United States Coast Guard / 2100 Second Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Staff Symbol: XXXXXX
[Your Command Info]
From: / X. X. XXXXX, CAPT [Unit CO]XXXX [Command] / Reply to
Attn of: / XXXXX [Your POC Info]
To: / CG-761
Thru: / Sector Commander [Your Sector Commander (if applicable)]
District Commander [Your District Commander (if applicable)]
Area Commander [Your Area Commander (if applicable)]
1. Detail the specific operational requirement(s) that NAIS data will help fulfill and explain why the existing enterprise systems (WebCOP, C2PC, E-GIS/GISNET, MARVIEW and/or MISLE) do not meet your needs.
2. Describe how the NAIS information will be processed (e.g. Transview 32, commercial viewer on standalone computer). If via a standalone computer, note that the local command is responsible for all maintenance associated with this computer.
3. Identify and provide the following information for live data feed requests: Requesting Command Name and Address ______; Date ______; Network Classification ______(NAIS is only authorized to connect to SBU and below networks); Government POC Name ______, Email Address ______, and Phone ______; Technical POC Name ______, Email Address ______, and Phone ______; System Owner (refers to the requesting command) Name ______, Email Address ______, and Phone ______; Program Manager (refers to the requesting command) Name ______, Email Address ______, and Phone ______; Designated Approval Authority (refers to the requesting command) Name ______, Email Address ______, and Phone ______; ISSO (refers to the requesting command) Name ______, Email Address ______, and Phone ______; ISSM (refers to the requesting command) Name ______, Email Address ______, and Phone ______; If contractor supported, Contractor Name ______, Contract Number ______, and Contract End Date ______; Narrative explaining specific use of the NAIS data ______; Geographical area of interest (e.g. New York Harbor or Lat/Lon coordinates describing a box-Decimal Degrees) ______; Data Feed Type (with duplicates, without duplicates, or 1 message per vessel per minute) ______; and Period of Interest (DHS Policy 4300A states not to exceed 3 years): From ______, To ______.
4. For live data requests, the NAIS ISSO will contact your unit to coordinate a required memorandum of agreement.
Copy: / CG NAVCEN2