School Year 2013- 2014
Submit form one week prior to your appraisal conference with your supervisor
Name: Jennifer StolarzDate: 9-24-14 / School/Department Improvement Status is due one week prior to your appraisal conference with your supervisor.
(3 copies of all documents)
Improvement Goal: All students will improve their general understanding of math concepts and problem solving skills.
Benchmark: 100% of all students will pass and/or show growth on the math portion of the ISTEP test.
50% of our students will earn pass+ on the ISTEP test.
What intervention was implemented?
· Students completed 30 Mathbusters Problem of the Week extended response items.
· A team of teachers created additional Mathbusters problems at all grade levels.
· Students participated in year two of our Math Facts incentive and over 200 students earned Mathlete t-shirts during the 2013-14 school year.
· Teachers shared best practices in math instruction at either team meetings or professional development meetings.
· Evaluation data – Minimum 3-year trend data. (Compare to League Schools if data are available)
Sources of data include student achievement data, absenteeism, dropout rates, graduation rates, promotion and retentions, student engagement surveys, Core 40 and Academic Honors Diplomas, information and data on teacher instructional practices used, information and data on technology use by students and teachers, perception data about school effectiveness (opinion surveys from students, teachers, support staff, parents), grade distribution, hours of professional development
Over 93% of our students passed ISTEP math and 53% of our students earned pass + on ISTEP
The goal has been Achieved _____ The goal is Progressing _X___
The goal is Targeted for Future ______The goal has been Abandoned _____
Improvement Goal: All students will become proficient critical readers of all types of text.
Benchmark: 100% of all students will pass and/or show growth on the English/Language Arts portion of the ISTEP test.
What intervention was implemented?
· Students read fictional stories from Junior Great Books, non-fictional excerpts from periodicals such as Scholastic News, Time for Kids, and Social Studies Weekly, and all students checked at least one non-fiction book from the library each week
· Teachers modeled critical reading strategies in content textbooks and content informational texts and article.
· Students maintained reading journals and teachers held reading conferences with students
· Evaluation data – Minimum 3-year trend data. (Compare to League Schools if data are available)
Sources of data include student achievement data, absenteeism, dropout rates, graduation rates, promotion and retentions, student engagement surveys, Core 40 and Academic Honors Diplomas, information and data on teacher instructional practices used, information and data on technology use by students and teachers, perception data about school effectiveness (opinion surveys from students, teachers, support staff, parents), grade distribution, hours of professional development
Over 93% of our students passed ISTEP English/Language Arts and over 28% earned Pass+
The goal has been Achieved _____ The goal is Progressing _X___
The goal is Targeted for Future ______The goal has been Abandoned _____