Project Name
/ Students for Sustainable Living Outreach Projects / Total Amount Requested - $1,526.99 / Fund Code456-7514
Project Contact / Erika Hansen / Phone # / 571 217 7608
E-mail / / Duke Affiliation / Graduate student Students for Sustainable Living employee
Proposed Start Date / December 2013 / Proposed Completion Date / Undetermined
Applications may take up to 30 days to process. Please explain any time constraints:
We would need funding before we could order gear or print the bus signs and banner, so the earlier we can get funding the longer our education campaign can go on. To get the signs on the buses for January 2014, we would need funding by early December.
/ Erika Hansen /Date
/ 11/11/13(If submitted via email printed name is sufficient for signature)
Project Description (expand as necessary)
OBJECTIVE AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Describe project objective (ex: what operations and/or behaviors does this project address?). Include specific project details indicating how objectives will be met.We are applying for funding for several different branches of our outreach projects, but they are all aimed at promoting general sustainability messages around campus. We want to increase awareness of ways to live sustainably and promote the implementation of these actions around campus.
1. We would like to continue our “Living Sustainably is Easier Than You Think” advertising campaign. The ads, displayed on Duke University buses, promote simple actions students can take to make their habits/lifestyles more sustainable. In the past, the ads have featured prominent members of the Duke community including: Kyrie Irving, Larry Moneta, President Brodhead and DSG President Stefani Jones. This year we plan to feature student activist Jacob Tobiah, Duke University Improv and several undecided individuals. Since 2011 we have featured these ads on Duke University buses. This semester we plan to make three-four new ads:
a. “Go Thrift Shopping” featuring Duke University Improv
b. “Shop at the Durham Farmers Market” featuring Jacob Tobiah
c. “Ride the Bull City Connector”
d. “Print Less” or “Print Double-sided”
Next semester we will make four new ads to be displayed on the buses in Fall 2014.
In addition to featuring the ads on buses, we would like to display an ad we made last semester “Living Sustainably Is Easier Than You Think: Recycle Solo Cups” on a banner on the Bryan Center exterior wall. The banner would be up for two weeks, likely the first two of the Spring semester.
We would also like funding for sunglasses promoting the Sustainability Department. We would table and hand out sunglasses at appropriate events. In return for the gear, students would have to like the Sustainable Duke Facebook page and sign up for the list serve. The purpose of incentivizing with sunglasses is to reach students who may have otherwise not signed up for the list serv. We made these sunglasses through As Spice last year and they were a big success. On one side, the glasses read “Bleed Blue, Live Green,” and the other reads “Don’t Be Trashy. Recycle.” The glasses will
Is this project related to the current priorities of the Campus Sustainability Committee? If so, please explain briefly. Current priorities include: Energy & Water, Transportation, Materials Management (waste, recycling, purchasing, supply chain), Sustainability Education, Sustainability Communications, and Carbon Offsets. Note: These topic areas are high priority, but this is not a prerequisite for funding.
All of the projects would fall under the Sustainability Education category, as they all promote different ways to live sustainably on campus, the sustainability department in general, and sustainable events and efforts around campus. The bus signs would cover the various divisions of sustainability, as we would make one about water, one about energy use, one about recycling, etc.
Does this project have a financial payback? If so please explain. Note: Financial payback is not a prerequisite for funding.
There will not be a financial payback from the project, but it will have measurable outputs of increased knowledge about sustainability and increased use of sustainable living tips on campus.
DELIVERABLES Describe the project outputs.
The project would increase sustainable activities around campus, as people would be encouraged and educated about drinking tap water, recycling, driving less, etc. People would be more knowledgeable about the sustainability department, sustainable events on campus, and how to be more involved.
BUDGET List expenses or attach budget.
Bus signs: $85/month x 8 months (January-April and September-December): $680
Printing signs from Kinkos: 50 copies (25 for Spring, 25 for Fall) for the bus = ~$100
Hanging banner for 2 weeks: $100
Printing 4x6 banner from Kinkos: $139.99
Sunglasses from Adspice: $507
Total requested: $1,526.99
Environmental Sustainability Coordinator / Duke University – Office of Executive Vice President