December 2017 Recreation Calendar
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Jon Stempien-TRD
Alfred Williams TRD
Masila Rrumbullaku TRD / Key…
CR-Community room
DR-Dining Room
P – Patio
SN- Snack Nook / December is
Human Rights Month
Safe Toys and Gift Month
Stone Turquois
Flower Holly and Narcissus / 1 / 2
10:30 / Decking the Halls CR / 10:00 / Rosary CR
2:00 / Music w/ Les Julian in CR / 10:30 / Exercise CR
3:00 / Social CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR
3:30 / Room/ Mail Visits / 3:00 / 1:1 Visits
3 / 4 / 5 / 6
/ 7 / 8 / 9
10:30 / Exercise CR / 10:00 / Decking the Halls CR / 10:30 / Decking the Halls CR / 10:00 / Exercise CR / 1 0:30 / Coffee Social CR / 10:30 / Exercise CR / 2:00 / Bottoms UP CR
11:00 / Current Events CR / 10:30 / Saint Nicholas Talk CR / 11:00 / Remembering Pearl Harbor CR / 11:00 / Baking Group w/ Masila CR / 2:30 / Meriden Hills Baptist Church Carolers CR
2:00 / Table Games CR / 2:00 / Residents Council CR / 2:00 / Bottoms Up CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR / 1:30 / Exercise w/ Karen CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR / 3:00 / Social CR
3:00 / 1:1 visits / 3:00 / Socia CRl / 3:00 / Social CR / 3:00 / Manicures CR / 2:00 / Christmas Art CR / 3:00 / Social CR
3:30 / Room/Mail Visits / 4:00 / Room/ Mail Visits / 3:30 / Social Hour CR / 4:00 / Room/ Mail Visits
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
10:00 / Noodle Exercise CR / 10:00 / Coffee Social CR / 10:00 / Exercise CR / 10:30 / Rosary CR / 10:30 / Chanukah Discussion CR / 10:30 / Exercise CR
10:30 / Baking CR / 10:30 / Boggle Word Game CR / 10:30 / Christmas Cookies CR / 10:30 / Word Ladder DR / 11:00 / Coffee Social CR / 11:00 / Trivia CR
11:00 / Coffee & Current Events CR / 2:00 / Snow Globe Making CR / 1:45 / Communion Service DR / 2:00 / Dietary Council CR / 1:30 / Exercise w/ Karen CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR
3:00 / Socials CR / 2:30 / Caroling DR / 2:30 / Bingo CR / 2:00 / Birthday Party w/ Jack Bussman In DR / 3:00 / Social CR / 3:00 / Social CR
4:00 / Room/Mail Visits / 3:30 / Social DR / 3:30 / Room/ Mail Visits / 3:00 / Room/ Mail Visits
17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
10:00 / Exercise CR / 10:00 / Hot Chocolate CR / 10:00 / Exercise CR / 10:30 / Hot Chocolate CR / 10:30 / Santa Visits
10:30 / Exercise CR / 10:30 / Brownie Baking CR / 10:30 / In the News CR / 10:30 / Word From Words CR / 11:00 / Dear Abby CR / 2:00 / Christmas Party w/ John Valerio in DR
11:00 / Balloon Volley CR / 2:00 / Pokeno CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR / 1:30 / Exercise w/ Karen CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR / 3:00 / Room/ Mail Visits
3:00 / Christmas Carling CR
Social CR / 3:00 / Brownie Social CR / 2:00 / Winter Wonder Land Slide Show w/ Roger Hart CR / 3:00 / Social CR / 2:00 / Bowling CR / 3:00 / Social CR
3:30 / Room/ Mail Visits / 3:30 / Social CR / 3:30 / Room/ Mail Visits / 4:00 / Room/ Mail Visits / 3:30 / Room/ Mail Visits
24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
10:00 / Coffee Social CR / 10:30 / Exercise CR / 10:30 / Coffee Social CR / 10:30 / New Year’s Eve Music w/ Tom Sansone CR / 10:30 / Exercise CR
10:30 / Room Visits / Christmas Day / 10:30 / Hollywood Stars CR / 11:00 / Word Ladder CR / 11:00 / Table Games CR / 11:00 / Trivia CR
11:00 / Christmas Baking CR / 1:30 / Exercise w/ Masila CR / 2:00 / Bingo CR / 1:30 / Exercise w/ Karen / 2:00 / New Year’s Bingo DR / 2:00 / Bingo CR
2:00 / Bottoms Up CR / 2:00 / Social CR / 2:00 / Movie Matinee CR / 3:30 / New Year’s Social DR / 3:00 / Social CR
3:00 / Social / 3:00 / Manicures CR / 4:30 / Mail/Room Visits
10:30 Exercise CR
11:00 New Year’s
Resolution CR
2:00 Bottoms Up CR
3:00 New Year’s Eve
Social CR / The Miller Memorial Recreation Department would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Staff Jon Stempien-TRD Alfred Williams TRD Masila Rrumbullaku TRD