President Raye Brown called the meeting to order at 2:33 PM.

A quorum was established with board members Raye Brown, Jeannette Miranda, Melissa Hill, Spring Meyer, Jessica Sona, Jenni Llorens, Zona Hornstra, Amy Tejral, Cindy Dellman, Tami Peterson, Sheryl Fix, Eunice Burgraff, Jessica Olson, Jackie Mercer, and Pat Aylward.

Visiting guest: Suzanne Luken (spoke about ADHA before the meeting).

Welcome and Introductions (before the meeting)

Announcements: JoNell Bly sent a thank you and a picture of the new SDDHA officers. Stephanie Coins was appointed for the scholarship.

Abby Schiley had a baby girl named Maggie (8 oz.)

Additions to the Agenda: Brown added focus groups to the end of the agenda.

President Brown announced the agenda and asked for a motion to approve the agenda.

EB 266-12 Miranda motioned to approve the agenda and Hornstra 2nd it. Motion carried.

Llorens read the minutes and additions/corrections were made.

EB 267-12 Hornstra motioned to approve the minutes and Miranda 2nd it. Motion carried.


Brown attached reports in SDDHA emails to help save time during the meeting.

Aylward recommended everyone read the minutes before the next meeting to prevent wasting time reading them out loud as well.

Tejral had questions about the Treasure’s report.

Brown tabled discussion about the treasurer’s report and the Institute of Oral Health.

Meyer reported the IOH check ($673) was sent last May, 2012.

Immediate Past-President Report

ADHA Annual Session

June 17, 18, and 19, 2012

Phoenix, AZ

The South Dakota Dental Hygienists’Association delegation for annual session consisted of:

Lead DelegateJeanette Miranda-Immediate Past President

DelegateZona Hornstra-Legislative Chair

Alternate DelegateRaye Brown-President

Alternate DelegateTeresa Bell-Member at Large

The delegation arrived at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Phoenix on Friday, June 15, 2012. We attended the IOH Benefit/President’s Reception Friday evening. The theme was Southwest Salsa. Our donated Black Hill’s Gold RDH pin for the IOH Benefit sold for $75.00.

On Saturday we began the day with the Plenary Session and Awards Presentation. The Continental Breakfast was provided by Wrigley/Orbit gum. We were entertained by American Native Hoop Dancers and Dancing with the Stars Season 13 Winner, J.R. Martinez was the featured speaker. After the Plenary Session, it was off to make money for our association. Market Place was a BIG success this year. We sold a grand total of $485! Please see attached report by Zona. The Association Update was provided by Ann Batrell, ADHA’s executive director. The environmental scan was reviewed. Our final delegate duty on Saturday was the District VII Discussion #1. We gathered with the delegates from North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to evaluate the Proposed Resolutions and Proposed By-Law changes. We concurred with most of the proposals. District VII did agree to propose an amendment for resolution dealing with a dental home for infants. The proposal recommended that all children have a dental evaluation by the age of one year. We agreed that children should have a dental evaluation, but we did not want to put limitations on the ADHA recommendations with a specific age attributed to the child.

Our delegate duties officially began on Sunday morning at 8:00am with the opening of the House of Delegates. After the opening session, we listened to the Reference Committee accept testimony for changes of the proposed resolutions and by-law changes. After the Awards of Excellence/President’s Luncheon, we met with Kathy Schroeder, ADHA Governmental Affairs. Please refer to Zona’s report. Sunday evening we met with all of District VII for our District Dinner.

Mega Issues Discussions began the Monday morning festivities. Our topic this year was “How Should the Profession Prepare Dental Hygienists to Work in Diversified Work Settings of the Future?” Many thoughtful and innovative suggestions were shared. We then went back to our District Discussion #2 forum to review the Reference Committees recommendations. There was spirited debate during the 2nd House of Delegates during the afternoon, but we finished the House business on a timely basis. Please find attached the outcomes of our voting. Balloting for our new slate of officers was efficient. We finished our duties early enough to make the Diamondback’s/Mariner’s baseball game that eveningJ.

Tuesday morning began early. We divided and conquered, with Zona and Teresa attending the Legislative Workshop and Raye and Jeanette attending the Membership Workshop. A panel discussion on Cultural diversity examined dental hygienists role in addressing the changing needs of the populations we serve. The 3rd House of Delegates consisted of announcements, acknowledgements and installation of our new officers and trustees.

It was a successful, informative and fun adventure in dental hygiene.

Collaborative Supervision Committee

During the SDDHA Annual Session, a group of hygienists gathered to create a tool kit to assist hygienists and dentists seeking to enter into a Collaborative Supervision Agreement. We have met monthly during the summer via phone conference. At this time, the committee is composed of Raye Brown, Melissa Hill, Zona Hornstra, Suzanne Luken, Abby Schiley, Jean Gross, Julie Ellingson, Keri Thompson, Lonna Jones, Pat Alyward, Katie Pudwill, Tami Peterson, and Jeanette Miranda. We are presently working on letters to dentists, hygienists, and nursing homes to encourage participation in this opportunity. USD is assisting in creating continuing education courses to aid in making our Collaborative Supervision work. While we are making strides in our effort for a streamlined process, we still have much work to do.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanette K Miranda, RDH

Immediate Past President

Lead Delegate ADHA 2012


June 17,18, and 19, 2012

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Treasurer’s Report

I.  Accounts

·  Checking - $1472.53

·  Savings - $5001.74

II. Account Activity

·  Annual Registration $6330.00

·  Membership Dues $1837.50

III.  Review of Budget

·  Review Annual & Semi-Annual Meeting Costs/Income past 3 years

IV.  Call in Bills

V. Other

·  met to do taxes w/ accountant

Vice President Semi Annual Report

1.  Semi Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, Sept. 29th, 2012 -

I lined up 3 speakers for a total of 6 hours of continuing education.

Speakers include:

-Gary Meyers, RPH, sponsored by Char Lowman with Mountain Plains AIDS/HIV Education, speaking on HIV/AIDS for 2.5 hr clinical CE.

-Bertha Triche, RDH, sponsored by Henry Schein Dental, speaking on building a “World Class”Hygiene Department for 1.5 hour practice management CE.

-Dr. Scott Van Dam, sponsored by SDDHA with a $300 honorarium fee, speaking on Applied Maxillofacial Radiology for a 2 hr Radiology CE.

The constant contact information was sent without specifics on dental assistant, office personnel and dentist fee options listed, so this may have affected early registration and frustration for those looking to attend. I had several emails regarding the member and non-member only fee, which was listed as $65 member and $130 nonmember and $75 at the door.

2.  ANNUAL SESSION, Rapid City, May 17-18, 2013

I am working on speakers for the annual meeting at this time. I have a possible speaker, Sherry Burns with Hu Friedy, charging a co-sponsor cost of $1800 that would be on our association. This is a very high fee and I am in contact with Gina Opland at Henry Schein to be the co-sponsor and cover the fee. I have been awaiting a reply for approximately 3 weeks.

Sherry Burns would provide 6 hours of CE on Saturday, 3 CE being “hands on”and the other 3 CE hours being during a lunch and learn.

She would provide door prizes and a saddle type ergonomic chair.

Friday - Annual Session - May 17, 2013

Doreen Johnson, sponsor Dentsply, for Friday, 8-10am. (in contact no contract to date)

10-11am possibly Collaborative Agreement update.

11-1pm SDDHA Business Luncheon

1-2pm USD Table Clinics

2-4pm Dr Reznik, sponsored by Char Lowman with HIV/AIDS Mt. Plains HIV/AIDS Education (contracted through Char)

Saturday - Annual Session - May 18, 2013

7-8am Registration

8-11am Sherry Burns (no contract)

11-2 pm Sherry Burns (no contract)


I have other speakers to contact if Sherry Burns is not sponsored through Henry Schein. I will be contacting other potential speakers to see if they have the date of May 18th available.

Component Report

Black Hills Component

Semi-Annual Session


·  Component Financial Report

·  Money in Checking:

1.  Sweet Tooth 5K

·  Deposits: $0.00

·  Debits: $676.40

·  Money remaining: $300.42

2.  Component Checking

·  Deposits: $100

·  Debits: 741. 98

·  Total: $4,529.07

·  Money in Saving: none

·  Component Activity

·  Continuing Education

2012-2013 Schedule

September 15, 2012

We will be having a kick-off to the CE year with a Zumba class followed by a breakfast social. Contact Tami Petersen with any questions at . We would like you to pre-register with Tami prior to the class.

October 8th, 2012

John G. Kharouf, DDS, MS

***We will begin this class at 6:30 pm with a pizza party for Dental Hygiene Month

Lingual Braces

November 12, 2012

Chris Schlegel, PT


December 3, 2012

Dakota Regional Periodontics

Periodontal Update

***We will begin this class at 6:30 pm and Dinner will be provided

January 31, 2013

Rex Briggs

6:00 PM-8:30 PM

Treating dental anxiety and skills that can reduce anxiety for the dental staff

Dinner will be provided

February 11, 2013

Leslie Greager, RDH, BS

Radiology Update

March 11, 2012

Lindsey Slusarski, PA-C

Head and Neck Screenings

April 8, 2012

John A. Kretzschmar DMD, CPH

Hands-On Workshop on Mandibular Block Techniques

·  Component Meeting

Sioux Falls Dental Hygiene Component Report

·  SF Component report –Sept 2012

·  Our Sioux Falls component held their first 2 hour CE course on August 21st with Dr. Miller speaking on the topic "Hard and Soft Tissue Grafting." On Sept 18th, Dr. Neil Rohe will present a 2 hour CE course on "True Health." Our October Hygiene Appreciation event will offer our component 2 free hours of CE. It will be held at the Washington Pavilion and feature Ann Brunick on Instrument Sharpening and Elisabeth Hunstad on Zumba. Appetizers will be provided by Leonardo's cafe; it will be a fun time for hygienists to mingle and meet one another. November's CE will feature Kristi A. Egland, Ph.D., Associate Scientist, Cancer Biology Research Center, Sanford Research/USD. In January, Charlotte Lowman asked Tracy Salameh, RN, ACRN to do a presentation on STDs in high school students along with the SD laws on treating teenagers. In February, Dr. Paul Egland will bring with him new research from Augustana College on cell-cell interaction in oral microbial biofilms. Mrs. Bev Kennedy will give our radiology update on March 19, 2013 at the Sanford Schroeder Auditorium. We will host a 3 hour CE Brunch and Learn Event in April at the Avera Prairie Center and Amanda, their chef, will do our food.

·  A vote was taken and passed at our August meeting that our component donate $1,150.00 to the Feeding SD Backpack program. It is a one time donation and will supply 6,200 kids in Sioux Falls and surrounding communities with a new toothbrush in the fall and in the spring. After this donation and a $2500.00 donation to SDDHA in May, 2012, our balance is at $7,096.54.

Central Component Report

·  Component Financial Report

o  Money in Checking $500

o  Money in Saving $0/none

o  Money Spent $0/none

·  Component Activity

o  Continuing Education

o  Our 1st CE is planned for November with Dr Curt Kuehl. On ergonomics & health. 2 hour CE

o  For our 2nd CE I would like to find a speaker for a radiology update in February or March. Will shoot for a 2 hour CE again.

Component Meeting- We have not had a component meeting.

Report submitted by Jackie Mercer, Central Component President

Mitchell Component: Aylward noted Schiley sent her bylaws. There were 26 hygienists through constant contact and 6 responses. Marsha Grajkowske will be the Secretary/treasurer for the Mitchell Component. 1st meeting will be in October. The speaker and agenda are ready. All components are $10 for dues. People will attend from Huron, Chamberlain, and Mitchell. Aylward will receive checks from ADHA when she has her secretary/treasurer on file.

Financial Resource Report

Current Inventory List ~ September 2012

Merchandise count Our cost Sale price

Black Tooth Bags 21 donated $10.00

ADHA Bags 26 donated $20.00 or free w/new membership

License Plate 2 $0.95 $5.00

Large Pink Vest 1 $26.00 $40.00

XL Grey Vests 4 $26.00 $40.00

Silver RDH pins 7 $35.00 $50.00

B Hills Gold pin 5 $39.00 $65.00

Key Keepers 2 $ 2.79 $ 7.00

Purse Holders 61 $ 6.48 $13.00

Water Bottles 25 $ 3.98 $10.00

Flower Vases 101 $ 2.92 $ 6.00


Annual Session Sales - Sioux Falls - May 2012

Merchandise sold Qt TOTAL SALES IOH Raffle -necklace, bracelet and earrings

License plates 1 $5.00 $85.00 raffle sales

Black tooth Bag 1 $10.00

Key Keepers 3 $21.00

Water Bottles 3 $24.00

Flower Vases 4 $20.00

80.00 + 13.00 cash donation = 93.00

Saddle Raffle Sales - 495.00 Total Annual Session sales =$ 588.00


ADHA National Sales- June 2012 We also donated a Black Hills Gold/Silver Pin to ADHA

Purse Holders 5 @ $15.00 each $ 75.00 $285.00 cash

Water Bottles 45 @ 5.00 $225.00 $270.00 vouchers

Flower Vases 41@ 5.00 each $205.00 555.00sold in cash/ coupons

91 items sold 505.00 sold in merchandise

South East Component Report

By: President Amy Tejral

Balance of Checking account: 1,133.66

No recent activity

CE Schedule:

October 18th, 2012

Dental Hygiene Appreciation Pizza Party

Pizza Ranch in Yankton, SD @ 6:30pm

February, 2013 - Radiology update

March 7th, 2013 @ 6:30 pm- Vermillion

Doreen Smeltzer Johnson – Anesthesia update