SYLLABUS -Land Use Planning– LSC-315, Spring 2010


Dr. Kevin Svitana

Office: 118, Science; Phone: 823-1507; E-mail;

Office Hours: by appointment.


LECTURE: MWF 8:00-9:20; Rouch 116

LAB: Tuesday, 9:00-11:50; Library 200 Note: this is a change in location.


Chang, Kang-tsung, 2010. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York. Note: the textbook has a CD which contains the data will be used for laboratory exercises.


Attending lectures is expected. Be advised that exams and quizzes will consist of a mix of information from the textbook lecture discussions. You are required to attend all labs. There will be no make-up labs, quizzes or exams and late work will not be accepted without making prior arrangements with me. Medical excuses are required for absences due to illness.


Students are required to prepare a term project that will focus on a specific topic of their choice, which utilizes local GIS databases (Ohio, Franklin County, Delaware County, etc.). The project scope will include: defining the topic; researching the scientific, social, political and other aspects of the topic; and preparing a GIS-based report that utilizes maps and tables manipulated using ArcGIS software. A report will be being basis of assessment for the term project. Students are required to informally propose their topic to Dr. Svitana by the fifth week of the semester.


Homework, class participation 15%

Labs/Lab Project 25%

Term Project 20%

Exams (2) 20%

Final Exam 20%


Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 10:30-12:30 a.m.


Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Cheating will not be tolerated! If you are caught cheating you will be dismissed from the class and receive an “F” for the course. The policies regarding academic dishonesty are outlined in the student handbook.


If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact me to arrange an appointment as soon as possible. At the appointment we can discuss the course format, anticipate your needs and explore potential accommodations. I rely on the Disability Services Coordinator for assistance in verifying the need for accommodations and developing accommodation strategies. If you have not previously contacted the Disability Services Coordinator (x 1618 or ), I encourage you to do so.

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. If you have not done so already, please contact the Disability Services Coordinator at 614-823-1618 in the Academic Support Center on the 2nd floor of the Library in order to coordinate reasonable accommodations.

LSC 315-Spring 2010

Tentative Lecture Schedule

Week/Date / Topics / Reading/ assignments
1- March 29
No class Friday-Good Friday / Introduction to GIS, coordinate systems / Chapters 1, 2
2-April 5
Note: no class Monday (4/5) / Vector data / Chapter 3
3-April 12
Note: no class Wednesday, April 14 / Introduction to surveying
Surveying equipment setup
4-April 19 / Raster data / Chapter 4
5-April 26 / Data acquisition, data set-up / Chapters 5, 6
6-May 3 / Data editing / Chapter 7
7-May 10 / Attribute data, data display and mapping / Chapters 8, 9
8-May 17 / Exploring data, vector and raster analysis / Chapters 10, 11, 12
9-May 24 / View shed analysis, GIS applications, visit Ohio Department of Natural Resources mapping department / Chapters 13, 14
10-May 31 (no class-Memorial Day, lecture on Tuesday, June 1) / Work on student projects

Tentative Lab Schedule

Week/Date / Topics / Reading/ assignments
1- March 30
No class Friday-Good Friday / Introduction to GIS software / Chapter 1: Task 1 and Task 2; Chapter 2: Tasks 1 through 4. Subtasks will be specified.
2-April 6
Note: no class Monday (4/5) / Vector data / Note: Library 200 will not be available this week.
3-April 13 / Introduction to surveying
Surveying equipment setup / Outdoor surveying exercise
4-April 20 / Raster data / Chapter 3: Tasks 1 through 5, Chapter 4: Task 1through 4.
5-April 27 / Data acquisition, data set-up / Chapter 5: Tasks1 through 3. Chapter 6: Tasks 1 through 3.
6-May 4 / Data editing / Chapter 7: Tasks 1 and 2.
Begin searching for project data.
7-May 11 / Attribute data, data display and mapping / Chapter 8: all tasks
8-May 18 / Exploring data, vector and raster analysis / Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12
9-May 25 / View shed analysis, GIS applications, visit Ohio Department of Natural Resources mapping department / Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, continued.
10-June 1 (no lab-Memorial Day MWF adjustment) / Work on student projects