



Molloy College will provide professional development opportunities for teachers this summer through a series of week long Institutes being offered at either the Rockville Centre campus at 1000 Hempstead Avenue or at its Suffolk Center at Route 110, on the grounds of Republic Airport located at: 7180 Republic Airport (Grumman Lane), in East Farmingdale. The Institutes can be taken for 3 graduate credits or on a non-credit basis for 2 in-service credits. Information can also be found on our website at: Institutes will be offered in the methods and techniques of teaching:

· English Language Arts · Math · Science · Advanced Placement Subjects · General Interest

Further information on all the institutes can be found inside.

Graduate Tuition Rate: $900 per 3-credit Institute For Teachers Who Qualify, see page 10



Interested in expanding your subject area knowledge, exploring new subject material or adding to your teaching tool kit? Look no further, Molloy College has what you are looking for. This summer you will be able to enroll in courses to build your knowledge in various content areas and to improve your instructional skills. The Institutes described in the pages that follow may be taken for 3 graduate credits ($900 per Institute) or on a non-credit basis for 2 in-service credits. All of the Summer Institutes are offered on an intensive, one-week, 4-day, format at either our Rockville Centre campus at 1000 Hempstead Avenue or at our new Suffolk Center at Route 110, on the grounds of Republic Airport located at: 7180 Republic Airport (Grumman Lane), in East Farmingdale. Course descriptions for the Institutes are listed below and on the next pages, along with the schedule of classes and tuition rates. Application and registration information can also be found inside. Visit us on the web at:

Information on the following institutes can be found on the pages that follow.


AP* Institutes (page 2):

(Please visit our website at: for further information on these Institutes)

· AP Art History

· AP Biology

· AP Calculus BC

· AP Calculus AB

· AP Chemistry

· AP Computer Science A

· AP Economics

· AP English Language

· AP English Literature

· AP Environmental Science

· AP European History

· AP Government & Politics

· AP Psychology

· AP Spanish Language

· AP Spanish Literature

· AP Statistics

· AP U. S. History

· AP World History

English Language Arts Institutes (pages 2-5):

· Common Core State Standards for ELA Grades Pre-K-5

· Common Core State Standards for ELA Grades 6-12

· Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and the Technical Subjects Grades 6-12

General Interest Institute (page 5):

· Using Brain Research to Enhance Instruction & Demystify the Problems of Struggling Learners

maTH Institutes (pages 6-7):

· Technology in Secondary Mathematics: Grades 7 – 12

· Common Core State Standards: Topics in Mathematics Problem Solving in Grades 7-12

· Geometry in the Middle School Classroom: Grades 5 – 8

· Common Core State Standards: High School Geometry

· Techniques for Teaching Math - Grades 3-6

· Common Core State Standards: Algebra II

· Pre-Calculus

· Common Core Algebra 1: Content and Practice Standards Using Technology

· Incorporating Common Core Practice Standards into High School Mathematics

Science Institutes (pages 8-9):

· New Teaching and Learning Strategies for a Sustainable Future in a Middle School Setting

· New Teaching and Learning Strategies for a Sustainable Future in a High School Setting

· Common Core State Standards in the Science Classroom: Grades 5-8

· Teaching Long Island’s Marine Ecology: Facts and Strategies for Grades 7-12

· Techniques for Successful Scientific Research and Competition: for Grades 7-12

· Strategies for Teaching Astronomy in Regents Earth Science


Application and Registration Instructions and Travel Information

to both campuses can be found on page 10.

*College Board, AP, Advanced Placement Program, AP Vertical Teams, Pre-AP and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.

Used with permission.

Institute Descriptions and Schedule of Classes


Molloy College, through the Divisions of Education and Continuing Education & Professional Development offers AP* Summer Institutes for teachers of Advanced Placement* High School courses at both its Rockville Centre Campus at 100 Hempstead Avenue, Rockville Centre, as well as at its Suffolk Center Campus at Route 110, on the grounds of Republic Airport located at: 7180 Republic Airport (Grumman Lane), in East Farmingdale, NY on Long Island. All institutes are taught by experienced teachers of AP* and are endorsed by the College Board. The eighteen AP* Summer Institutes listed below may be taken for graduate credit for Professional Development at the reduced rate of $900 per 3-credit Institute or on a non-credit basis for in-service credit for $750 per Institute. All of the Institutes are offered on an intensive one-week, Monday-Thursday format (except for the week of July 2-6). Space constraints did not allow for the printing of course descriptions or faculty bios. Please visit our website at: for a description of the Institutes and further information regarding the AP Summer Institute Program. The following Institutes will be offered:


Art History: July 2, 3, 5 & 6; Instructor: John Nici

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Biology: July 25 - 28; Instructor: Erol Altug

July 9-12: Instructor: Richard Kurtz

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; RVC

Calculus AB: July 23 - 26; Instructor: Dr. Maxine Lifshitz

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Calculus BC: July 16 - 19; Instructor: Dr. Maxine Lifshitz

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Chemistry: July 16 - 19; Instructor: Mark Langella

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; RVC

Computer Science A: June 25 - 28;Instructor: Kathleen Larson; Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; RVC

Economics: July 30 – August 2; Instructor: Bruce Damasio; Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

English Language: July 30 – August 2; Instructor: Barbara Murphy; Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

English Literature: June 25 - 28; Instructor: Ed Schmieder; Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Environmental Science July 9 - 12; Instructor: Jeanne Kaidy; Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; RVC

European History: July 9 - 12; Instructor: Alice Grant

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Government & Politics: July 16 - 19;Instructor: Maria Schmidt; Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Psychology: July 23 - 26; Instructor Jeanne Blakeslee

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Spanish Language: July 2, 3, 5 & 6; Instructor: Jose Diaz

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Spanish Literature: July 9 - 12; Instructor: Elizabeth Sherman; Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

Statistics: June 25 - 28; Instructor: Dr. Joe Oechsle

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

U. S. History: July 9 - 12; Instructor: Alyce Loesch

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk

World History: July 16 - 19; Instructor: Charles Hart;

Course Number: EDU 524 sect: TBA; Suffolk




English Language Arts Institutes

The following three (3) ELA Summer Institutes will each be offered on a four (4) day schedule from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. each day at Molloy’s Suffolk Center located at 7180 Republic Airport in East Farmingdale. Each Institute can either be taken on a day-by-day workshop basis for $130 per day or for all 4 days at the discounted rate of $495 for 2 in-service credits. The Institutes may also be taken for 3 graduate credits for $900. However, you must register for all 4 days. Please note that students enrolled in these Institutes on an in-service basis cannot opt to take these Institutes for graduate credit once an Institute has begun. To register, please refer to the Application and Registration Instructions on page 12. Molloy graduate students should consult their graduate advisor. Please find a description for all four days of the workshops offered within each Institute. The Institutes can be found on the following pages:



· Common Core State Standards for ELA, Grades Pre-K-5 (see this page)

· Common Core State Standards for ELA, Grades 6-12 (see page 3)

· Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and the Technical Subjects, Grades 6-12 (see page 3)

If you have questions related to the academic aspects of the ELA Institutes, such as the content of the Institutes, please email Dr. Vicky Giouroukakis at in the Division of Education. If you have administrative questions, such as the registration procedure, please contact Louis Cino at: or call 516-678-5000 ext. 6357.



Course Number (all 4 days): EDU 524 Section 03

Tuition: In-service: $495; 3 Graduate Credits: $900

Monday -- Thursday, July 9 -12, 2012; Suffolk Center Campus

Presenter: Louisa Kramer-Vida, Ed.D.; see faculty bio on page 5.

The Common Core: What’s It All About?

Participants in this workshop will look deeply at the New York State version of the Common Core State Standards for ELA document. Who wrote it? Why was it written? And how different or similar is it to the 2005 New York State ELA Standards? We will talk about its design and how teachers can utilize the document to develop their own lessons and units of study. Participants will create instructional objectives so that their students will be college and career ready when they reach that age--and ready for the next grade level when the school year is complete. Key terms, text exemplars, and sample performance tasks will be shared, and then participants will flesh out their own lesson plans, targeted to their school’s curriculum map and to their students’ needs.

Course Number: ELA1100 section A Tuition: $130

Monday, July 9, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Suffolk Center Campus

Foundational Skills for Reading Literature and Informational Text

Participants in this workshop will correlate the three components of the Reading Standards on each Pre-K to 5 grade level. Participants will become aware of what their students need to be able to do in terms of print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, and fluency. These core abilities will be included in curriculum that the participants will write to help their students identify key ideas and details and identify the craft and structure of the literature and informational texts that they will read.

Activities will be built that integrate knowledge, ideas, and responding to literature over the range of genres and level of text complexity that is appropriate for each grade from Pre-K to 5.

Course Number: ELA1200 section A Tuition: $130

Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Suffolk Center Campus

Language and Writing

Participants in this workshop will review the conventions of Standard English and consider ways to teach their students to apply knowledge of how language works to their own written pieces. Since using just the right word makes such a difference when communicating with one’s audience, teachers will discuss how to teach new vocabulary and multiple-meaning words, especially to English Language Learners. Teachers will develop activities that students can use to master figurative language, roots and affixes, and academic and domain-specific terms. The use of context clues and reference materials will not be ignored, but, possibly, some more creative solutions may be constructed as educators learn to teach the writing process in different genres and for different purposes, including research projects and responses to literature.

Course Number: ELA1300 section A Tuition: $130

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Suffolk Center Campus

Speaking, Writing, and Putting It All Together

Participants in this workshop will begin with the less taught components of language arts, speaking and listening. They will choose ways to foster oral/aural comprehension and collaboration; and time will be spent on constructing presentation activities that encourage student use of digital media. Participants will then coordinate the Standards with their district’s curriculum maps or their class materials’ scope and sequence charts. This activity will help teachers understand that they can utilize much of what they already do if they are willing to tweak and elevate their questioning techniques and the level of their reading and writing assignments.

Course Number: ELA1400 section A Tuition: $130

Thursday, July 12, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Suffolk Center Campus


Course Number (all 4 days): EDU 524 Section TBA

Tuition: In-service: $495; 3 Graduate Credits: $900

Monday -- Thursday, July 16 - 19, 2012;

Suffolk Center Campus

Presenters: Vicky Giouroukakis, Ph.D. & Maureen Connolly, Ed.D.; Victor Jaccarino; see faculty bios on page 5.

Getting to the Core of ELA: Overview and Curriculum Alignment with the Common Core State Standards

In this workshop, participants will develop a clearer understanding of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA (grades 6-12) and how they affect instruction. The presenters will share and provide an analysis of model CCSS-based ELA lessons that help students develop skills to meet these standards. They will also guide participants in designing their own curriculum that aligns with the core standards.

Course Number: ELA2100 section A Tuition: $130

Monday, July 16, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Suffolk Center Campus

Presenters: Vicky Giouroukakis, Ph.D. & Maureen Connolly, Ed.D.; see faculty bios on page 5.

Exploring the Use of Nonfiction and Informational Texts in ELA Classrooms

In this workshop, participants will review the New York State Common Core Learning Standards, with an emphasis on reading nonfiction/informational texts in all classrooms. Participants will look at ways in which to align nonfiction texts with fiction and to incorporate these texts into literature units. Companion pieces to literature will be explored as teachers develop scaffolded and evidence-based questions. Participants will practice developing these questions for literature and nonfiction texts. In addition, they will begin writing common core units/modules to use in the classroom.

Course Number: ELA2200 section A Tuition: $130

Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Suffolk Center Campus

Presenter: Victor Jaccarino; see faculty bio on page 5.

Raising Text Complexity and Improving Critical Thinking Skills

In this workshop, participants will review the New York State Common Core Learning Standards, with an emphasis on text complexity and what it means in the classroom. There will be a discussion of scaffolding both in the curriculum across grade levels and during the school year. Participants will explore both literature and nonfiction texts for complexity and develop questions and lessons that promote both critical thinking skills and the ability to have rigorous conversations that are dependent on a common text. In addition, participants will begin to develop inquiry-based assignments that develop from a close reading of texts.