- Call to order
Mr. Curd,President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll Call
MEMBERS PRESENT:Chad Curd, President; Jay Tate, Vice-President;
Derek Sledge;Jeff Steffy
MEMBERS ABSENT:Sonia Hyde; Anthony Fisher; Clint Turner
ALSO PRESENT:Mark Zahm, Superintendent
Carolyn Clark, Secretary
VISITOR’S PRESENT:Monica Maxey; Terry Fisher;Murisa Anderson; Jamie Wheeler;
Jason Kuberski
- Opening Prayer
Derek Sledge opened the meeting with prayer.
- Consent Agenda-The following item(s) will be considered for action (consent approval):
- Minute October 18, 2016, Regular and Closed Session.
- November, 2016 Bills
- Monthly Financial Report
Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Sledge to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:
- Minutes October 18, 2016, Regular and Closed Session.
- November, 2016 Bills
- Monthly Financial Report
Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Tate-yes; Curd-yes.
- Recognition of Visitors
Mr. Curd, President, recognized visitors that were present.
- Old Business
There was no old business for discussion or action
- Closed Session
- For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint ledged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
- Emergency security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to actual danger to the safety of employees, student, staff, the public or public property
- Update from legal counsel
- Discussion about peewee coaches and adult volunteer
- Discussion about parent request to attend his student events.
Motion was made by Mr.Sledge and seconded by Mr. Tate to go into closed session at 7:07 PM.
- For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint ledged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
- Emergency security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to actual danger to the safety of employees, student, staff, the public or public property
- Update from legal counsel
- Discussion about peewee coaches and adult volunteer
Discussion about parent request to attend his student events
Tate-yes; Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Steffy-yes.
Mr. Fisher arrived at 7:50 PM
Motion was made by Mr.Steffy and seconded by Mr.Tateto come out of closed session at 7:54 PM. Tate-yes; Fisher-yes;Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Steffy-yes.
- New Business
- Closed Session Action
- Update from legal counsel
No action was taken at this time.
- Discussion about PeeWee Coaches and Adult Volunteer
Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Steffy toapprove Nate Mast as 3rd & 4th Grade Boys’ PeeWee Coach; Tim Hodge as 3rd & 4th Grade Girls’ PeeWee Basketball Coach and Rick Phillips as a volunteer assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach. Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes; Sledge-abstain.
- Tax Levy Discussion
Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Fisher to approve a 4.99% tax levy asfollows: Educational Fund $388,975.; Operations & Maintenance Fund $66,880; Transportation Fund $30,153; Working Cash Fund $12,452; IMRF Fund $56,498; Social Security Fund $42,442; Fire Prevention & Safety Fund $13,094; Tort Immunity $103,450; Special Education Fund $5,148; Total Levy $719,092
Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes; Steffy-yes.
Mr. Curd left at 8:10 PM
- Interfund loan $10,000 (Ed fund to B & I)
Motion was made by Mr.Fisher and seconded by Mr.Sledge to approve an interfund loan in the amount of $10,000 from the Education Fund to the Bond and Interest Fund. Steffy-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes;Sledge-yes.
- Discussion on a new convection oven.
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Steffy to purchase a new convection oven from Yukon in the amount of $4,714.52. Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes
- School Board Policy
The Board held the first reading of the following School Board Policies:
- Administrative Procedure
- Board Member Expense Reimbursement Forms
- Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements
- Administrative Procedure – Types of School Board Meetings
- Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Recordings and Minutes
- Motion to Adjourn to Closed Meeting
- Open Meeting Minutes
- Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes
- Log of Closed Meeting Minutes
- Access to Closed Meeting Minutes and Verbatim Recordings
- School Board Records Maintenance Requirements and FAQs
- Administrative Procedure Access to and copying of District Public Records
- Protocols for Record Preservation and Development of Retention Schedules
- Immediately Available District Records and Web-Posted Reports ad Records
- Purchases
- Criminal History Records Check of Contractor Employees
- Operational Services: Checklist of Internal Controls
- Unsafe School Choice Option
- Criminal Offender Notification Laws: Screening
- Administrative Procedure – Investigations
- Administrative Procedure Expense (Deleted)
- Plan to ensure that all teachers who teach core academic subjects are highly qualified. (Deleted)
- Notice to parents of their right to request their child’s classroom teachers’ qualifications
- Letter to teacher who does not meet applicable state certification/licensure requirements for the grade level and subject area of assignment.
- School Visitation leave
- Education of homeless children
- District-level parental and family engagement
- Notice to parents required by Elementary and Secondary Act, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, ad Protection of Pupil Rights Act.
- District Annual Report Card Required by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
- Challenging a Student’s Residence Status
- Establishing Student Residency
- Letter of Residence from Landlord in Lieu of Lease
- Letter of Residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a district resident
- Evidence of Non-parent’s custody, control, and responsibility of a student
- Dispensing Medication
- Program for managing student athlete concussion an head injuries
- Guidelines for student distribution of non-school sponsored publications
- School Student Records
- Notice to parents/guardians and students of their rights concerning a student’s school records
- Parental involvement
Mr. Curd returned at 8:15 PM
- Superintendent’s Report
- Enrollment
- Discipline
- Chicago Trip Information
- Transportation agreement for special education student
- Adjournment
Motion was made by Mr.Sledge and seconded by Mr. Tate at 8:19 PM to adjourn.
Curd-yes; Steffy-yes; Tate-yes;Sledge-yes;Fisher-yes.
Chad Curd, PresidentSonia Hyde, Secretary