How to Perform SAS Activity-Based Management® Server 6.2 Repair
When ABM Server Component becomes corrupt (due to updates done to the server since last install), you need to repair it by doing a quick ABM Server Reinstall procedure outlined below. You must have the ABM CD and Installation/Serial Numbers handy. If you lost the ABM Installation/Serial Numbers, contact SAS Contracts at 800-727-0025 and they will be resent to the SAS Representative in your organization. If you are not the main SAS Representative, you will need to find out who that is in your organization and ask him/her to forward the Serial Numbers to your email. ABM Serial Numbers begin with 06 (i.e. 0620-100-0100-006464-001-00000).
1. Backup “OEModels” and “OEAdmin” Databases (if you do not have any backups)
· Within SQL Enterprise Manager right click on the database and find “Backup Database”
· Click “Add” and specify the location to backup the database – for example “C:\OEModels”. Then press OK twice and the backup file will be created as “C:\OEModels” in this example.
· Repeat the same steps for “OEAdmin” database to backup that database also.
2. Remove “SAS Activity-Based Management Server”
From ABM Server “Add/Remove Programs” area:
· If exist, remove “SAS Activity-Based Management 6.2 Server Hot Fix 1” first.
· Remove “SAS Activity-Based Management Server”
· ABM Uninstaller will ask you whether to delete databases or not. Choose “No”. You do not want to delete any databases.
· Once uninstall is done, reboot the ABM server.
3. Reinstall “SAS Activity-Based Management Server”
From ABM Server console:
· Insert the ABM Server CD or if you have copied the CD Content to a folder, goto that folder and run the start.exe.
o NOTE: You must be physically in front of the server machine to install ABM Server.
o If you have Windows 2003 Server and you want to use Remote Desktop so you don’t have to be physically in front of the ABM Server, you must start Remote Desktop using the /console option.
From Windows Start menu, choose Run, enter the following command:
mstsc /console
· After you select “Install SAS Activity-Based Management” from the menu, ABM will eventually ask you for ABM Serial Numbers. Enter them along with their corresponding “Authorization Codes”.
· Specify the same original location to install ABM Server to (i.e. C:\Program Files\SAS).
· Just click “Install” when you get to the “Install SQL Databases” window.
· Since original ABM databases already exist, choose “Upgrade”.
o Once the installation is complete, your ABM Server Repair process is done.