v  Write the brand names of different packaged water available throughout the world and paste pictures related to it.

v  Picture Composition “Save every drop of water”.

Frame a story using the given pictures


१ 'जल की रक्षा ,देश की सुरक्षा 'विषय पर कहानी निर्माण करके लिखिए |

२ 'जल-संरक्षण 'पर एक आकर्षक चित्र बनाइये व ५-७ वाक्य लिखिए |

३ 'जल के किन्हीं ५ स्त्रोतों के नाम लिखिए व चित्र भी चिप्काइये|

४ प्रतिदिन एक अभ्यास पुस्तिका में समाचार पत्र से ५ मुख्य समाचार चुनकर लिखिए |


Q1. Here are the names of world's four longest rivers, in order of size.

Name of the River Country Length
Nile Africa 6,670 KM

Amazon South - America 6,448 km

Yangtze Asia 6,300 km

Mississippi - Missouri North-America 6,020 km

a. Which is the longest river?

b. What is the position of Mississippi-Missouri in the order of length?

c. What is the difference between the length of Amazon and Mississippi-Missouri rivers?

d. Which river is on III position?

e. What is the difference between the length of the Nile and Yangtze?

f .Which is the longest river of India?


1) Take a bowl. Put some water in it. Dissolve some common salt in the water by stirring the solution. Heat the bowl for some time. What do you observe? Write your observation.

2) Take the following

a) Sand b) Sugar c) Common salt d) Ghee e) Coconut oil

Add equal amount of each of these into different beakers containing equal amount of water.

Observe which these is soluble or insoluble Write down your observation in your note book.


(Do any Two)

1. Gather reports or articles from newspaper or magazine which talks about water pollution or water scarcity.

2. Find out the places of India which are situated on the banks of rivers. Name the places and river name along which they are situated. Locate them in map of India also.

3. Write the various ways of reducing consumption and wastage of water along with the pictures.

4. Name the rivers which originate from glaciers. Give examples of perennial and seasonal rivers. Locate them in physical map of India also.



NAME: ______CLASS – IV SEC: ______

Q. I / Define the following terms-
1. / fw - ______
2. / bw - ______
3. / tr - ______
4. / tl - ______
4. / sh - ______
5. / pu - ______
6. / pd - ______
7. / pw - ______
Q, II / Match the color codes appropriately.
1. / 0,0,0 / Green
2. / 255,255,255 / Shade of Blue
3. / 255,0,0 / Black
4. / 0,255,0 / White
5. / 0,0,145 / Red
Q. III / Write a program to draw the following using basic commands
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
Holiday Homework of all subjects should be done in one scrap book.
One page handwriting for Hindi and English should be done in a thin note book.