*This is a working document intended for adaptation according to institutional needs*

Student and Portfolio Information Form (SPIF)

Section I. (Portfolio items – student reflection of K, S, A)

For this section of the Student and Portfolio Information Form (SPIF), you will need to enter the name and source of each item in your portfolio. First, type in the "title" or "label" that you have given for each item in your portfolio. For example, if you completed an essay as part of a course during a semester abroad program in London, you might have titled the essay "A Visit to Parliament." Second, type in the "source" and "date" for that item. For example, since the essay was completed during a London Semester Abroad Program in the fall of 2005, you would type in "London Semester Abroad Program, fall, 2005".

Then, for each of the items please think about whether it provides information, perspective, or content that demonstrates your international knowledge, skills or attitudes as defined below:

·  the knowledge that you have gained
Specifically, how you have increased your knowledge of:

o  Your own culture in a global context

o  Nations and their neighbors

o  Global issues and processes

o  Other cultures

·  the skills that you have acquired
Specifically, skills such as:

o  Critical thinking

o  Use of a second language for personal communication to gather information and to communicate with other cultures and/or in other language

·  how your attitudes have changed and/or been affected
Specifically, attitudes toward:

o  Other language, art, religions, philosophies and popular culture

o  Cultural differences

o  Your culture in relation to other cultures

o  International or intercultural experiences

It is quite possible that an item will demonstrate all three of these areas (knowledge, skills, and attitudes); it is equally possible that this item may demonstrate one or two of these areas but not all three (e.g., attitudes and knowledge, but not skills). For each item, please check one, two, or all three of the boxes, depending on whether you think the item demonstrates your international knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes.

Item 1: Title: Response to the “Common Question” Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 2: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 3: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 4: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 5: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 6: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 7: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 8: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 9: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Item 10: Title Source/Date

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Section II. (Background Information)

1. Age:

2. Gender:

3. Please indicate your current year of study in college or university.

Year of study Freshman;Sophomore;Junior;Senior;First Year Grad School;Second Year Grad School;Third Year Grad School;Fourth Year Grad School;Fifth Year Grad School;Sixth Year Grad School;Seventh Year Grad School;Eighth Year Grad School;Ninth Year Grad School;Tenth Year Grad School

4. Please describe the primary location where you were raised.

Alabama;Alaska;Arizona;Arkansas;California;Colorodo;Connecticut;Delaware;Florida;Georgia;Hawaii;Idaho;Illinois;Indiana;Iowa;Kansas;Kentucky;Louisana;Maine;Maryland;Massachusetts;Michigan;Minnesota;Mississippi;Missouri;Montana;Nebraska;Nevada;New Hampshire;New Jersey;New Mexico;New York;North Carolina;North Dakota;Ohio;Oklahoma;Oregon;Pennsylvania;Rhode Island;South Carolina;South Dakota;Tennessee;Texas;Utah;Vermont;Virginia;Washington;West Virginia;Wisconsin;Wyoming;Other


Urban Setting;Rural Setting


25,000 or less";"50,000 - 100,000";"100,000 - 200,000";"200,000 - 500,000";"500,000 - 1,000,000";"1,000,000 - 5,000,000";"5,000,000 or more"


5. Marital Status

Divorced; Married; Single; Widowed;Other

6. How many children do you have?

0 - I do not have any children;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20

7. What is your ethnic background? Other:

Black or African-American; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Caucasian/White; Hispanic/Latino; Other (please specify)

8. Please indicate your best estimate of your parent(s)/guardian(s) average annual income (even if you are not currently receiving financial support from them).

Less than $10,000";" $10,000-$29,999";" $30,000-$49,999";" $50,000-$69,999";" $70,000-$89,999";" $90,000-$109,999";" $110,000-$129,999";" $130,000-$149,999";" $150,000-$174,999";" $175,000 or more"

9. Are you eligible to receive services for students with disabilities?

10. Do you have a major field of study?

If yes, please enter the name or title

11. Do you have a minor field of study or an academic specialization?

If yes, please enter the name or title

12. Please indicate how many colleges or universities you have attended before now.


13. What is your current and approximate Grade Point Average (GPA) at your college or university (please select one of the following choices)?

I have not yet completed a semester or term; Less than 1.0;1.0-1.25;1.25-1.5;1.5-1.75;1.75-2.0;2.0-2.25;2.25-2.5;2.5-2.75;2.75-3.0;3.0-3.25;3.25-3.5;3.5-3.75;3.75-4.0

14. Please indicate the highest academic degree that you intend to obtain.

Not a degree-seeking student; Associate’s degree;Bachelor’s degree;Master’s degree;"Specialist degree (e.g., Ed.S.)";"Professional degree (e.g., Law)";"Doctoral degree (e.g., PhD)"

15. What is your country of citizenship? If you have dual-citizenship, please indicate those countries in the “Other” box.

United States;Other (Please list in the space provided)

16. If you have lived/resided outside of the United States, how much time have you spent in countries other than the United States?

I have not yet spent time in a country other than the United States.;0-1 weeks;1-2 weeks;2-3 weeks;3-4 weeks;1 month;1-2 months;2-3 months;3-4 months;4-5 months;5-6 months;6-9 months;9-12 months;1 year;1-1.5 years;1.5-2 years;2 years;2-2.5 years;2.5-3 years;3-3.5 years;3.5-4 years;4-4.5 years;4.5-5 years;5-5.5 years;5.5-6 years;6-6.5 years;6.5-7 years;7-7.5 years;7.5-8 years;8-8.5 years;"8,5-9 years";9-9.5 years;9.5-10 years;10-11 years;11-12 years;12-13 years;13-14 years;14-15 years;15-16 years;16-17 years;17-18 years;18-19 years;19-20 years;21 years;Other (Please specify)

17. How many countries other than the United States have you visited?

18. Before entering your college or university, did your family ever take or send you to a country other than the United States?

19. Has at least one of your parents traveled outside of the United States?

20. Please indicate the highest level of formal education obtained by your mother.

Some high school or less;High school graduate;Post-secondary school;Some college;College degree;Some graduate school;"Graduate degree (e.g., Master’s degree)";"Professional degree (e.g., Law)";Doctoral degree

21. Please indicate the country in which your mother was born:

22. Please indicate the highest level of formal education obtained by your father.

23. Please indicate the country in which your father was born:

24. On a scale of 1-7, with 1 being “extremely low” and 7 being “extremely high,” please indicate your level of personal interest in international education or study abroad experiences.

1 = Extremely Low;2 = Very Low;3 = Low;4 = Neutral;5 = High;6 = Very High;7 = Extremely High

25. If you have not traveled outside the United States as an undergraduate for academic purposes, what is the main reason you have not done so?

No interest in going to another country;Do not speak a foreign language;Parents do not want me to go;Family obligations prevent me from going;Faculty and/or advisors do not encourage students to go;There are no opportunities at my college;It will delay my graduation;I cannot afford to take time off from my job;It is too expensive;"I have not gone yet, but I plan to go before I graduate";Others (Please specify)

26. If you have traveled outside the United States as an undergraduate for academic purposes, what was the main benefit from this experience?

I have not traveled outside of the US for academic purposes;Increased my understanding of my own culture and values;Increased my understanding of other people and cultures;Increased my foreign language skills;Made me a more well-rounded person;Will help me get a better job;Provide me with skills to work with people from diverse backgrounds;Others (Please specify)

27. Please indicate the method(s) through which you are financing your college or university education (select all that apply):
My parents are paying
I am paying
I am using federal/state financial aid (e.g., loans)
I am using a private scholarship
Other (please describe in the space provided) Other:

28. If you are, or will be, participating in a study abroad or other international experience, please indicate the method(s) through which you are/will be financing this experience (click all that apply):
I have not participated and do not plan to participate in a study abroad experience
My parents are paying
I am paying
I am using federal/state financial aid (e.g., loans)
I am using a private scholarship
Other (please describe in the space provided) Other:

29. How many college-level courses, if any, have you completed that focused on “global,” “cross-cultural,” “multicultural,” “international,” "country," "world region" (e.g., Asia) content?

30. How many years of foreign languages did you study prior to college or university?

0;0.5;1;1.5;2;2.5;3;3.5;4;4.5;5;5.5;6;6.5;7;7.5;8;8.5;9;9.5;10;Other (please specify)

31. How many semesters of any foreign language have you studied in college or university (if you are currently enrolled in a foreign language course, please include that semester in your total):

0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;Other (please specify)

32. In the space provided, please check all languages that you have studied prior to or in college or university:
I have not yet studied any language.
English as a Second Language
Other (please specify)


33. Do you speak a language other than English?

34. If you do speak a language other than English, where did you learn that language? Please check all the apply.
I do not speak a language other than English
Living Abroad

35. If you speak a language other than English, please list that language(s) in the space provided.

36. Please indicate your highest level of fluency in any language other than English.

I do not speak a language other than English.;Minimally fluent;Somewhat fluent;Moderately fluent;Mostly fluent;Fluent

37. Which, if any, of the following do you rely on for news and information (click all that apply)?
A daily newspaper.
A weekly news magazine.
Radio news programming.
Television news programming.
The internet.
I do not rely on any of the above sources of news or information.
Other (please list):

Section III. (International Learning Experiences – sample for Kalamazoo College)

1. I have completed or am currently completing an internship with a non-US company (in the US or abroad).

Yes No

If you answered yes, please describe:

2. I have lived or am currently living with a roommate from another country.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please indicate the country or countries:

3. I have participated or am currently participating in one or more courses with an international, global, or multicultural focus.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please indicate the course or courses:

4. I have participated or am currently participating in one or more on-campus international or multicultural events.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please indicate which international or multicultural events you attended:

5. I have participated or am currently participating in one or more service learning experiences in the United States

Yes No

If you answered yes, please describe the experience(s):

6. I have participated or am currently participated in one or more service learning experiences in another country.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please describe the experience(s):

7. I have participated or am currently participating in one or more study abroad experiences.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please describe the study abroad experience(s):

8. I have studied or am currently studying a language other than English.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please check all of the languages that you have studies or are currently studying:

9. I have traveled or am currently traveling to five or more states in the United States.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please list these states:

10. I have traveled or am currently traveling abroad.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please list this country or countries in which you have traveled or are currently traveling:

11. I have worked or am currently working abroad.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please list the country or countries in which you have worked or are currently working:

12. I have had or am currently having one or more international, global, or multicultural experiences that is not listed above.

Yes No

If you answered yes, please describe this experience(s).

Section IV. (Ranking International Learning Experiences)

Please look over all of the international experiences that you described above. Then, in rank order below, indicate the relative impact or influence that each of these experiences has had on the knowledge you have learned, skills you have acquired, or attitudes/values that have been affected or changed. When you write in each international learning experience next to its rank order, please type the exact name or title of the experience.

Rank Order of Experience / Type in Exact Title or Name of Experience (from above)
This international learning experience had the first greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the second greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the third greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the fourth greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the fifth greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the sixth greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the seventh greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the eighth greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the ninth greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
This international learning experience had the tenth greatest
Impact or influence on the knowledge I learned, skills I acquired, or attitudes/values that have been changed or affected.
