Student Ratings of Teaching (SRT)
Faculty FAQ’s
1. Are students who have dropped a course still invited to complete an online SRT?
No. Only actively enrolled students are granted access to the survey. Students that are no longer enrolled or have withdrawn from the course will not be included in the survey.
2. Are the student responses anonymous?
Yes. There are no student identifiers attached to the evaluation reports.
3. Will grades be withheld until the online SRTs are completed?
No. The survey will close before grades are due to the Registrar’s Office.
4. For subsequent semesters, is there a link I can put in my syllabus to direct student ’ s to the online SRT?
Yes. The direct link is: s eval.asp?i=47
When the SRT becomes available each semester, students will receive a message via their dolphin email explaining how to login to the system through the myCI portal.
5. When can I see the results of my evaluations ?
You will receive an email with access instructions when the results become available. This will be after final grades have been posted.
6. I know that the online server is considered an extension of my Personal Action File, but how do I access the survey results online ?
Faculty can access the site via the myCI portal, or through the same direct link that students can use:
Just enter your network username and password to be authenticated. For convenience, we will also have a link available on the Evaluations page of the Faculty Affairs website:
7. What is the procedure for evaluating team taught courses?
Instructors in team-taught courses are evaluated separately. Students will be provided with independent evaluations for each instructor that has chosen to evaluate the course. Instructors will only be able to view the results of their own SRTs.
8. How are cross listed courses evaluated?
Combined sections and cross listed courses are evaluated individually by the students enrolled in each section. Example: MGT-BIOL-MATH 999 has 26 students enrolled. 10 students are enrolled in the MGT section, 12 students are enrolled in the BIOL section, and 4 students are enrolled in the MATH section. The instructor will be provided with 2 reports: one for the MGT section and one for the BIOL 999 section. The MATH section will not be evaluated because only 4 students are enrolled. If the MATH section had 5 or more students, it too would be evaluated and a third report would be provided.