Judi Sutherland

William Hamilton

Annabel Murray

Graeme Ross

Willie Melville

Peter Fairgrieve

Cllr Graham Phillips

Cllr Deirdre Mackay

Cllr Jim McGillivray

Apologies were received from Yvonne Ross and from Jimmy Melville. Therefore Judi Sutherland took the role of Chairperson.
No police in attendance tonight.
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record.
Proposed – Willie Melville
Seconded – Peter Fairgrieve
Police Station – still working on getting this area cleared.
Pathways – little chance of funding for any work at this time.
Central Garage – Kevin could not attend tonights meeting but gave an update over the telephone. He informed that the previous MOT person has gone and the new man does a much quicker turnaround of vehicles. They also returned at least 9 vehicles back to owners. He has spoken to ANM and at present this has not resolved the parking issue. He agreed that if the issue gets raised again at future meetings he will come along to a meeting to talk to members.
Camore Quarry – it would appear that the Planning Service have advised that the applicants withdraw the application.
Bike racks – J Sutherland has looked at designs but would need to know how many needed and how they would be fixed. Questioned whether in the current economic climate this is still a necessary spend and asked whether we have had many requests for this. It was noted that with the North Coast 500 route encouraging travellers, this is still a worthwhile project. However, seek funding from other sources (ieSustrans) before looking at Common Good funds. This is not a urgent project.
Update from Cllr Deirdre Mackay on the Customer Service Review. Noted that the Dornoch Service Point has been preserved in its entirety. Cllr Mackay urged that the members continue to consider the prospect of a community run Hub for the future as communities must look ahead and be sustainable in the future. J McGillivray thanked his fellow member for their hard work and commitment for this. J Sutherland thanked all 3 on behalf of the members.
No action on the account since the last report. Current balance is £2702.47. J Sutherland kindly collected forms from the Bank of Scotland with a view to changing the details on the accounts to ensure future statements are sent to L Conner.
The issue with a lack of statements resulted in J Sutherland not being able to apply for funding through DACC for the Beach Walk leaflet, so this needs resolved.
The issue around authorised signatories (there are now only 2) should wait until after the November election.
J McGillivray received a report of a complaint about the slabs on Cathedral Green – this has been reported on to TECs.
Noted – the Fourpenny roads has been done, as has pothole filling along Embo Street. Work on the roads at Loch Buie, however SSE will be picking up the tab for this.
No applications to discuss.
BeinnTharsuinn – current balance on the account is £1611.47
Embo Trust Application – request for £1000 to cover legal fees for the purchase of land at Fourpenny plantation.
(Cllr J McGillivray and William Hamilton left the discussion).
Given the current balance in the account after discussion members awarded £750.00 for the project.
Dornoch Cathedral Application – request for £1000 towards the cost of the West Church Hall renovation works.
(P Fairgrieve left the discussion)
Due to the amount of funding left in the windfarm budget members agreed to respond and ask the applicant to reapply to Dornoch Common Good.
Common Good Fund
DADCA application – request for £100,000 to be ring-fenced.
(J Sutherland, L Conner, G Ross left the discussion).
J McGillivray agreed to minute the item and took no other part in the meeting.
Graham Phillips indicated that he had acted as a consultant to DADCA at one time but had no current interest.
He responded to a couple of questions regarding the view which might be taken by Highland Council on the size of this potential award relative to the size of the current funds available. He indicated that he thought Council officials would be relaxed as they were with the Sports Centre award. He said he would check up on whether that funding is still require by HC as the Sports Centre project is now an established part of the Council Capital Plan.
After discussion, Willie Melville, seconded by William Hamilton, moved that the amount of £100K in tranches of £50K, £25K and £25K be ring-fenced for the new Community Centre project. This was agreed unanimously by Members of Community Council present.
J Sutherland –
Attended a meeting with TEC Services at the Proncynain Cemetery. There was a suggestion to use a through road through the current cemetery to bring funeral traffic round to the proposed new car park. (TEC felt this could be deemed disrespectful).
LC to ask TEC for an outcome of decisions from that meeting and also to clarify the position of the land purchase.
Beach Walk leaflet – 3000 print are now circulated locally, also some supplied to the Dornoch BRIG team. A leaflet holder will go up in the beach shelter.
Has asked Ranger Ian Paterson for waysigns to help.
DACIC & DADCA deserve thanks for their input in this project.
W Hamilton –
Raised the issue of dog fouling around the town centre in Dornoch. Will request the Dog Warden to look at this.
Bank of Scotland/Burghfield steps. Noted that these require work. Need to check whether the work to the Burghfield wall is now complete.
A Murray –
Noted that the outside lighting at the Sheriff Court Building is still on during the day – this has been passed to the landlord.
G Ross –
Request for a “no dog fouling” sign at the rough ground at the back area at North Street.
Report that the bag dispensers at Meadows Carpark are empty.
W Melville –
Highlighted a recent report that falling gravestones injured a child? Asked whether it is a council responsibility to check stones and re-erect them/or lie flat for safety?
P Fairgrieve –
Noted the use of fibre in Dornoch/Embo for improved broadband. Unknown how long it will take to reach the other side of A9 area. Could do an individual satellite set up.
G Phillips –
Attended a Councillors conference at the weekend – main topics
Heath & Social Care
Local Government Taxations Commission
New Priorities in Education