NO. 122Page 1

NO. 122. AN act making appropriations for the support of government.


It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:


(a) This bill may be referred to as the BIG BILL - Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriations Act.


(a) The purpose of this act is to provide appropriations for the operations of state government during fiscal year 2005. It is the express intent of the legislature that activities of the various agencies, departments, divisions, boards, and commissions be limited to those which can be supported by funds appropriated in this act or other acts passed prior to June 30, 2004. Agency and department heads are directed to implement staffing and service levels at the beginning of fiscal year 2005 so as to meet this condition unless otherwise directed by specific language in this act.


(a) The sums herein stated are appropriated for the purposes specified in the following sections of this act. When no time is expressly stated during which any of the appropriations are to continue, the appropriations are declared to be single-year appropriations and only for the purpose indicated. These appropriations shall be the only appropriations available notwithstanding any other acts or laws. If in this act there is an error in either addition or subtraction, the totals shall be adjusted accordingly. Apparent errors in referring to section numbers of statutory titles within this act may be disregarded by the commissioner of finance and management.

(b) Unless codified or otherwise specified, all narrative portions of this act apply only to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005.


(a) The sums appropriated in this act, unless otherwise designated, shall be available only during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005. The balance of any appropriations made in this act remaining unexpended and unencumbered at the end of the fiscal year shall revert to the appropriate fund balance unless otherwise specified in this act. Refunds of expenditures and reimbursements, except liability insurance premiums which have been paid from the appropriations of a prior year, shall be credited to the appropriate fund and not to appropriation accounts in the current fiscal year, unless those refunds or reimbursements were previously paid from federal grants-in-aid or from appropriations whose unexpended balances are reappropriated by law. Refunds of liability insurance premiums paid in prior fiscal years are hereby available to reduce subsequent liability insurance premiums. Nothing contained in this act shall limit the time within which an appropriation to be raised by the issue of bonds may be expended.


(a) For the purposes of this act:

(1) “Encumbrances” means a portion of an appropriation reserved for the subsequent payment of existing purchase orders or contracts. The commissioner of finance and management shall make final decisions on the appropriateness of encumbrances.

(2) “Grants” means subsidies, aid, or payments to local governments, to community and quasi-public agencies for providing local services, and to persons who are not wards of the state for services or supplies and cash or other direct assistance, including pension contributions.

(3) “Operating expenses” means supplies - food, medical, clothing, educational, fuel, highway materials and similar items; contractual services - postage, telephone, travel expenses, light, heat and power, rentals, insurance and other similar items; equipment articles of substantial value which have a long period of usefulness - desks, computers, typewriters, furniture, motor vehicles and similar items; and expenditures for the purchase of land, construction of new buildings and permanent improvements, highway construction and similar items.

(4) “Personal services” means wages and salaries, consulting services, personnel benefits, personal injury benefits under 21 V.S.A. § 636, and similar items.


(a) The appropriations made in this act are made for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005 except as provided in this act and are to be paid from funds shown as the source of funds.

Sec. 7. Secretary of administration - secretary’s office

Personal services385,524

Operating expenses58,878


Source of Funds

General fund381,798

Transportation fund49,704

Interdepartmental transfer12,900


Sec. 8. Information and innovation

Personal services3,747,066

Operating expenses811,915


Source of Funds

Internal service funds4,558,981

(a) The secretary of administration shall develop a process whereby the department of information and innovation shall be consulted and shall issue a written recommendation prior to any agency or department in the executive branch of state government’s action to: (1) expend or contract for the expenditure of an amount that is greater than an amount determined by the secretary of administration for information systems technology; or (2) hire additional information technology staff. Said recommendation shall be retained by the agency or department.

Sec. 9. Finance and management - financial operations

Personal services2,033,673

Operating expenses1,135,021


Source of Funds

Internal service funds3,168,694

(a) Pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 307(e), financial management fund charges of $3,980,857.00 are hereby approved. Of this amount, $767,163.00 will be used to support the HRMS system that is operated by the department of personnel.

Sec. 10. 32 V.S.A. § 307(e) is amended to read:

(e) The budget shall also include any proposed charges to be billed to departmental budgets for payment to the financial management, workers’ compensation, and facilities operations internal service funds where the total of such charges exceeds $1,000,000.00. The rates of any such. Such charges shall be subject to legislative approval. The departments of finance and management and buildings and general services shall include with their annual budget submissions details of any such charges to be made projected by department and the financial case for the proposed changes in charges for the three internal services funds.

Sec. 11. Finance and management - budget and management

Personal services870,222

Operating expenses101,766


Source of Funds

General fund772,314

Transportation fund110,428

Interdepartmental transfer89,246


(a) Notwithstanding 32 V.S.A § 588, the commissioner of finance and management is encouraged to minimize the number of special funds that are created in the statewide accounting system each fiscal year, to eliminate any redundancies with currently established special funds and to the extent possible, consolidate overlapping funds.

(b) The commissioner shall submit a report to the joint fiscal committee by December 1, 2004 on actions taken that do not require legislative approval and shall also include in the report recommendations to the general assembly for statutory amendments to simplify fund administration.

Sec. 12. Personnel - operations

Personal services1,489,050

Operating expenses296,200


Source of Funds

General fund1,113,729

Transportation fund342,921

Interdepartmental transfer328,600


(a) The department of personnel shall include in its annual report historical information on position reclassifications throughout state government and shall submit with its fiscal year 2006 budget proposal a recommendation for creating a structured, predictable approach to dealing with the reclassification issue.

Sec. 13. Personnel - HR workforce planning & employment services

Personal services754,361

Operating expenses302,850


Source of Funds

General fund634,000

Transportation fund200,211

Special funds223,000


Sec. 14. Personnel - employee benefits & wellness

Personal services1,329,731

Operating expenses237,870


Source of Funds

Internal service funds1,567,601

Sec. 15. Personnel - information technology

Personal services486,683

Operating expenses280,480


Source of Funds

Internal service funds767,163

Sec. 16. Libraries

Personal services1,908,066

Operating expenses1,479,087



Source of Funds

General fund2,331,998

Special funds195,483

Federal funds752,672

Interdepartmental transfer152,000


Sec. 17. Tax - administration/collection

Personal services11,058,247

Operating expenses2,559,467


Source of Funds

General fund12,651,812

Transportation fund211,902

Special funds574,000

Interdepartmental transfer180,000


Sec. 18. Buildings and general services - administration

Personal services1,327,980

Operating expenses127,665


Source of Funds

Interdepartmental transfer1,455,645

(a) The implementation of the buildings and general services fleet management program shall be done in a manner to avoid any negative fiscal impact to the department of corrections.


(a) There is created a municipal and nonprofit assistance program to provide competitive grants to municipalities and nonprofit organizations throughout the state. The program shall be funded through direct appropriations of the general assembly. The commissioner of buildings and general services is authorized to award grants at his or her discretion consistent with the provisions of this section. The department of buildings and general services shall administer the program and is hereby authorized to adopt rules that are necessary for implementation of the program and consistent with the provisions of this section, includinga list of criteria by which applications will be evaluated.


(a) There is created a community assistance program to provide grants to communities and nonprofit organizations throughout the state. The program shall be funded through direct appropriations of the general assembly. The commissioner of buildings and general services is authorized to award grants at his or her discretion consistent with the provisions of this section. The department of buildings and general services shall administer the program.

Sec. 20. Buildings and general services - engineering

Personal services1,836,763

Operating expenses403,666


Source of Funds

General fund2,013,413

Transportation fund152,016

Interdepartmental transfer75,000


Sec. 21. Buildings and general services - information centers

Personal services2,805,473

Operating expenses1,141,005



Source of Funds

General fund197,186

Transportation fund4,099,292


Sec. 22. Buildings and general services - purchasing

Personal services764,564

Operating expenses259,591


Source of Funds

General fund762,555

Transportation fund261,600


Sec. 23. Buildings and general services - public records

Personal services766,755

Operating expenses460,809


Source of Funds

General fund961,726

Transportation fund88,205

Special funds177,633


Sec. 24. Buildings and general services - postal services

Personal services579,783

Operating expenses141,803


Source of Funds

General fund39,135

Transportation fund26,400

Internal service funds656,051


Sec. 25. Buildings and general services - copy center

Personal services751,421

Operating expenses457,602


Source of Funds

Internal service funds1,209,023

Sec. 26. Buildings and general services - supply center

Personal services243,949

Operating expenses196,641


Source of Funds

Internal service funds440,590

Sec. 27. Buildings and general services - federal surplus property

Personal services60,254

Operating expenses70,525


Source of Funds

Enterprise funds130,779

Sec. 28. Buildings and general services - state surplus property

Personal services54,229

Operating expenses67,342


Source of Funds

Internal service funds121,571

Sec. 29. Buildings and general services - property management

Personal services928,056

Operating expenses3,304,043


Source of Funds

Internal service funds4,232,099

Sec. 30. Buildings and general services - all other insurance

Personal services58,529

Operating expenses11,116


Source of Funds

Internal service funds69,645

Sec. 31. Buildings and general services - general liability insurance

Personal services704,745

Operating expenses31,986


Source of Funds

Internal service funds736,731

Sec. 32. Buildings and general services - workers’ compensation insurance

Personal services950,903

Operating expenses132,611


Source of Funds

Internal service funds1,083,514

(a) Pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 307(e), workers’ compensation fund charges of $9,565,000.00 are hereby approved.

Sec. 33. 29 V.S.A. § 1408(d) is amended to read:

(d) In subsequent years, the commissioner shall annually assess each program participant an amount to be deposited in the state employees’ workers’ compensation fund. The commissioner may adjust the annual assessment to assure that the debts and obligations of the program are adequately funded. However, the annual assessment shall not be greater than 150 percent or less than 50 percent of the annual assessment for that program participant for the preceding year.

Sec. 34. [Deleted]

Sec. 35. Buildings and general services - fee for space

Personal services9,079,294

Operating expenses9,018,740


Source of Funds

Internal service funds18,098,034

(a) Pursuant to 29 V.S.A. § 160a(b)(3), facilities operations fund charges of $18,445,000.00 are hereby approved.

Sec. 36. Sec. 35(a) of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 is amended to read:

(a) Pursuant to 29 V.S.A. § 160a(b)(3), fee for space charges of $16,934,155.00 are hereby approved. The commissioner of buildings and general services shall cause any deficit in the fee for space internal service fund at the end of fiscal year 2003 to be eliminated by the end of fiscal year 2014 through the aggressive management of expenditures and a surcharge on fees beginning in fiscal year 20052006.

Sec. 37. Geographic information system


Source of Funds

Special funds376,992

Sec. 38. Auditor of accounts

Personal services1,844,953

Operating expenses109,150


Source of Funds

General fund453,732

Transportation fund58,845

Special funds52,746

Internal service funds1,388,780


Sec. 39. State treasurer

Personal services2,380,971

Operating expenses322,205



Source of Funds

General fund833,409

Transportation fund103,208

Special funds1,378,559

Pension trust fund400,500

Private purpose trust fund62,500


(a) The above appropriation includes $50,000.00 in general funds, which shall be used for a grant to the firefighters survivors benefit expendable trust fund.

(b) Of the above general fund appropriation, $25,000.00 shall be deposited into the armed services scholarship fund established in H.258 of 2004.

Sec. 40. State treasurer - abandoned property

Personal services262,922

Operating expenses194,800


Source of Funds

Private purpose trust fund457,722

Sec. 41. Vermont state retirement system

Personal services18,068,186

Operating expenses699,809


Source of Funds

Pension trust fund18,767,995

Sec. 42. Municipal employees’ retirement system

Personal services1,426,248

Operating expenses206,527


Source of Funds

Pension trust fund1,632,775

Sec. 43. State labor relations board

Personal services147,387

Operating expenses34,740


Source of Funds

General fund171,697

Transportation fund4,560

Special funds5,870



(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $20,000.00 in general funds appropriated in Sec. 42 of No. 66 of the Acts of 2003 to the state labor relations board shall revert to the general fund in fiscal year 2005.

Sec. 45. Executive office - Governor’s office

Personal services1,123,181

Operating expenses339,100


Source of Funds

General fund1,141,866

Transportation fund156,230

Special funds3,185

Interdepartmental transfer161,000


Sec. 46. Executive office - national and community service

Personal services175,347

Operating expenses118,501



Source of Funds

General fund56,528

Federal funds1,680,660


Sec. 47. VOSHA review board

Personal services31,350

Operating expenses8,844


Source of Funds

General fund20,097

Federal funds20,097


Sec. 48. Use tax reimbursement fund - municipal current use


Source of Funds

General fund3,889,280

Transportation fund2,310,390


Sec. 49. Lieutenant governor

Personal services125,062

Operating expenses9,585


Source of Funds

General fund115,517

Transportation fund19,130


Sec. 50. [Deleted]

Sec. 51. Legislature

Personal services2,665,198

Operating expenses1,967,116


Source of Funds

General fund3,935,297

Transportation fund697,017


(a) Of the above appropriation, $15,000.00 shall be used for a grant to the national legislative association on prescription drug pricing. The payment of any additional funds to the association must be approved by the president pro tempore of the senate and the speaker of the house.


(a) In lieu of the weekly salary entitlement in sections 1051 and 1052 of Title 32, after May 15, 2004, a member of the house or senate is entitled to reimbursement for expenses and compensation for services at the daily rate provided in those sections for each day of attendance at a session of the 2004 adjourned session, and for attendance at a meeting of a committee of conference on any day on which the member’s chamber is not in session after May 15, 2004 through adjournment sine die of the 2004 adjourned session.

Sec. 52. Legislative council

Personal services1,575,895

Operating expenses116,222


Source of Funds

General fund1,460,193

Transportation fund231,924


Sec. 52a. Legislative information technology

Personal services 226,325

Operating expenses287,959

Total 514,284

Source of Funds

General fund 514,284

(a) Funds appropriated in this section for legislative information technology shall be expended in fiscal year 2005 by the legislative council with the recommendation of the ad hoc joint legislative oversight committee on information technology and a staff oversight group consisting of the legislative counsel, the fiscal officer, the sergeant at arms, the clerk of the house, and the secretary of the senate. On or before January 15, 2005, the ad hoc joint committee and the staff oversight group shall present to the house and senate committees on appropriations and government operations a plan for the oversight, management, and expenditure of funds for information technology by the legislative branch for fiscal year 2006 and future fiscal years. As part of this process, the legislative and staff oversight group shall develop job descriptions for information technology employees, work plans, and specific strategies to address the recommendations contained in the NCSL assessment of the Vermont Legislative Information Technology System.

Sec. 53. Sergeant at arms

Personal services449,154

Operating expenses47,662


Source of Funds

General fund456,405

Transportation fund40,411


(a) The sergeant at arms office shall submit to the joint fiscal committee at its July 2004 meeting, a summary of the security coverage plan for fiscal year 2005. Minimizing the amount of overtime and duplicative coverage shall be a priority in development of the plan. The summary submitted shall include the hours and number of persons for the hours of coverage proposed.

Sec. 54. Joint fiscal committee

Personal services898,960

Operating expenses67,224


Source of Funds

General fund831,789

Transportation fund134,395


Sec. 55. Lottery commission

Personal services1,253,912

Operating expenses903,902


Source of Funds

Enterprise funds2,157,814

(a) The lottery commission shall not reduce funding for the responsible gambling program.

(b) The lottery commission shall transfer $90,000.00 to the department of health, office of alcohol and drug abuse programs to support the gambling addiction program.

Sec. 56. Payments in lieu of taxes


Source of Funds

General fund800,000

Special funds1,700,000


(a) The above appropriation is for state payments in lieu of property taxes under 32 V.S.A. chapter 123, subchapter 4, and the payments shall be calculated in addition to, and without regard to, the appropriations for PILOT for Montpelier and correctional facilities elsewhere in this act.

Sec. 57. Payments in lieu of taxes - Montpelier


Source of Funds

General fund184,000

Sec. 58. Payments in lieu of taxes - correctional facilities


Source of Funds

General fund40,000

Sec. 59. Total general government117,366,399

Source of Funds

General fund36,763,760

Transportation fund9,298,789

Special funds4,687,468

Federal funds2,453,429

Enterprise funds2,288,593

Internal service funds38,098,477

Pension trust funds20,801,270

Private purpose trust funds520,222

Interdepartmental transfer2,454,391


Sec. 60. Protection to persons and property - attorney general

Personal services4,838,548

Operating expenses898,080


Source of Funds

General fund2,550,429

Transportation fund69,061

Special funds1,014,901

Tobacco fund290,000

Federal funds573,500

Interdepartmental transfer1,238,737


Sec. 61. Vermont court diversion


Source of Funds

General fund927,238

Transportation fund142,833

Special funds400,000


Sec. 62. Center for crime victims services

Personal services1,159,300

Operating expenses353,286



Source of Funds

General fund963,878

Special funds3,400,000

Federal funds4,332,208

Interdepartmental transfer62,500


(a) The center shall convene a supervised visitation advisory board which will consist of a representative from the department of social and rehabilitation services, the agency of human services, the office of child support, the Vermont network against domestic violence and sexual assault, and the center for crime victims services. The advisory board will assist in the design of a program evaluation for all supervised visitation programs in Vermont prior to the allocation of fiscal year 2005 funding, make decisions regarding the allocation of fiscal year 2005 funding to supervised visitation programs in Vermont, and study and report to the general assembly on January 1, 2005 their recommendation as to the most appropriate state agency to provide oversight and administer state funding for supervised visitation programs in Vermont, and develop standards of service to ensure high quality services to families utilizing supervised visitation programs in Vermont. Of the above general fund appropriation, $10,000.00 shall be used for program evaluation of the supervised visitation programs in Vermont.

(b) Of the above general fund appropriation, $100,000.00 shall be used for grants to the supervised visitation programs pursuant to the recommendations of the advisory board.

(c) Of the above general fund appropriation, $75,000.00 shall be used for grants to the four existing child advocacy centers. These funds shall be distributed in accordance with a plan developed by the center for crime victims services in collaboration with the child advocacy centers. The center for crime victims services, the department of social and rehabilitation services, and the agency of human services shall work collaboratively to make recommendations for sustaining services provided by the four child advocacy centers.