Sticky Spelling Homework

Do each of the following activities with your spelling words.

Write it in the Air!
Write all five words in the air using your WHOLE arm.
Touch it! Say it!
1-  Look at the word and spell it out in your mind.
2-  Touch each letter in the word and spell it aloud.
3-  Close your eyes and spell your word aloud.
4-  Repeat with each of your Sticky Spelling Words.
Burn it!
1.  Look at the word and spell it out in your mind.
2.  Touch each letter in the word and spell it out loud.
3.  Close your eyes and spell it in your mind, picturing each
letter and spelling out loud.
4.  Look at the word once more.
5.  Close your eyes and spell it out loud.
6.  Repeat with each of your Sticky Spelling Words.
For this activity, use a piece of paper or a whiteboard slate.
1-  Have an adult at home write a dash for each letter, like in the game hangman.
2-  The adult tells you the word out loud.
3-  Write the letters for that word in the spaces, correctly spelling it.
4-  Repeat this for each of the five Sticky Spelling Words.
Visual Imagery Quizzing
For this activity, you will need a piece of paper.
1-  An adult will draw a space for each letter, like in the game hangman
2-  Do not write any letters on the paper. Instead, the adult points to each space on the paper and you say the letter.
3-  The adult will point to each space in order.
4-  Then, point to each space in random order, over and over again (each letter 3-5 times)
5-  Point to each letter in reverse order.
6-  Point to each letter in the correct order.
7-  Repeat this with each word
Syllable Sense
Clap out the syllables of the word on the body. Using the body helps kinesthetic learners get the “word into their body” in a way that clapping or tapping syllables won’t do.
First syllable: clap on wrist
Second syllable: clap on elbow
Third syllable: clap on shoulder
Fourth syllable: clap on top of head
Fifth syllable: clap other shoulder… for words longer than 5 syllables, clap down elbow (6) , wrist (7) , and even back again!
If the word is “Excellent” you would divide it up into syllables like this:
Ex-cell-ent (wrist, elbow, shoulder)
Ask the speller, to spell the wrist: ex
Spell the elbow: cell
Spell the shoulder: ent
Continue to do this, mixing up the body parts.

For longer, multi-syllable words, there is another activity I assign. For these words, the kids can skip Burn-it and replace with this, providing they have done the other activities.