Syndrome Symptom Comparison

Jaundice – Yang Types

Damp Heat + Exterior Attack / Heat Predominant
(heat > damp) / Damp Predominant
(damp > heat) / Gallbladder Heat Accumulation / Acute Yang Jaundice
Color: / Color:
Bright, fresh yellow / Color:
Less bright than heat predominant / Color: / Jaundice:
Deep yellow color
Occurs after external pathogenic attack / Nature:
Very quick development / Nature: / Nature: / Jaundice:
Acute, sudden onset, spread rapid
Headaches, body aches
(plus other flu sx below) / Pain:
Hypochondriac / Pain: / Pain:
Rt side hypo pain radiating to rt shoulder / Pain:
Flu like sx with chills/fever
Leads to internal heat/damp
Heavy sensations / Other:
Fever, restlessness / Other:
Possible lingering low fever
Heavy sensation
Foggy head
Sleepiness, listlessness / Other:
Alt chills/fvr
Hx of inflam, infec or GB stones w/ acute attack / Other:
High fever
Subcutaneous bleeding
Delirium, loss of consc, hepatic coma
With no desire to drink / Thirst:
Yup, thirst / Thirst:
With no desire to drink / Thirst:
Strong thirst
No appetite, possible nausea / Digestive:
Nausea / Digestive:
Poor app, n/v, dislike greasy food
Stickiness in mouth / Digestive:
Bitter taste, dry mouth/throat / Digestive:
Urine: dark / Urine: scanty dark yellow / Urine: Dark odorous / Urine: dark yellow / Urine: scanty
Stool: constipation / Stool: sticky or loose and smelly / Stool: constipation / Stool: constipation
T: red + thin sticky coat / T: thk greasy ct, slightly red / T: red + yellow coat / T: dark red with dry coat
P: soggy or floating.
may be rapid. / P: slippery or soggy, slt rapid / P: wiry, slippery, rapid / P: rapid, wiry, slippery
Ma Huang Lian Qiao Chi Xiao Dou Tang
+ Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan / Yin Chen Hao Tang / Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
+Yin Chen Si Ling San / Da Chai Hu Tang / Qian Jin Xi Jiao San

Jaundice – Yin Types

Damp Cold / Sp/St Xu / Sp/St Xu +
St Dishrx, Damp and Pain / Sp/St Xu +
Severe Yang Xu Cold
Dull, dark, smoky yellow / Color:
Withered yellow. Mild or minimal jaundice coloration / Same as previous, more damp and pain signs. / Same as previous, more deficient cold signs.
Chronic / Nature:
Long term, chronic
Pain: / Pain:
Hx of chronic hep or cholecystitis
Dull affect, tired, lassitude / Other:
Common in Hep C 10-20 y post initial infection.
Severe end stage may have ascites, pleurisy, portal HTN, esophageal varices.
Thirst: No thirst / Thirst:
Low appetite, ab distention, gas, / Digestive:
Poor appetite, ab bloating and gas
Urine: smelly, cloudy / Urine:
Stool: loose / Stool: loose
T: pale, swollen / T: pale + thin coating
P: deep+slippery or soggy+slow / P: weak
Yin Chen Zhu Fu Tang / Yin Chen Hao Tang / Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang / Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan

Hypochondriac Pain

Liver Qi Stagnation / Blood Stasis / Damp Heat Accum / Damp Heat Accum
+ Jaundice / Liver Yin Xu
Hypo, chest, upper back
Distending, dull, not fixed / Pain:
Fixed, localized / Pain:
Hypochondria / Same as previous, but with jaundice signs. See Jaundice section above. / Pain:
Dull aching
Worse: stress, emo imbalance
Better: sighing / Worse: in afternoon and night / Worse: on right / Worse: in afternoon, evening, after drinking or activity
Anger, irritability, depression
Hx of stress, emo imbalance / Possible stress + Lv qi yu / Restlessness, irritability
Long hx of one or more of these:
1)  stress + Lv qi yu
2)  external trauma
3)  herpes zoster/shingles
4)  post surgical pain / Other:
Chest tightness
May have dx of Lv/Gb infection, jaundice, cholelithiasis / Other:
Hx of one or more of following:
1)  Inflamed liver
2)  Chronic hepatitis
3)  Cancer
4)  Post surgical
5)  Elderly
Dryness of mouth/throat
Belching, acid reflux, bitter taste, abdominal fullness / Digestive:
Poor appetite, aver to greasy food, bitter taste, n or v, sluggish digestion
Urine: dark yellow
T: pale red + thin white coat / T: purplish or purple spots / T: maybe red + thick y greasy ct / T: red + scanty/peeled coat
P: wiry / P: deep + wiry or rough / P: rapid + wiry or slippery / P: thready, wiry
Chai Hu Shu Gan San / 1)  Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
2)  Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang
more for trauma / Long Dan Xie Gan Tang / Yin Chen Hao Tang / Yi Guan Jian

Edema – Yang Types

Wind-Water Overflow / Damp Heat Toxin / Flooding Water Damp / Accumulation of Damp Heat
Acute + abrupt onset in face/eyelids (yang areas) spreading to whole body (yin) / Edema:
Acute, localized swelling w/ boils, carbuncles, furuncles
Heat, redness, swelling of skin / Edema:
Fx all 3 burners
Yang qi is blocked / Edema:
Fx all 3 burners + extrems
Aversion to cold + fever, sore joints and extremities, sore throat / Possible fever, chills, body rash / Fever
Shiny skin that is hot to the touch
More commonly treated with modern medicine since often = acute nephritis / May have skin disease, lymphatic inflammation, DVT, kidney infection. / Dampness is lingering, develops and resolves slowly. This is int damp + exterior cause (not readily evident). Often w/ CHF. / May include chron nephritis w/ acute episodes, bac infec, autoimmune disorders.
Tiredness, heaviness, weight gain, chest tightness/oppression / Chest, epi, ab oppression. Chest tightness.
Possible with above heat signs. / Thirst
Poor appetite, nausea / Digestion:
Urine: urinary difficulty / Urine: reduced, dark yellow
Stool: / Stool: loose / Stool: constipation
T: red + thin w. coat / T: red + thck greasy yellow coat / T: pale red or pale + wht coat / T: thick yellow greasy coat
P: floating, cd be slippery, may be tight/rapid.
Could feel deep if severe edema / P: rapid, slippery, sometimes soggy / P: deep, slow – mod or thready or soggy / P: rapid, slippery or soggy
Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang / Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
(for toxins)
+ Ma Huang Lian Qiao
Chi Xiao Dou Tang
(releases exterior)
Remove ma huang if no cof/whz / Wu Pi Yin
+ Wei Ling Tang / Shu Zao Yin Zi
Can remove qiang huo and
qin jiao if no joint sx

Edema – Yin Types

Spleen Yang Xu / Kidney Yang Xu
More pronounced below waist
Pitting / Edema:
More pronounced below waist
Aversion to cold or sense of coldness / General coldness or coldness of extremities
Desire for warm food/drink
Weakness or aching coldness of low back/knees.
SOB, palps
Tiredness, fatigue
Sallow complexion / Tiredness/lassitude
Dull gray complexion
Heavy sensations
Reduced appetite, epi/ab distention/fullness
May have CHF
Urine: scanty / Urine: low output
Stool: diarrhea
T: pale, poss swollen, thick white coat / T: pale, swollen + white coat
P: deep, slow, pass soggy or weak / P: deep, weak, thready and/or slow
Shi Pi Yin
Remove fu zi if Ki disease / Zhen Wu Tang
+ Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan
Remove fu zi if Ki disease
Use only short time regardless

Lin Syndromes

Heat/Re Lin / Stone/Shi Lin / Qi Lin – Excess / Qi Lin - Xu
dk yellow, scanty
burning, sharp
Urgent, frequent, feels incomplete / Color:
Burning, severe colicky/cramping
Cd have blood/minute gravel in urine / Color:
Worse with stress/emo imbalance / Color:
Weak flow, interrupted, dribbling
Other pain/discomfort:
Lower ab cramping discomfort
Low back pain possible / Other pain/discomfort:
Unilateral low back pain poss, descending into lower abdomen / Other pain/discomfort:
Distention of hypochondria
Lower abdominal fullness
Chest oppression / Other pain/discomfort:
Lower ab distention
Aching lumbar
Fever possible / Fever possible
Digestion: nausea / Digestion: nausea
Stool: constipation
Urine test often + for bacteria / May have blood/minute gravel in urine, may show stones in UT with Xray/ultrasound / May relate to prostate enlargement / Qi sinking and deficient, clear yang cannot ascend. May have organ prolapse as well.
T: red + yellow coat / T: red + yellow coat / T: cd be unremarkable / T: pale
P: rapid, slippery, wiry / P: slightly rapid, wiry, slippery / P: wiry / P: weak
Ba Zheng San / Shi Wei San
Large dose for 2 days / Chen Xiang San / Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Lin Syndromes (cont’d)

Bloody/Xue Lin – Excess / Bloody/Xue Lin - Xu / Turbid/Gao Lin – Excess / Kidney Xu – Xu Gao Lin / Repeated/Lao Lin Attacks
Fresh red blood in dark urine
Poss sharp burning pain
on discharge
Scanty, frequent, hot / Color:
Blood tinged, light red
Chronic, scanty / Color:
Milky/cloudy, poss bld tinge
Urethral pain, poss burning
Smelly, urgent / Color:
Mild urethral pain
Chronic, weak flow, prolonged
with dribbling / Color:
Dark when acute
Dysuria when acute
Frequent DH UTI’s, in remission is still freq, urgent, with occasional strain.
Phy overexert + tired/fatigue à infections
Excess intake of vitamins/fluid will irritate bladder
Heat sx:
Restless, irritable / Yin xu sx:
Insomnia, malar flush, night fever, night sweat, lumbar/knee weakness, low energy / Ki xu sx:
Lumbar/knee weakness, fatigue, possible dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus / Other xu sx:
Tends 2 have reduced immunity/wei qi, weaker constitution
Tiredness, fatigue
Weak lumbar/knees
Stool: constipation
May have Ki damage, UTI, urinary stones / Proteins often show in urinalysis
T: red + yellowing coat / T: small, red + scanty coat / T: red + yellow greasy coat / T: moist or slimy coat / T: pale
P: rapid, forceful, slippery / P: thin, rapid / P: slippery, rapid / P: weak / P: weak
Xiao Ji Yin Zi / Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan / Cheng Shi Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin / Gao Lin Tang / Wu Bi Shan Yao Wan
Use when there is no infection. Switch to drain DH herbs when there is.

Seminal Emission

Disharmony of Ht/Ki / Damp Heat / Ht/Sp Deficiency
Nocturnal emissions / Frequent seminal emissions, esp ages 30-50
Poss dribbling of fluid
Poss discomfort after emission / Seminal emissions after overwork, over think, over study
Xu heat sx:
Insomnia, DDS, restlessness worse at night, anxiety, agitation, irritability, night sweats, scanty urine
Heart sx:
Palpitations, poor memory
Ki sx:
Weak/ache of lumbar and knees, dizziness / Damp sx:
Distention sensation in lower ab
Thirst w/o desire to drink
Nausea / Heart sx:
Palpitations, poor memory, poor sleep
Spleen sx:
Sallow complexion
Loss of appetite
Loose stools
Low libido
Urine: scanty / Urine:
Dark yellow, smelly. Cd contain prostatic or seminal fluid
May be diff/incomplete
Dribbling of urine/fluid
Possible discomfort after urination /emiss
Stool: sticky, smelly / Stool: loose
Common dx may be neurasthenia / Possible hx of prostate enlargement or prostatitis (infec or inflame)
Possible positive for Chlamydia, staph, E. coli, etc.
T: red or red tipped + scanty coat / T: red + yellow coat / T: pale + white coat
P: thready and rapid / P: slippery, rapid / P: weak
Huang Lian Qing Xin Yin
+ San Cai Feng Sui Dan / Chen Shi Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin / Miao Xiang San

Seminal Emission

Ki Xu Unable to Consolidate / Ki Xu Unable to Consolidate
+ Yin Xu / Ki Xu Unable to Consolidate
+ Yang Xu
Chronic seminal emissions / Same, with more yin xu signs / Same, with more yang xu signs
Kidney xu sx:
Premature ejaculation
Infertility – low sperm count or low motility
Weakness/aching of lumbar/knees
Cold extremities
Tinnitus or poor hearing
Poor memory
T: pale + white coating
P: weak, thready
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan / Zou Gui Wan / You Gui Wan


Kidney Yang Xu / Heart (bld) /Spleen (qi) Xu / Ki Qi Xu + shock/fright/ptsd / Liver Qi Stagnation / Damp Heat
Partial or complete impotence
Reduced emissions
May = clr ejac/spon dischg
Low libido / Partial or complete impotence
30-50yo group
Low libido / Impotence / Impotence
Low/no libido / Partial or complete impotence
Low sperm motility
Strong libido
Ki yang xu sx:
Freq noc urin – lots
Aver to cold
Cold limbs / Ht xu sx:
Pale face
Low energy/tired/fatigue
Poor sleep
Poor concentration/memory / Weak mental constitution
Poor sleep, easy disturbed
Low energy/very tired / Liver Qi sx:
Hx long term stress
Depression/no motivation / DH in LV channel sx:
Damp, itchy, smelly scrotum
Ki Qi xu sx:
Weak ache of lumbar/knees / Sp qi xu sx:
Poor appetite
Loose stool / Lv à Spleen sx:
Loose stool
Poor appetite / Other DH sx:
Heavy body/extreme
Bitter taste
Dk yellow urine
Smelly stool
May be genetic, can have low thyroid (cold sx) or adrenal insuff (tired sx) / Stress, overwork, overthink, excessive computer use, low exercise, office worker / Hx of shock, fright, long term fear, trauma, war, PTSD, etc. / Hx poor intimate relationships / Hx of drink/smoke/eat greasy foods
T: pale + white coat / T: pale / T: pale / T: pale / T: red + greasy yellow coat
P: deep weak thready / P: weak / P: weak, thready / P: wiry / P: slippery, soggy, can be wiry, choppy
You Gui Wan
+ Zan Yu Dan / Gui Pi Tang / Da Bu Yuan Jian / Xiao Yao San / Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
