Emmaus High School 2015-2016

Mr. Anthony Room 417 Email:

Website: http://www.eastpennsd.org/teacherpages/anthoedw/

Syllabus for College Prep 2 Physics

Textbook: Holt Physics by Serway and Faughn

Topics: Light, Optics, Reflection & Refraction, Electricity & Magnetism, Induction, Heat, Solids & Fluids, and Modern Physics.


Grading will include tests, classwork, quizzes, homework, labs, special projects, and class participation.


Lab group will be no more than 4 students, with each member responsible for their own original write-up unless instructed otherwise. Each lab group will write formal laboratory reports as assigned. Your lab grade will also consider clean-up of lab equipment and SAFETY! Special projects will be assigned which must be completed outside of class time and may require some materials.

Homework Problems

The homework problems typically will not be collected, however I still reserve the right to collect homework at any time. Completion of homework problems is required for success--problems will assist you when taking tests and quizzes. You are responsible for checking and asking questions on any problems which you do not understand. A list of all text problems for the year will be provided as well as answers. A scientific calculator is required.


Tests will often require two periods, and may be split into multiple choice questions and mathematical problems. If you are absent the day of a test, you will take it the day you return. Extended absences must schedule a make-up upon return. All make-ups are the responsibility of the student.

Grading Procedures

Your grade will be calculated by dividing the points you have earned by the total possible points. Assignments turned in late will have the grade reduced for each day late. Assignments are due the day instructed even if you have another school function scheduled which results in missing class on the due date. Mathematical problems require showing all work and units for full credit.

Extra Credit

Occasionally extra credit may be available if you have a passing grade!

Keys to Success:

1) TRY—you can do Physics! If you put the effort in, you will succeed—do the work.

2) Be prepared—bring your materials to class every day, on time.

3) Ask questions! There is not a bad question—I am here to help you learn.

4) RESPECT! Respect yourself, your classmates, and me. Disruptions will NOT be allowed.

5) Make up missked work quickly.

6) Follow all school rules.

Need Help? Try websites like physicsclassroom.com!