Parole Board members’ core competencies(October 2012)
1. Knowledge and ValuesTo ensure a suitable level of knowledge of the jurisdiction, law and procedure of the Board and an understanding of the appropriate principles and standards
Competencies / Performance indicators / Test
All members / Understands the legal framework, jurisdiction, procedures and subject matter of the Board. / • Can accurately describe and explain the legal framework, jurisdiction, procedures and subject matter.
• Can describe the collective and respective roles of the Board’s members and staff. / None
Exhibits professionalism and shows commitment by applying him/herself to providing high standards of public service. / • Is properly prepared for each case.
• Shows an ability and willingness to learn and develop professionally.
• Complies with the training requirements of the Board and takes responsibility for his/her own professional development. / Self-select against 7 principles of public life; interview follow-up
Is aware of and respects diversity in all its forms[1] promotes fair treatment. / • Ensures the requirements of those with additional needs are properly met.
• Identifies, acknowledges and sets aside personal prejudices. / Self-select; interview follow-up
Specialist members / Possesses an in-depth and up-to-date expert knowledge of the relevant subject matter of the Board’s jurisdiction. / • Can explain in detail the subject matter of the Board and its application, within their field of expertise, and keeps up-to-date with their relevant area of specialism. / Qualification criteria and checks; interview follow-up
Chairs* / Possesses a detailed knowledge of the jurisdiction, law and practice relevant to the Board.
* and members when working alone or in pairs / • Identifies the issues in the case.
• Properly applies appropriate and relevant legal rules to the issues before the panel.
• Obtains further advice or information from appropriate sources when required.
• Keeps up-to-date with changes in the law.
• Conducts the proceedings in accordance with the Board’s procedural rules or regulations, taking account of all the reasonable needs of those participating in the hearing. / None
Proposed coreskills, values and knowledge for new recruits against possible selection vehicles for independent, judicial and specialist (psychologist and psychiatrist)members.Competencies to be acquired after selection are shown in greyscale.
2. CommunicationTo ensure effective communication between chairs, members, parties and members of staff and that all written communication is clearly drafted
Competencies / Performance indicators / Test
All members / Communicates effectively. / • Uses correct forms of address and appropriate language.
• Asks relevant questions and/or makes comments in a manner that is sensitive to all.
• Takes steps to facilitate effective communication and eliminate or reduce, so far as practicable, potential difficulties for those appearing at the hearing.
• Treats everyone with respect.
• Avoids inappropriate comments.
• Asks clear, concise, relevant and understandable questions.
• Uses language that is readily understood by all and varies approach as necessary.
• Employs active listening skills and uses appropriate body language.
• Regularly checks the understanding of all participants including colleagues.
• Drafts clearly, accurately, concisely and legibly. / Checkall written or verbal contributions including screening, analytical work, briefingexercise and interview
Makes effective use of supporting computing facilities and appropriate software. / • Uses systems, templates and electronic media as required. / None
Specialist members / Communicates effectively. / • Provides clear advice to members and clear explanations to parties, on matters within the specialist’s areas of expertise. / As above
Chairs / Facilitates the participation of all parties, representatives and members to ensure fair treatment and a fair hearing. / • Elicits the extent of the understanding of those appearing at the hearing, before or at least from the outset of the proceedings.
• Makes effective use of those who facilitate, support, interpret, assist and represent throughout the hearing, to enable all to participate fully in the proceedings, and ensures effective use of all types of communication aids and available specialist advice. / None
Communicates effectively. / • Explains any relevant legal, evidential or procedural issues to members and the parties in language that is readily understood by all.
• Articulates decisions using clear and concise language so that the parties understand the findings, reasons and decisions. / None
3. Conduct of Cases
To ensure fair and timely disposal of all cases
Competencies / Performance indicators / Test
All members / Conducts him/herself in a manner that establishes and maintains the independence and authority of the Board. / • Recognises and discloses any potential conflict of interest.
• Is punctual, well-prepared and dresses appropriately.
• Behaves in a measured, calm and non-confrontational manner. / Self-select against ethical statements; briefingexercise and interview
Demonstrates integrity and independence. / • Completes required caseload.
• Recognises and respects the needs of those appearing without representation.
• Participates in the tribunal in a way that enhances and promotes fair treatment.
• Is objective, open-minded and inspires respect and confidence. / Check elements of analytical work, briefing exercise and interview
Chairs / Facilitates the full participation of all parties, representatives and members to ensure fair treatment and just outcome. / • Maintains a proper balance between (1) assisting those appearing at the hearing and enabling them to participate fully and (2) the impartiality of the Board.
• Takes account of all factors that may undermine the fair treatment of all those at the hearing. / None
Manages the hearing in a manner that enables proper participation by all those present. / • Introduces members of the panel and explains the Board’s procedures.
• Ensures that each party is properly heard.
• Explains to the parties what will happen after the hearing has ended. / None
Chairs* / Deals effectively with case management issues.
* and members when working alone or in pairs / • Estimates time realistically and works within time limits.
• Prioritises effectively and minimises delays and irrelevancies by reading papers inadvance and setting appropriate Directions. / None
Chairs / Manages the hearing to facilitate a fair and timely disposal. / • Nine performance indicators relating to specifics in chairing a hearing: not shown to save space / None
4. Evidence
To ensure that all relevant issues are addressed by eliciting and managing evidence
Competencies / Performance indicators / Test
All members / Undertakes necessary preparatory work for all cases. / • Exhibits familiarity with the points at issue in the case. / Analytical work and/or screening device
Identifies and assimilates relevant facts and expert evidence. / • Identifies the areas requiring clarification or investigation and focuses on risks.
• Quickly and fully absorbs and accurately analyses information.
• Identifies and uses only relevant facts and expert evidence from written and oral sources.
• Records relevant information during the hearing. / Analytical work and/or screening device
Asks questions concerning material issues. / • Asks questions in such a way as to elicit evidence relevant to the issues. / None
Specialist members / Can extract relevant facts from evidence submitted within their field of expertise. / • Provides clear and concise advice and guidance on relevant information. / Analytical work and/or screening device; interview follow-up
Chairs* / Conducts the hearing to encompass all relevant issues.
* and members when working alone or in pairs / • Elicits relevant evidence.
• Ensures all and, as far as possible, only relevant issues are addressed and considered. / None
Seeks further evidence as required.
* and members when working alone or in pairs / • Facilitates, as and when necessary, the asking of relevant questions by panel members.
• Calls for additional reports and other evidence where necessary and appropriate. / None
5. Decision making
To ensure effective deliberation, structured decision making and disposal of the case
Competencies / Performance indicators / Test
All members / Takes an active part in deliberations and decisionmaking, demonstrating sound judgement. / • Appropriately participates in the decision-making process, including agreement of panel reasons.
• Expresses opinions in discussion relevant to the issues.
• Considers opinions and advice of others before making a decision.
• Properly weighs the sufficiency and quality of evidence in relation to risks.
• Makes reasoned decisions based on the relevant law and findings of fact. / Briefing exercise
Specialist members / Provides specialist advice. / • Provides clear and accurate advice and guidance to the panel on matters within their area of expertise, as required. / Briefingexercise; interview follow-up
Chairs / Involves all members in the deliberations and decision-making. / • Summarises the issues and, if necessary, reminds the panel of the evidence and relevant law before initiating deliberations.
• Gives advice on burden and standard of proof and weighting of the evidence.
• Seeks relevant advice from any specialist member. / None
Chairs* / Establishes a structured decision-making process.
* and members when working alone or in pairs / • Ensures that there is an opportunity for full discussion and enables each member to express an opinion and reach a reasoned conclusion on the issues to be decided.
• Ensures that the panel identifies the issues, makes finding of fact and provides reasons that indicate application of the relevant law and the Secretary of State’s Directions.
• Ensures that proper consideration is given to the reasoning of all members when there is a disagreement on any finding of fact, issue or decision. / None
Delivers the decision promptly.
* and members when working alone or in pairs / • Ensures that a clear and final decision is reached on each issue and that the decision and reasons are agreed and recorded, reflecting the Secretary of State’s Directions.
• Drafts written reasons within appropriate time limits, which clearly and adequately record the findings, decisions and licence conditions, using the appropriate template. / None
[1] Such diversity may be related (although not exclusively) to beliefs, gender, race, religious customs, age, disability, mental capacity, sexual orientation, trans-sexuality, social or economic status, marital or civil partnership status, and lifestyles.