they have attended MCCC as a non-credit student
  1. The student is already in the system because they have previously been entered into Integrow as a prospect
  1. The student is already in the system because they attended MCCC as a credit student sometime in the past, but they have not taken any classes for at least one academic year.

Each of these situations requires a different approach to completing a valid credit application for the student. The first step is to determine whether or not the student has a master record in the system.

Checking To See If A Student Has a Master Record In Integrow

Step 1: Access the College Credit Application

From the Student Main Menu:




The College Credit Application consists of three panels, arranged left to right.

Valid actions for the application screen are

A To add a student who is not currently on file

B To browse a list of students who are on file for the purpose of selecting an application

C To clear a currently displayed application from the screen

D To display the application of a student who is on file (you must type in the student id for this action)

M To modify an application’s contents. This can be used to add additional information for a non-credit student who wants to apply for a credit program, or for a former student who is reapplying after having been inactive

N To display the next record on file. Records are displayed in student id order.

P To purge an application. Only those authorized to do so may use this function.

Step 2: Type a D ( for Display) into the action code field. Type the student’s Student ID into the Student Id field. Press the enter key.

Step 3: Observe the screen. You will discover one of the following situations:

  1. No information for the student is displayed. A message appears at the bottom of the screen “Student Not Found”. If this has occurred, the student is not in the system . You must add the application as described in the section titled “Adding a New Credit Application” below.
  2. Application information for the student is displayed. The student is either in the system as an existing credit student, a non-credit student, or as a prospect. You can determine which is the case by observing the Stdnt-Type check fields at the top of the application screen. (See shaded area on following screen sample).

Sample Credit Application Screen

STA014P1 ***** Student Information System ***** STA014M1