Summary of Follow-Up

Retiree Healthcare Survey

October 11, 2017

Presented by RAGEHCC Group, Inc

Compiled Using

Summary of Follow-Up Retiree Healthcare Survey – 10/11/2017

Compiled by RAGEHCC—Retirees Against GE HealthCare Changes Group

To Date—381 Responses ( with Dependents)—up to 420 Average Responses on some questions.

·  65% Hourly Retirees and/or Dependents; 35% are Salaried Retirees and/or Dependents.

·  67% of the Survey respondents are Post-65—took their Retiree Healthcare Benefit through One Exchange; 32% are Pre-65 and Receive Regular GE Healthcare Benefits.

·  GE Retiree/Dependent—Receiving the RRA—69%; GE Retiree/Dependent NOT Receiving the RRA—26%; GE Retirees/Dependents NOT Eligible for the RRA—16%. In the Comments section of this question—We see a BIG disconnect here…whether they felt/knew they were qualified; How to get the RRA; Confusion; Missed Applying--Deadline; Etc.

·  77% of Retirees/Dependents have Already Used ALL their RRA; 23% have NOT used it all; N/A (maybe Pre-65 or not qualified)—29%. Most have used it ALL by the 2nd quarter of the Year—April, May & June (as shown in Comments Section of this question).

·  According to our Survey Results—86% of our Post-65 Retirees/Dependents receive their Medigap benefits through One Exchange; 22% of our Retirees/Dependents take their Medigap Benefits through an Independent Broker, outside of One Exchange.

·  66% Get Their Part D Prescription Plans through One Exchange; 27% Don’t; and 7% Get their Part D as part of a Medicare Advantage Plan.

·  20% have Hit the Donut Hole; 69% have NOT hit the Donut Hole as of 10/2017. Of those that Hit the Donut Hole…most were in July, August and September (some earlier). 31% believe GE should do more to assist with Prescriptions. Some data missing on this question, due to respondents skipping this question (it doesn’t add up to 100%).

·  Of those that had Out-of-Pocket Expense on Part D Prescriptions—194 responded with average costs of $669.00 (avg.--$55.00.Month); with a lot (29%) of those responses being in the thousands of dollars ($1000.00 to $8000.00 so far; avg--~$250.00 to $300.00/Month).

·  61% said their Total Costs—Premiums, Co-Pays, Deductible, etc.—are Higher NOW than when under the GE Retiree Medical Supplemental Plans; 20% said Costs were not higher; 36% said that Retiree Healthcare Costs--Post-65 were NOT Applicable to them (Pre-65). This question had a total of 264 responses. Great Examples of Higher Costs were given in the Comments section that followed.

·  We did NOT ask specifically if Retirees/Dependents has used Credit Cards, or Borrowed Money, to pay their Medical/Prescription costs (this year)—But in Question # 10—On Financial Harm—many stated they—Used credit cards or borrowed money, Had to use their 401K for medical bills; Had to refinance their homes to pay medical bills; etc. 302 responses/comments on Question #10. One Comment-- Yes I pay $4500 to $5500 more than I did for almost the same medications that I took when I had pre 65 insurance, and the $1000 doesn’t even cover half a year of premiums. So I am having to make withdrawals from my IRA to pay medical expenses. I saved that money to travel and enjoy the retirement I earned after 37 years of service only to find out I have to use it for medical costs because GE decided to shaft us after we worked our whole lives for them.

·  In Question # 6…we asked –“Are you Satisfied with the New One Exchange System/Plan?” 54% of retirees and/or Dependents said NO; and 26% said Yes; and a new factor—20% said they did their own research and were better able to interact with One Exchange, by doing so. There were 262 Responses to this question—11% skipped this question.

·  In Question # 7, we asked—“Please Give Specific Reason Why You are Dissatisfied?”

Calls too long / 52.6%

Calls were disconnected / 11.69%
18 Resp

Multiple calls to get my plans finalized / 33.12%
51 Resp.

Knowledge and expertise of One Exchange personnel seemed lacking / 52.6%
81 Resp

One Exchange person seemed confused, and/or impatient / 25.97%
40 Resp.

The RRA reimbursement process is flawed (forms, disbursement), and/or untimely / 24.03%
37 Resp.

Lack of provider/insurer plans (Medigap choices) in my area / 24.03%
37 Resp.

Lack of knowledge by One Exchange personnel on provider/insurer plans / 35.71%

Provider/Insurers seem to have multiple reviews; delays in approving care, and/or
seem to deny care
Forms are not easy to obtain, delayed or lost (New this Year) / 9.74%
15 Resp.
28 Resp.

·  Question # 8—Do you feel you have been harmed by GE physically/medically? 36% felt they had been harmed physically/medically; 51% said they weren’t harmed. Of those harmed—11% skipped doctor appointment; 14% skipped tests/procedures; 21% skipped medications.

·  Question # 9—Do you feel you have been harmed mentally by GE? 57 % felt they had been harmed mentally (anger, betrayal, confusion, anxiety, stress),, etc.; 36 % felt they had not been harmed. 302 responses to this question.

·  Question # 10—Do you feel you have been harmed GE financially? The overwhelming majority felt they had been harmed financially—83%; 17% said they felt they were not harmed. 302 responses to this question.

·  Question #18—Do you feel GE has a moral & ethical obligation to “FIX” this healthcare system/plan? 90% of our Retirees/Dependents answered “Yes.;” 3% said “No.” 35% said they felt the RRA should NOT be tied to their choice to use One Exchange or not; they felt they should be able to choose (shop for their Healthcare Plans) on their own, and not be penalized (lose the RRA). This addresses the question of provider choices being limited within the One Exchange system; many Retirees/Dependents felt they had MORE choices, and got better prices on their own (20% and growing in Q # 6 above); than they did through One Exchange.

Reported By: John M Phelps--President—RAGEHCC Group, Inc

Website— ; Facebook—

12 Maple Lane

Melrose, NY 12121

RAGEHCC Phone—518-328-8404

Home Phone—518-235-5068


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