Steps to Crisis Management for Dementia


o  What can I expect as the disease progresses?

§  Behaviorally

§  Functionally

§  Emotionally

§  Mentally

o  Resources

§  Support groups- caregiver support, Alzheimer’s cafes

§  Professionals- psychiatrists, social workers, therapists

§  Community trainings/conferences


o  Clarify goals and expectations for person with dementia and caregivers/loved ones

§  How do I define quality of life?

§  Can you ever imagine a time when your current situation would no longer work or be safe? (both person with dementia and caregiver)

§  Are there tasks/support you would not be comfortable with your loved ones doing for you?

§  Are there tasks/support you (caregiver) would not be comfortable or able (physically, mentally, emotionally) to provide?

o  Assess functional and living environment

§  Does my living environment support my desire to be independent?

§  Can it be adapted to accommodate potential future needs? (stairs, wheel chair accessibility, wandering, etc)

§  What are potential safety concerns?

o  Assess Family and community support available

§  Who do I have available to assist me?

§  What are they willing and realistically able to provide? (physically, mentally, emotionally, financially)

§  What am I willing and able to accept?

o  Assess financial supports and resources

§  What are my financial resources to cover potential future needs? (long term care insurance/ private funds)

§  Consider consulting with an elder law attorney around assets and options

§  When was the last time I verified my long term care insurance benefit/coverage and any requirements to access the funds?

o  Verify legal documents and their location

§  Do I have a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care?

§  Is it up to date? Do I need to make changes? Does it limit my loved ones ability to manage my care given my current diagnosis?

§  Have a I reviewed it and discussed my wishes with my loved ones and my healthcare team so everyone is on the same page?

§  Do I have a financial power of attorney completed?

§  Do I need guardianship paperwork?


o  What resources are available to fill the gaps identified in my assessment?

o  Who can assist me with accessing these resources?

o  What’s the typical timeframe to set them up, documentation required, or requirements which have to be met to access the resource?

o  Are there options available that I have not looked at?

§  Day out programs, respite, nursing home, assisted living, private pay in home support, neighbors, churchs, friends, family

o  Am I making assumptions re: options without having all of the information available?

4.  PLAN

o  Do I have a primary and at least one back up plan depending on the level of care/support I may need at the time?

o  Do I have an emergency plan for short and longer term events?

o  Do I have all my documents and information needed to implement the plan in one place?

o  Have I included consistent caregiver support/respite as a part of this plan?


o  Have I updated everyone who might need to be involved or might have an opinion about my plan, where to find the documents, who’s in charge and what they will need to do?

o  Am I keeping the lines of communication open so that everyone is aware when there are changes or updates to circumstances or options available?

2 / Anne Marie Olsen-Hayward, LICSW | 2016