Due: January 27, 2011
Subordinating Clause Poem
A subordinating clause is a clause that has a subject and a predicate, but it cannot stand alone as a sentence. It depends on the main clause to complete its meaning.
The poem must include the following:
● You must write a poem containing five stanzas of five lines each.
● The first four lines of each stanza must begin with a subordinating conjunction, and it can not be a complete
● The last line of each stanza cannot begin with a subordinating conjunction and it must be a complete sentence.
● The first word of each line must begin with a capital letter.
● The first four lines are punctuated with a comma, and the last line is punctuated with a period.
● You must include a title
● You must also include an illustration that depicts your poem.
_________50 points Each line is worth 2 points
_________25 points Correct Spelling/Punctuation
_________15 points Presentation
_________10 points Illustration
Cozy Bed (excerpt)
Whenever I get up,
After the alarm clock has gone off,
Before the sun comes up,
As I stumble to the shower,
I slowly get ready for my day of school.
-Notice how each of the first four lines of the stanza could be put together with the last line to form a grammatically correct complex sentence.
-Your poem should look very different from the example. Any duplicates of the example poem in any form will receive a 25 point deduction.