Curriculum Outline

What is long term care?
·  Medical care
·  Nursing and rehabilitative care
·  Personal care
·  Residential care
Why are people admitted to long term care?
·  The long term care population
Who provides care in a long term care facility?
How is care paid for?
·  Medicare
·  Medicaid
·  Personal resources
·  Managed care plans
·  Long term care insurance
Who oversees long term care? / ·  Define what makes life worth living
·  Describe a Long Term Care facility
·  List four services provided in long term care
·  List the types of care offered in long term care
·  Give two reasons why people are admitted to long term care
·  Define the role of the members of the interdisciplinary health care team
·  Explain how care is paid for
·  Describe the agency that oversees long term care / Discussion; small group activity; lecture
Discussion; small group activity
Discussion; lecture
Lecture; discussion
Lecture; discussion


Starting Your Job: What to Expect

Curriculum Outline

Content / Behavioral Objective / Suggested Activities
Providing care
·  Providing the best care possible
·  Mindful caregiving
·  Understanding residents’ routines
·  Values and culture
·  Ethics
·  Developing trust
The interdisciplinary team
·  Developing a relationship with the charge nurse
·  Developing relationships with co-workers
·  Daily assignments
Approaches to care
Factors that influence care
Job functions
Taking care of yourself
·  Coping with stress
·  Coping with your emotions / ·  Explain what is meant by mindful caregiving
·  List ten questions to ask when learning about a resident’s routine
·  Define ethical decisions
·  Describe the nursing team
·  Explain the importance of developing a trusting relationship with the charge nurse and co-workers
·  List three questions to ask when receiving an assignment
·  Describe the three different approaches to care
·  List at least three factors that influence care
·  Describe four essential job functions common in nurse assistant job descriptions
·  Describe two ways to take care of yourself / Group activities; lecture; discussion
Lecture; discussion
Small group activity; lecture; discussion
Small group activity; lecture
Small group activity
Discussion; group activities
Lecture; discussion
Lecture; discussion
Group presentations; discussion;
flip chart /student responses


Understanding People

Curriculum Outline

Psychosocial wellbeing
·  Discovering the resident
Gaining an understanding of residents
·  Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development
·  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- Physical needs
- Safety and security needs
- Social needs
- Self-fulfillment needs
·  Other needs of residents
- Sexual needs
- Spiritual needs
·  Cultural and values differences
·  Meeting different needs
Understanding a resident’s history / ·  Describe how to know a resident
·  List Erickson’s eight stages of psychosocial development
·  Define Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
·  List ways to meet resident’s needs
·  Describe how knowing a resident’s history will help understand resident’s needs / Group presentations; discussion;
Lecture; flip chart; discussion;
group presentations
Flip chart /student responses;
Lecture; group presentations; flip chart /student responses;

Chapter 4

Understanding People’s Rights

Curriculum Outline

Legal rights
Right to exercise one’s rights
·  How to assist residents to exercise their rights
Right to privacy and confidentiality
·  How to protect resident’s rights to privacy
Right to information
·  Your responsibilities for providing information
Right to choose
·  How to help residents exercise their right to choose
Right to notification of change
·  When to notify residents of change
Protection of resident’s personal funds
·  Your responsibility regarding resident’s funds
Grievance rights
·  Your responsibility regarding resident grievances
Admission, transfer and discharge rights
·  Your role in transfers and discharges
Right to be free from restraint and abuse
·  What you can do to be free from abuse
Ombudsman program / ·  Define rights
·  List the rights in the Residents’ Bill of Rights
·  Define terms used for abuse
·  List what is required in an abuse program
·  Define the role of the ombudsman / Flip chart /student responses; discussion; lecture
Flip chart /student responses; discussion; group presentations
Flip chart /student responses;

Chapter 5

Your Role in Ensuring Quality of Life

Curriculum Outline

What is dignity?
·  How perception influences dignity
·  Changing a resident’s self-perception
Honoring a resident’s life
·  Who is Anna Mae Halgrim Seaver?
Helping the resident to redefine their life
What difference does promoting dignity make?
Considering the resident as a customer
·  How to add customer service into your caregiving
Quality of life
A different way to provide care / ·  Describe why treating a resident with dignity is important
·  Describe what a customer service focus means for a nurse assistant
·  Explain the importance of activities for residents
·  Describe the principles of the Eden Alternative / Flip chart /student responses;
lecture; discussion; group presentations
Flip chart /student responses;
lecture; discussion
Lecture; discussion
Flip chart /student responses;
lecture; discussion

Chapter 6

The Role of the Family

Curriculum Outline

What is family?
·  The family as customer
Why is family important?
What happens to families when residents get admitted?
·  The adjustment process
·  Guilt
·  Anger
·  Uncertainty
·  Sadness
·  Loss of control
·  Relief
Your relationship with the family
Involving the family in care
·  Communicating effectively with family members
Family visits
·  Managing family members’ expectations
·  When families express distress
When you become like a family member / ·  Define family
State why family is important
·  Define the family’s adjustment process
·  Explain how to develop a relationship with the family
·  Describe how to make the resident’s family feel part of the health care team / Discussionl; role play; lecture;
flip chart /student responses;
lecture; discussion
Flip chart /student responses;
lecture; discussion;
group presentations
Flip chart /student responses;
Group presentations;

Chapter 7


Curriculum Outline

How we communicate
·  Verbal communication
·  Nonverbal communication/body language
·  Touch
·  Listening
·  Validating communication
Promoting effective communication
Ending a conversation
Problems of ineffective communication
Special communication needs
·  Communicating with demanding residents
·  Communicating with residents who need encouragement
·  Communicating with residents with visual impairment
·  Communicating with residents with hearing impairment
·  Communicating with residents who are depressed
·  Communicating with residents with cognitive
·  impairment
·  Communicating with residents with speech impairment
Communication and inappropriate behavior
·  Responding to sexual advances
·  Responding to sexual abuse
Conflict resolution
·  Understanding yourself
·  Reactions to conflict
·  Nondefensive communication
·  Effective communication when conflict occurs
·  Steps for conflict resolution
Communicating about yourself
Telephone courtesy / ·  List ways to make verbal communication effective
·  Explain the importance of nonverbal communication, touch, and listening
·  List general guidelines for good communication and active listening
·  Explain ways to communicate with residents who have special communication needs
·  Describe ways to handle residents’ inappropriate behavior or aggression
·  Describe how to resolve conflicts
·  Explain when it is OK to talk about yourself with residents
·  Demonstrate proper telephone courtesy / Flip chart /student responses; discussion; lecture; small group activity
Group presentations; discussion
Discussion; lecture; flip chart /student responses
Group presentations; role plays; discussion
Discussion; flip chart /student responses; lecture
Discussion; flip chart /student responses; lecture, group presentations

Chapter 8

Documentation Principles and Procedures

Curriculum Outline

Gathering information about residents and their care activities
·  Residents
·  The resident’s chart
·  Other communication devices
·  Other people
·  Facility policies and procedures
The difference between objective and subjective information
Resident assessment
·  Quality indicators
Resident care plan
·  Your role in the care plan meeting
How to report information
·  Routine reporting
·  Immediate reporting
·  “By a certain time” reporting
Incident reports
Your role in documentation
·  Guidelines for documentation
·  Correcting a mistake in documentation
Common medical terms and abbreviations / ·  Name all the locations where resident information can be found
·  Explain the difference between objective and subjective information
·  Explain your role in the care planning process
·  Explain when and how to report and document information
·  Identify medical terminology and abbreviations / Small group activity;
responses; discussion;
lecture; flip chart /student responses
Flip chart /student responses;
discussion; lecture; group presentations
Flip chart /student responses;
optional group activity
Lecture; group presentations;
flip chart /student responses
Group activity; lecture

Chapter 9

Prevention and Control of Infection

Curriculum Outline

How microorganisms cause infections
How microorganisms are transmitted: the chain of infection
·  The microorganism
·  The reservoir
·  Portal of exit from the reservoir
·  Modes of transmission from the reservoir
·  Direct transmission
·  Indirect transmission
·  Airborne transmission
·  Portal of entry into susceptible host
·  Susceptible host
Strategies for breaking the chain of infection
·  Handwashing and other strategies
·  Breaking the chain at the mode of transmission link
·  Breaking the chain at the susceptible host link
Using barriers
·  Gloves
·  Gowns
·  Disposable plastic aprons
·  Eye protection
Isolation precautions
·  Transmission-based precautions
- Airborne precautions
- Droplet precautions
- Contact precautions
·  Applying isolation precautions
·  Psychosocial needs of residents on isolation precautions
Cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization
·  Cleaning
·  Disinfection
·  Sterilization
·  Designated clean and dirty areas of the facility / ·  State how microorganisms are transmitted
·  Describe how the body responds to infection
· Define your role in identifying the signs,
symptoms, and clues of infection
·  Demonstrate the skill of handwashing
·  Demonstrate the proper way to put on and remove gowns, aprons, gloves, masks, and eye protection
·  Explain your facility’s policies and procedures related to isolation precautions
·  State your role in cleaning objects and disposing of solid items in the resident’s environment / Discussion; responses; lecture; flip chart ; group activity listing responses
Lecture; flip charts
Lecture; skill demonstration; practice; skills check-off
Lecture; skill demonstration; practice; skills check-off
Flip chart /student responses
lecture; discussion
Flip chart /student responses

Chapter 10

Personal Injury Prevention and Protection

Curriculum Outline

Protecting yourself from bloodborne infections
·  Standard precautions
- Handwashing
- Gloves
- Mask, eye protection, face shield
- Gown
- Resident care equipment
- Environmental control
- Linen
- Occupational health and bloodborne pathogens
- Resident placement
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
·  Preventing needlesticks
·  Exposure control plan
·  Engineering and work practice controls
·  Personal protective equipment
·  Housekeeping
·  Hepatitis B vaccination and post-exposure evaluation and follow-up
·  Information and training requirements
·  Information and bloodline pathogens
·  HIV and AIDs
·  Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
·  Nurse assistant tasks involving exposure to blood
Special equipment and supplies for infection prevention and control
·  Wastes requiring special handling
Injury Prevention (Ergonomics)
Mindful decision making: injury prevention
·  Common sense rules
·  Residents
·  Nurse assistant
·  Environment
Body mechanics
·  Principles of body mechanics
- Step 1: things to consider
- Step 2: prepare yourself
- Step 3: determine how to move
Preventing resident falls
·  Why residents fall
·  Preventing falls
- Devices and equipment used to prevent falls
Environmental awareness
·  Wet floor
·  Electrical safety
·  Chemical safety
·  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
·  Container labeling
·  Emergency first aid for chemical exposures
·  The “Right to Know” law
·  Safety around oxygen
Disaster preparedness
·  Weather
·  Fire
- If you are first to notice a fire
- If a fire alarm sounds on another wing or unit
- If an evacuation is ordered
Incident reporting / ·  Explain standard precautions
·  Define the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard
·  Define ergonomics
·  List at least ten common sense rules for preventing injury
·  Demonstrate good body mechanics
·  Describe how to prevent resident falls
·  Discuss your role in preventing injuries
·  Discuss their role in disaster preparedness / Lecture; discussion; demonstration
Flip chart; lecture; group presentations; discussion
Flip chart; lecture
Demonstration; discussion; flip chart /student participation; lecture
Flip chart; lecture; small group activity; discussion;
demonstration; return demonstration
Lecture; demonstration
Lecture; group presentations
Flip chart ; Appendix D review; lecture; discussion

Chapter 11

The Aging Process and Disease Management

Curriculum Outline

Learn how residents feel about aging
Avoid labeling
Acute versus chronic problems
·  Localized responses
·  Whole body responses
·  Silent responses
Identifying signs and symptoms of common infections
·  Clues to infection in older adults
·  Putting together clues to infection
Integumentary system (skin)
·  Structures
·  Functions
·  Aging changes
·  Abnormal signs and symptoms
·  Observations to report
·  Common chronic illnesses, diseases, and problems of the
·  integumentary system
- Dry skin
·  Signs and symptoms of dry skin
·  Nurse assistant’s role in observation and intervention
·  Goals of care
·  Interventions or skills for care
- Contact dermatitis
Signs and symptoms of contact dermatitis
·  Nurse assistant’s role in observation
·  and intervention
·  Goals of care
·  Interventions or skills for care