National Community Education Directors Council
Work Groups 2010
Work Group Title Direct Support
Work Group Goals
1. Work w/Kim Musheno to provide direct input on direct support workforce related legislation and policy issues.
2. ID Direct support workforce related projects and summarize for sharing.
3. Hold at least three conference calls for staff involved in workforce issues.
4. Use Sharepoint and Learning Object Repository.
5. Collaboration with state DD and NASDDDs
Work Group Meetings/Topics
DATE / TOPIC / LEADER/FACILITATORJanuary / Career Ladder/Career Paths / Bill
April / Integration/Web-Based Training with Face to Face / Paul
September / Connecting UCEDD to support provider network and NASDDDs / Tera
MEMBER NAME / EMAIL / ROLEAmy Hewitt / / Chair
Tera Yoder /
Paul White /
Bill Gaventa /
Mary Mercer /
INTERESTED but not at work group meeting
Elizabeth Bishop /
Jamie Marshall /
Tom Gannon /
Items members will add to the Learning Object Repository: Description of Person Centered Organization; NICN Projects – Hispanic Populations; Conference for PWD Caregivers; positive behavior supports; Repository--- Paul-Trainings for DSPs, Bill-PDFs of trainings for DSPs. Calle-PATH newsletter
Work Group Title Dissemination and Marketing
Work Group Goals
1. Share dissemination strategies
2. Troubleshoot barriers to dissemination
Work Group Meetings/Topics
DATE / TOPIC / LEADER/FACILITATORJanuary / Web reporting, Google analytics / Robyn Carroll, Nick/Courtney from Vanderbilt
March / Social Networks / Kelsey Johnson
May / Multimedia strategies / Round table
July / News: Newsletters, media, / Melina Danko and roundtable
September / Reaching Rural Populations / Amy Cline
December / Reaching state legislators / Round table discussion/Rob Boy
MEMBER NAME / EMAIL / ROLEMelina Danko / / Chair
Linda Madsen /
Robyn Carroll /
Courtney Taylor /
Jackie Stone /
Sandra Horne /
Rob Boy /
Amy Cline /
Marybeth Vallance /
INTERESTED but not at work group:
Mary Mercer /
Amy Sharp /
Elizabeth Bishop /
Debbie Reinhartsen /
Cary Kruetzer /
Vonda Martin /
Susan Hethrington /
Marilyn Hammond /
Samantha Hunt (trainee)
Work Group Title Emergency Planning
Work Group Goals
1. Collect disaster-related products, post UCEDD-wide
2. Convene bi-monthly calls featuring a product, program or presentation
3. Build collaboration across the network especially with the SIG
MEMBER NAME / EMAIL / ROLETom Gannon / / Chair
Jamie Marshall /
Anne Riordan /
Amy Sharp /
INTERESTED but not at work group
Jerry Alliston /
Vickie Murdy /
Notes: The EP group will focus on gathering products (guides, flyers, pamphlets, support materials), programs (grocery collaboration to create preparedness kits on gradual basis, 211 collaborations, partnerships, CDC Disability and Health grantee program) and presentations (trainings).
Work Group Title Community Training for the Future
Work Group Goals
1. Conference call discussions (4) schedule in Sharepoint
2. Post documents, resources, meeting minutes in Sharepoint
January / How to sell media/technology & how to get buy in form the university / CaryMarch / Reaching community using technology for training (adobe connect, go-to-meeting, elluminate live, mediasite / Cary, Debbie Reim
May / Multimedia Strategies for distance training. Lessons from the field / Elizabeth
Sept / Technology for student/trainee. Communication, discussion, (sharepoint, wiki / Elizabeth
MEMBER NAME / EMAIL / ROLECary Kruetzer / / Chair
Antonia Fisher /
Pam Grau /
Debbie Reinhartsen /
Elizabeth Bishop /
INTERSTED but not at work group
Robyn Carroll /
Donna Yerby /
Tera Yoder /
Mary Mercer /
Susan Hethrington /
Jerry Alliston /
Marilyn Hammond /
Jamie Marshall /
Tom Gannon /
Marybeth Vallance /
Work Group Title Self-Determination/Transition
Work Group Goals
1. Share and disseminate information and resources regarding transition into adulthood
2. Coordinate conference call topics and subject content with the Dissemination and Marketingworkgroup
3. Collaboratewith the Sibling Leadership Network
Work Group Meetings/Topics
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST / Person Centered Planning / Jerry Alliston, Stacey Ramirez
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST / Post Secondary Education Opportunities / Donna Yerby
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST / Employment / Susan Heatherington
Jerry R. Alliston / / Co-Chair
Stacey Ramirez / / Co-Chair
Katie Arnold /
Susan Hethrington /
Donna Yerby /
INTERESTED but not at work group
Mette Pederson / Mette Pedersen, MEd, MA
Vyonda Martin /
Bill Gaventa /
Stacey to send “gentle” email reminders to post information on the portal.
Stacey and Jerry to post conference call minutes to portal
Notice of conference calls to be sent to all NCEDC Members
Work Group Title Violence Prevention
Work Group Goals
1. Raise awareness of VP issues by connecting w/other subcommittees and within our states (campus, disability orgs, offices of education faith based, etc)
2. Disseminate info (links, curricula, professional literature, funding, etc) via Sharepoint
3. Seek out existing curricula and compile list to share through Sharepoint
4. Conduct at least four conference calls on violence prevention issues
MEMBER NAME / EMAIL / ROLEMarilyn Hammond / / Chair
Mette Pederson / Mette Pedersen, MEd, MA
Mary Mercer /
INTERESTED but not at work group meeting
Debbie Reinhartsen /
Sandra Horne /
Sandy Root-Ellege /