‘Stargate’ (particularly ‘Stargate Atlantis’)
I did not consider ‘Stargate’ or ‘Star Trek’ as having any message to pass across until recently, when I saw ‘Stargate Atlantis’. I considered both these movies and TV series as simple and rather semi-scientific Sci-Fi space adventures. And, since I dealt with the science, or the lack of it, in the commentary on the ‘Avatar’ and ‘Star Trek’ movies, I left it at that.
Seeing ‘Stargate Atlantis’, I realized that there was definitely a message in it; further, I saw in it a deliberate attempt for disorientation. So, here is my decoding of the movie:
First the semi-science in it:
High power ZPMs are devices that use very high frequency resonance to unravel vortex Ether to non-vortex Ether; (Dark Matter and Dark Energy). All energy/matter in the Universe are different dynamic states of time-space; (see ‘Creation article’). A ZPM is a no-fuel perpetual generator. It will not deplete like a battery or an accumulator. Further, a stargate does not need to be powered by a ZPM or any other source; once established, a star-gate is a free-fall gravity vortex. But, a depleting ZPM presents an extreme risk; a risk that shows up the Americans as the greatest, the brightest and the bravest whatever!
[Wormholes (neutronic dipole vortices) can transport objects at a few times the speed of light without breaking the light-barrier, (like flying down a supersonic wind tunnel with a speed of a few Mac without breaking the sound-barrier); they are used for relatively short distances. Singularities (protonic monopole vortices) are used for instant teleportation. A stargate can be initiated by as little as a mental command or a small electric cell and, once established, it powers itself.] And, yes; you can have a singularity gate that can teleport a city; even a planet. The black hole that Astronomers observed in Feb. 2004, swallowing a solar system in the Orion constellation was such an artificial singularity and it took about 4000 years to gather its full strength. You can roughly estimate how long it will take to set up a singularity for teleporting a planet or a city; (and, I will not tell you how to set up one).
The inhabitants of Nebadon, the destroyed 5th planet of our solar system, (and subsequently the Lemurians and the Atlanteans on Earth, which they ruled), set up and used stargates; not like the artifacts shown in the movies. Wormhole vortices can be generated by phase sequence coils, (like the coil pads for gravity propulsion of the Grays’ spacecraft). A stargate can be generated in a pool of conducting liquid, like Mercury, (even water), which obviously must be horizontal. A monopole brings all space to instant rapport. The great pyramids at Memphis were not burial places but initiation chambers for the highest initiation, constructed by Ptah under Satan’s supervision. Khufu’s pyramid housed a Mercury pool stargate beneath it. (The 1928 excavations did not dig up any artifact; just a mention of a ‘gate to Heaven’). Instant teleportation is like sending an email; (non-directional). Hence, it needs a destination address, not coordinates; the address is defined by unique identifying features of the destination, which may or may not contain some sort of coordinates. The gate underneath Khufu’s pyramid had only one default destination address; Lucifer’s throne in the White City on Illurania, a planet of Sirius, the capital of his System. (Memphis high initiates each carried his own key or password on his ankh; the ankh was not carried through). The stargate at Memphis was used by Jesus, (who was a Memphis high initiate), soon after his Ascension, (while still incarnate), to visit Lucifer for the Revelations prophecy. [Lucifer is the ‘Architect’ in the ‘Matrix’ movie. The ‘door made of light’ that Neo used is a stargate and he needed the necessary key in order to teleport to this address; Notice that there is no entrance in Lucifer’s throne room behind Neo. The monitors surrounding Lucifer are the eyes on the four living creatures surrounding the throne of the ‘Most high’ in Revelations, through which Lucifer, (the ‘Most high’ in the System of Satania), received reports on everything going on in his Planetary System. Notice that Lucifer’s Planetary System is shown on all monitors as Neo enters the throne room.]
Decoding the movie:
The planet from which the Nordic warrior race came was this 5th planet, (Nebadon), the one between Mars and Jupiter, the destruction of which resulted in the belt of Asteroids, the comets and our Moon. Nebadon’s pantheon as well as very prominent citizens came to Earth in time to avoid destruction. (This happened 72 million years ago; the movie gives the beginning of the Atlantis adventure as 5-10 million years ago). The Nebadonians incarnated among the Nordic divine race. They were the ruling or royal caste in both Lemuria and Atlantis. Nebadon’s pantheon became members of the great White Lodge in Shambala, a Senate of high mystics behind Caligastia’s administration. Nebadon’s prince Mermek (now the Christ) has always aspired to replace Caligastia, Earth’s prince, on the valid argument that Caligastia does not have his experience with humans. (And, yes, a divine or royal race does have a distinct gene marker, recognized as a command code).
The hologram in the sunken city of Atlantis (in the movie) says that they pioneered in the habitation of other habitable planets in their System. From our articles ‘Anunnaki’ and ‘Competition’ you can see that this was Lucifer’s error; to trust these people with higher technology and use them to inhabit these habitable but uninhabited planets, which were intended by higher Authority as a ‘fractional reserve’. With their high tech, they became a threat to other inhabited Worlds within their reach; (they attacked Isikork in Lyre).
The Nordic race would do the same for exploitation if they had the technology to reach other Worlds; (see ‘Avatar’ movie). This is what the British and other Europeans did to native America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. As these Nordic marauders and conquerors, (the Danaans, Aryans, Vikings and European colonialists), did to the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth, they would do even worse to the inhabitants of other Worlds, if they could reach them. Contrary to what they proclaim, the Nordic race, (mainly the British and Americans), like their Nebadonian ancestors, are not peaceful explorers/pioneers but marauders, conquerors and exploiters of others technologically less advanced or just peaceful, whom they consider inferior. (In contrast, wherever the Adamites/Phoenicians went, from the Mediterranean to NW Europe and America, they went as traders and settlers, carrying their higher culture to others). The Americans can aptly be called ‘the people of the gun’. The flagship of their industry is their weapons industry. There are no battleships in space but, groping into the unknown, the Americans naturally see their own reflection.
By blaming their destruction on a fictitious cannibal but very advanced race, Nebadon’s overlords, (the ancestors of the Nordic race), are trying to disorientate us from the fact that they themselves were the cause of the destruction of their planet by higher intervention. Lemuria and Atlantis on Earth were also destroyed for similar reasons.
It is absurd that a race more advanced in technology and psychic powers than the Ancients would be cannibals. Notice that the caretaker has red hair, all Wraith have nail-marks in their palms, (the movie goes out of its way to point out this detail on two occasions), and their bodies regenerate indefinitely. This subliminally alludes to Jesus and all sleeping Adamites. Cthulhu, the first Adamite high priest, was murdered at the age of 1730, looking around 30. He is the ‘high priest from outer space’, described by Lovecraft as a horrible monster, (like the Kraken), now sleeping in the deep ocean, (notice the blue of their chambers, in the roof of which the rest of the Wraith are asleep), waiting to waken up when the stars are ready to destroy most of humanity and enslave the rest; (see the Cthulhu mythos).