Abstract Form for Free Communications
24th Malaysian Association of Orthodontists International Scientific Conference and Trade Exhibition
21st – 23rd April 2018, Penang

Submission dateline: 16th March 2018

For office use

(Not more than 250 words)

Presenter Information (type and print legibly in black or blue ink):

A complete name and mailing address of PRESENTER. (Nb: All correspondence will be mailed to this address)

Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone number: ______

E-mail: ______

Mode of presentation:(NB: Please tick your preference in any one of the boxes below)

-Oral presentation

-Poster presentation

-Will accept any mode given

I have proofread this abstract and understand the obligations of submission.

Please Email form back to: -


(Presenter’s Signature & Date) Maj. (Dr) Nik Seridaiyana binti Nik Omar Al Haded



The conference fees must be made before the abstract can be accepted.

In order to achieve a uniform style, authors are requested to conform to the following:

Title: Limit your title to a maximum of twenty (20) words.

Authors: Starting after the title, list each author’s name in capital letters. The name should include the first and the middle initials. The number of authors should be limited to a maximum of three. Place an asterisk (*) after the name of the presenting author. Addresses may be abbreviated. Asterisk only one name per abstract.

Institution: The name (s) of the institution(s) must follow the last author’s name and should be enclosed in parenthesis.

Content of the abstract

Authors are required to use clear typeface of minimum size 10. All text of abstract must contain the following:

(For investigation type project)

Objective of investigation: The content of abstract must contain a brief statement of the objectives of the investigation.

Method used: The content of the abstract must also contain a brief description of the experimental methods used.

Results: Essential results including data and where appropriate, statistics should be clearly stated in the abstract content

Conclusions: Conclusions should be underlined.

Supporting agency and grants: Where supporting grants have been received, the agency and grant number should be quoted.

Mode of presentations

Oral presentation:

Microsoft Power Point Presentation only (all equipment provided)

Presentation last for 10 minutes followed by 3 minutes Q & A

Poster Presentation:

Digital template will be given once your submission is accepted.