st timothy parish norwood, walpole, westwood august 30, 2009 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, August 29

9:00 Michael Palilunas Memorial

4:30 Gregory Zochowski 40th Anniversary

Sunday, August 30

8:00 Silverio & Rose Rodrigues Anniversary

9:30 Betty Mazolla

11:00 Helen Coakley 2nd Anniversary

Monday, August 31

9:00 Mary Welsh 3rd Anniversary

Friday, September 4

9:00 Betty Fancy Redfield Month’s Mind

Saturday, September 5

9:00 Jerome Healey Birthday Memorial

4:30 David J. Burke, Sr. 4th Anniversary

Sunday, September 6

8:00 Monica Silva & Sylvester Silva

9:30 Manuel & Helena Alves Memorial

11:00 Father of All Mankind

Liturgical Minister Schedule

September 5/6

4:30 Lector: Kathleen Drummey, Bob McHugh

4:30 Server: Laura, Siobhan, and Tommy O’Malley

8:00 Lector: Delores LaDisa, Nick Huckle

8:00 Server: Rachel Graham, David Salvatore

9:30 Lector: Christine Ouellette, Jeff Weidenaar

9:30 Server: Brian Richardson, Mary Erickson,

Cullen Weidenaar

11:00 Lector: Esther Morales, Gregg Sullivan

11:00 Server: Kelly and Ryan Fogarty,

Colleen Walsh

Eucharistic Team #1

Financial Report for August 23, 2009

Envelopes collected 226

Amount in envelopes $4,336.00

Percentage of collection in envelopes 68%

Loose donations $2,060.00

Total parish offertory $6,396.00


Sunday, August 30
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thursday, September 3

Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great

Pope, doctor of the Church

Sunday, September 6
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Please pray for our Brides and Grooms

Julie Sullivan and Adam Castagno
Julie O’Brien and David Leveille
Jill Laughlin and Ryan Duval


Monday, August 31, 7:30pm, Book Group

Wednesday, September 2, 9:45am, Exercise Program

Thursday, September 3, 9:45am, Exercise Program

Thursday,September 3, 7:45pm, New Jerusalem Prayer Group

Catholic University Collection

Next week’s special collection supports The Catholic University of America and its scholarship fund for needy students. The University, located in Washington, D.C. is the national university of the Catholic Church. Many priests and professional lay ministers throughout the US obtain their education from Catholic University. For more information, please visit

Parish Nurse News


Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Blood Pressure Clinic will be held September 11th and 13th after the morning Masses.

Alzheimer's Caregiver Support

The Support Group is meeting Tuesday, September 8th from 10:00- 11:30am in Ruocco Room 6. The group is open to people caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's or a related dementia. Please call the Parish Nurse Office for more information.

Pine Street Inn

On Monday, September 28, we will be serving supper at the Pine Street Inn. Please call Jayne at 508-668-4977, if you can help prepare part of this meal or help serve.

Thank you to all those who have made generous donations in the past. $500 is sent to the Pine Street Inn each month. Please help to support this ministry. Donations to pay for these meals may be sent to:

Campagna, 86 Countryside Ln., Norwood, MA 02062. Please make checks payable to: St. Timothy Christian Service Fund.

Youth Formation Ministry

REGISTRATION for 2009/ 2010

The deadline to register for next year’s YFM Program has come and gone. Please return your completed registration form if you have not done so already. Also, kindly remind your neighbors and friends that we are still awaiting YFM registration forms. It helps us in determining how many teachers, classrooms and books we will need for the upcoming year. Only registered families will receive further information in late August with class information and starting dates.


Our Tuesday evening youth group continues to meet each week at 7pm in St. Andrew’s Hall on the second floor of St. Catherine’s Convent. All high school students are welcome to join us. Doors open at 6pm. This meeting has been a great success with 20 to 25 students attending weekly. We are always looking for new high school members.

Grades K-6

Please consider sharing your love and faith with our parish’s young people. We are in need of catechists for each grade level. Please call Judy Miley or send an email, if interested.

Day of Healing

When: September 20, 2009

Sunday 10:00am – 5:00pm

Registration is at 9:30am

Presenter: Dr. Joseph Coyle, Christian Psychologist

Where: Espousal Retreat Center, Waltham, MA

The day will focus on present struggles that we’re having with family issues and also wounds that stem from past family situations. We will explore how psychology combined with prayer can help break harmful family patterns and help us seek healing.

The day will include talks, private reflection time, small groups, inner healing prayer, lunch, and Mass.

For more information, please contact us at 781-209-3120, , or

Come See “Donut Man”!!

Join us on Saturday, September 12th at 12:30pm at the Parish of Saint Mary in Wrentham, MA for a concert with Donut Man! The concert will take place in the church. Donut Man, a.k.a. Rob Evans and his puppet partner, Dunkin, use catchy, singable songs, dancing and interactive storytelling to connect with children ages 0-8 about the bible and the teachings of our Catholic Faith. Dunkin, the donut puppet, represents life without Jesus—there's a whole in the middle of your heart! The show is free, and runs approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. All are welcome! There will be a meet and greet with Donut Man immediately following the show in the parish hall, 130 South Street, Wrentham, MA, 508-384-3373.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2009


Sign up sheets are in the Gathering Space! Please see what you can bring and sign your family up! Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served from 12-2pm. The sun always shines on our annual picnic, so get ready for some fun in the sun!

"Separation, Divorce and Beyond"

Separation and divorce is painful, often shattering. Blessed Sacrament Parish in Walpole is offering a 10 week program facilitated by a group of Catholics who have themselves endured separation and divorce. This program is designed to offer support and healing for

those who have experienced a failed marriage and offer hope for the prospect of better tomorrows, by discussing subjects such as anger, self-image, loneliness, blame and guilt .The program consists of 10 meetings, on Sunday evenings, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, held in the community room at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Walpole, September 13 through November 22, 2009. If interested in learning more or to sign up for this program, please contact John Meuleman at 781 982-6097, , Jeanie Mattila a t 508-384-8779, Mary Ellen Mercier a t 508- 668-4378, or Rich Morton a t 508 -734-5542. Sign up is required by Sept 7.

Bereavement workshop

Journeying from Grief to Healing is a 7 week program held at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Walpole on Tuesdays, Sept 9 to October 21 from 7:00-9:00pm in the community Room. This program provides a unique opportunity to journey

with others through readings, discussion and prayer. Sharing your thoughts , feelings and experiences with others in similar situations can help you find inspiration, understanding and encouragement . This program will be offered during the day (1-3pm) in the spring (March/April). Please pre-register by contacting Marie a t 508-668-4700 x11, or Julie a t 660-2700. A donation of $15 will help cover the cost of

the workbook and materials.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

MARRIED COUPLES: Getting ready for school means lots of time spent on your children. After school begins, give yourselves some couple-time on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends in New England are September 11-13, September 18-20, September 25-27 and October 23-25. For more information call Ralph & Jane Becker at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at

Dear friends—

As we approach Labor Day next week, the level of activity here at the parish is increasing. Hopefully, if you have children in our parish religious education program you have received and returned your child’s registration form. Judy Miley and Frank Connell are assembling class lists and we want to be sure that there is a space and a teacher for every student. If you have not returned a registration form, please try to do so as quickly as possible. If you need a form, please contact the parish office.

Again we remind you that our parish picnic will be held on Sept. 27. We will begin right after the 11am Mass. There will be activities for our younger parishioners and a chance for our “older” parishioners to relax and socialize with fellow parishioners. (lest I get into trouble by my choice of words, by older parishioners I mean anyone over 21). There are some opportunities to help with the day. We can always use donations of salads and desserts as well as people to do set up and clean up. A list of volunteer opportunities, as well as a sign up sheet for attendance, will be available at the entrance to the church for the next few weeks.

Please consider how you might be able to help with our varied ministries here at our parish. On the weekend of Sept. 12 & 13 we will have a brief presentation about different volunteer opportunities as well as sign up sheets. I know that our parish is an important part of the lives of so many people. If we have sufficient volunteers, it makes the parish so much more alive and enables us to offer more programs and opportunities for spiritual growth. We are told in the Scriptures that God has given different people different gifts. Please consider sharing your “gift” with our parish family.

Fr. Culloty

August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009




CHURCH NAME: St. Timothy Parish

CHURCH CITY: Norwood, Walpole, Westwood



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