Public Appointments
Information Pack
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Section 1 / Information about Safeguarding Board for N Ireland (SBNI)Section 2 / Role Profiles for Chair & Non-Executive Member to the Board of SBNI
Section 3 / Person Specification
Section 4 / Application, Access NI & Selection Process
Section 5 / Probity and Conflicts of Interest
Section 6 / Equal Opportunities and Complaints
Section 7 / Disqualifications
Annex A / Guidance for Candidates on Probity & Conflicts of Interest
Stage in Process / TimescaleClosing Date for applications / 12 Noon on Thursday 2March2017
Shortlisting / w/c 20March 2017
Interviews / Potentially w/c 24April 2017
Date of appointments / July 2017
Section 1
Information about Safeguarding Board for N Ireland (SBNI)
1.Applications are invited to fill the posts of a Non-Executive Chair and 2 Non-Executive Members of the Safeguarding Board for N Ireland to be appointed July 2017.
2.The terms of appointment for both positions will be for a maximum period of 4years. It should be noted that the Department may give notice to terminate an appointment at any time. Should a successful applicant wish to end their term early the Department will require 3 months notice. The Minister of Health is committed to improving the diversity of the boards to which she makes appointments. Re-appointment to the Board for a second term willnot be automatic. The successful applicant may re-apply in open competition, subject to evidence of an appropriate standard of performance having been achieved during the initial period in office and evidence of continued adherence to the seven principles of public life.
Organisational Status and Functions
3.The then Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) established a regional Safeguarding Board for NI (SBNI) by statutory provision on 1 April 2012.
4.The SBNI is supported by 5 Safeguarding Panels located within the geographical boundaries of the 5 Health and Social Care Trusts.The SBNI is currently situated within the Public Health Agency which provides support to SBNI under the terms of an agreed Memorandum of Understanding (under review).
5.The Safeguarding Panels are independently chaired and operate under the strategic direction set out by the SBNI and provide a local focus for actions needed to promote the safeguarding and welfare of children and young people. The Panels provide regular updates to the SBNI on trends and developments within their remit of operationand use a sub-group structure, similar to that used by the SBNI, to effectively discharge its work plan.
6.The SBNI was subject to an independent review in 2015. The Department of Health accepted the review recommendations and work to implement the recommendations has commenced. Some of the roles and functions of the SBNI may change as a result of the outworkings of the review.
Objective of SBNI
7.The objective of the SBNI is to co-ordinate and ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each person or body represented on the SBNI for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Role of the SBNI
8.The work of the SBNI reflects a broad approach which recognises that safeguarding childrenand young people goes beyond “traditional” child protection responsibilities and is everybody’s concern, not just that of social services. The SBNI has responsibility for improving interagency co-operation on the safeguarding of children and young people and hasresponsibility for monitoring how its member agencies are both co-operating and performing against their statutory duty to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.
9.The SBNI has the following functions (subject to change following the review):
- to develop policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in Northern Ireland;
- to promote an awareness of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people;
- to keep under review the effectiveness of what is done by members to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people;
- to undertake case management reviews in such circumstances as may be prescribed;
- to review such information as may be required in relation to deaths of children and young people in NI;
- to advise the Regional Health and Social Care Board and Local Commissioning Groups in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people;
- to promote communication between the SBNI and children and young people; and
- to make arrangements for consultation and discussion in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
10.The SBNI also has powers to compile and analyse information concerning safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people; the provision of advice or information on any matter concerning safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people; and subject to consultation with the Department, publish any matter concerning safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
11.The SBNI operates a committee structure and has the power in legislation to establish other committees and sub committees as necessary to assist in achieving its functions. The SBNI is required to establish 5 committees known as Safeguarding Panels, and two further committees known as a Case Management Review Panel and a Child Death Overview Panel.
Case Management Review Panel
12.The SBNI is responsible for commissioning case management reviews, audits and quality improvements. The emphasis on reviews and audits is to capture learning, with a view to improving practice and achieving change both locally and regionally.The SBNI utilises a range of other ways to ensure system improvement including self-audit, peer review and “near miss” analysis.
13.The Case Management Review Panel commissions, monitors and receives the findings of Reviews and makes recommendations to the SBNI.
Child Death Overview Panel
14.The SBNI’s Child Death Review function has not been established by the Department of Health. The location of this function within the SBNI is under consideration following the Jay Review.
Membership of the SBNI
15.The SBNI comprises a non-Executive Chair and no less than 2 and no more than 4 Lay members. In addition, the SBNI also has 27 nominated representatives from the statutory, voluntary, and community sectors. Representatives are at a designated senior level with a strategic role to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people within their organisation. Members must be able to represent their organisation, commit it to policy and procedural matters and hold their organisations to account. Membership is a statutory requirement for a number of bodies and organisations. The Chair and Lay members of the SBNI will be appointed by the Minister for Health.
16.The SBNI is supported by a small team of professional and administrative officers, all of whom are employees of the Public Health Agency.
Responsibilities of SBNI Members
17.The Chairman and SBNI Members have corporate responsibility for ensuring that the SBNI fulfils the objectives and functions as set out in the Safeguarding Board Act (NI) 2011, and for promoting the efficient and effective use of staff and other resources by the SBNI. To this end, and in pursuit of its wider corporate responsibilities, SBNI Members shall:
- establish the overall strategic direction of the SBNI within the remit of its functions as set out in the Safeguarding Board Act and within the resources determined by the Department;
- ensure that the Department is kept informed of any changes which are likely to impact on the strategic direction of the SBNI or on the attainability of its strategic targets, and determine the steps needed to deal with such changes;
- ensure compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the SBNI, the Public Health Agency and the Department;
- ensure that SBNI Members receive and regularly review financial information concerning the management of the SBNI; are informed in a timely manner about any concerns about the activities of the SBNI; and provide positive assurance to the Department that appropriate action has been taken on such concerns; and
- demonstrate high standards of corporate governance at all times, including using the independent audit committee of the Public Health Agency to help address the key financial and other risks facing the SBNI.
Section 2
Role Profile forSafeguarding Board for N Ireland Non-Executive Chair
Accountable to
18.The Minister, through the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Health.
19.The SBNI Non-Executive Chair is responsible for providing strategic leadership and direction for the SBNI and for ensuring the effective performance and discharge of its statutory functions as set out in the Safeguarding Board Act (NI) 2011 and its overall responsibility in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in Northern Ireland.
20.It is the role of the SBNI Non-Executive Chair to:
- Be a strong leader with a sound knowledge of policy, legislation and guidance in relation to protecting children and young people.
- Have substantial experience of influencing within a multi agency partnership focussed on delivering positive outcomes for children and young people;
- Be able to build strong relationships and unite individuals and organisations for the purpose of keeping children and young people in Northern Ireland safe from harm;
- Ensure that key and appropriate issues are discussed by the SBNI in a timely manner, with a particular focus on child protection;
- Set the agenda, style and tone of SBNI discussions to enable all members of the SBNI to make a full contribution to its business and activities to provide effective decision- making and facilitate constructive debate;
- Ensure that SBNI committees and sub committees and groups have an appropriate level of SBNI members involved and membership reflects as far as possible, the range of interests represented on the SBNI;
- Be an ambassador for the SBNI;
- Through the Minister for Health, advise the Northern Ireland Executive of the SBNI’s performance as a partnership;
- Ensure that the SBNI operates with all statutory and administrative requirements for the use of public funds;
- Ensure compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding with the Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Department of Health;
- Ensure that agency representatives on the SBNI undergo appropriate training to enable them to be effective members of the SBNI;
- Ensure that regular consultation takes place with children and young people in the discharge of the SBNI’s responsibilities; and
- Oversee the development and approval of the SBNI’s corporate strategy and annual business plan.
The SBNI Non-Executive Chair is responsible for:
- establishing and maintaining effective links with the appropriate agencies, regulatory, inspectorate and quality assurance bodies;
- maintaining appropriate partnerships and links with other key stakeholders including service users and representative, public /private sector organisations and those in other jurisdictions;
- exercising a rigorous challenge function toward the Chief Executives and senior officers of SBNI member agencies in relation to effective safeguarding practices as set out in the membership agreement and the corporate strategy for the SBNI;
- representing the SBNI at official or social occasions relevant to the SBNI’s business;
- promoting the relationship between the SBNI and the public;
- advising Government and representing the SBNI in its dealings with the Minister and the Assembly;
- acting as spokesperson on behalf of the SBNI;
- provide comment on high profile cases of child abuse and neglect wherein concerns about multi agency cooperation are highlighted;
- provide high level media input in relation to local, national and international review findings in relation to the safeguarding and promotion of the welfare of children and young people.
21.Appropriate induction training will be provided by the organisation to the new appointee.
Time Commitment & Remuneration
22.ANon-Executive Chair will normally have to devote a 3 days per week to the appointment. This may involve commitment both inside and outside normal working hours. The annual rate of remuneration for the Non-Executive Chair of the SBNI is £35,023.
23.The Non-Executive Chair is also eligible to claim allowances, at rates set centrally, for travel and subsistence costs necessarily incurred on SBNI business.
Period of Appointment
24.An SBNI Non-Executive Chair is normally appointed for a maximum period of 4years. It should be noted that the Department may give notice to terminate your appointment at any time. If you decide to end your appointment early, a minimum of 3 months notice will be required. An annual assessment of the performance of an SBNI Non-Executive Chair will be required throughout the period of appointment. The Minister of Health is committed to improving the diversity of the Boards to which she makes appointments. Re-appointment to the Board for a second term will not be automatic. The successful applicant may re-apply in open competition, subject to evidence of an appropriate standard of performance having been achieved during the initial period in office and evidence of continued adherence to the seven principles of public life.
Codes of Conduct and Accountability
25.To ensure that public service values remain at the heart of the Health and Social Care system, the Non-Executive Chair of the SBNI is required, on appointment, to subscribe to the Codes of Conduct and Accountability. The high standards of corporate and personal conduct required of members are described more fully in the Codes.
Role Profile forSafeguarding Board for N Ireland Non-Executive Lay Member
Accountable to
26.The Minister, through the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Health.
27.A Non-Executive Lay Member of the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland is appointed with the approval of the Minister in order to bring independent judgement to bear on issues of strategy, agency representation within the SBNI, and to ensure the effective performance and discharge of the SBNI’s statutory functions as set out in the Safeguarding Board Act (NI) 2011.
28.It is the role of each Non-Executive Lay Member to:
- share corporate responsibility for the strategic work of the SBNI;
- assist in bringing about improvements in the way the way agencies work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people;
- contribute fully to the SBNI’s activities and promote team working:
- ensure that key issues relevant to the work of the SBNI are discussed by the SBNI in a timely manner;
- contribute to the setting of the agenda for SBNI business;
- act as Deputy Chair of the SBNI if required;
- chair at least one Committee of the SBNI;
- participate in assessing, monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the SBNI’s statutory duties under the Safeguarding Board Act (NI) 2011 and assist in developing a range of performance indicators for this purpose;
- promote and influence operational and strategic development of the SBNI;
- contribute to the development of the SBNI’s corporate strategy and business plan;
- assist in the implementation of Departmental Directions;
- contribute to the collation and publication of information relevant to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people;
- promote the work of the SBNI in engaging with children and young people;
- contribute to the development of the SBNI policies and procedures;
- advise on the commissioning of research and setting research priorities.
- promote collaborative working arrangements with key stakeholders and partner organisations;
- attend and contribute to the meetings of the SBNI, its committees, and sub committees;
- assist in the assessment of the effectiveness of the SBNI’s committees and sub committees;
- play a full part in representing the activities of the SBNI, including: representation at SBNI official or social functions relevant to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people as required;
- promote the role of the SBNI with the public, the media, and with relevant bodies; and
- adhere to the values of accountability, integrity, impartiality, confidentiality, probity and openness in connection with the work of the SBNI.
29.Appropriate induction training will be provided by the organisation to the new appointee.
Time Commitment and Remuneration
30.An SBNI Non-Executive Lay Member will be required to devote 2 days per month to the appointment. This may involve considerable commitment both inside and outside normal working hours. It is expected an SBNI meeting will be held at least once every 2 months, and there may be additional ad hoc meetings. The Non-Executve Lay Member will be expected to attend all SBNI meetings. The annual rate of remuneration for the Non-Executive Lay Member of the SBNI is £6,367.
31.The Non-Executive Lay Member is eligible to claim allowances, at rates set centrally, for travel and subsistence costs necessarily incurred on SBNI business
Period of Appointment
32.AnSBNI Non-Executive Lay Member is normally appointed for a maximum period of 4years. It should be noted that the Department may give notice to terminate your appointment at any time. If you decide to end your appointment early a minimum of 3 months notice will be required. An annual assessment of the performance of an SBNI Non-Executive Lay Member will be required throughout the period of appointment. The Minister of Health is committed to improving the diversity of the Boards to which she makes appointments. Re-appointment to the Board for a second term will not be automatic. The successful applicant may re-apply in open competition, subject to evidence of an appropriate standard of performance having been achieved during the initial period in office and evidence of continued adherence to the seven principles of public life.