Shepherd University * Faculty Senate * Meeting Minutes * November 6, 2006

Senate Membership:

Scott Beard (MUSC) present

Denis Berenschot (ENG) present

Roland Bergman (SOC/GEOG) present

Jason Best (IES) present

Larry Daily (PSY) present

Meg Galligan (BADM) present

Osman Guzide (CME) present

Doug Horner (SCWK) present

Mike Jacobs (HPERS) present

Barbara Maxwell (LIB) present

Clarise Ottley (NURS) present

Kathy Reid (ECON) present

Sylvia Shurbutt (ACF) present

Rhonda Smith (ART) present

J. W. Thatcher (ACCT) X

J. B. Tuttle (EDUC) present

Eugene Volker (CHEM) present

Joyce Webb (COMM) X

Bob Willgoos (HIST) present

David Wing (BIOL) present

Denis Woods (PSCI) present

Guests presenting: Dr. Mark Stern, VPAA; Kim Rohrbaugh, Nursing student

The November 6, 2006 meeting of the Shepherd University Faculty Senate was held in the Cumberland Room of the University Center. Senate President, Dr. Sylvia Shurbutt, called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

I. (M/S/P-Reid/Berenschot)--Minutes of the October 16, 2006 meeting were approved as amended.

Motion: Insert in the Discussion of Amendment in Section II, Item A: Senator Webb made the amendment in fairness to the previous merit pay applicants. Senator Willgoos moved; Senator Bergman seconded. Motion passed.

II. Guests and Unfinished/New Business:

A. Nursing Health Survey (Kim Rohrbaugh)

Ms. Rohrbaugh asked Senators to fill out the Nursing Health Survey to help the nursing students understand campus health issues, what students need to know, and how to get appropriate information to students such as website or health fair.

B. Senate Webpage Revision (President Shurbutt)


President Shurbutt explained the changes to the Senate website, which now includes all documents under Senate consideration. She also noted faculty webpage links.

C. Department Chair Release Time Policy (Dr. Mark Stern )

Dr. Stern, in an informational item, presented the revised policy for chair release time.

The revised policy was developed by a committee headed by Senator Reid.

D. Tenure and Promotion Proposal (Senator Horner)

Senator Horner presented “Proposed Policy Revisions—Promotion/Tenure—10/16/06.” (See: Senate website for document draft with updated revisions). The committee that worked on the proposal along with Senator Horner included: Senator Reid, Senator Bergman, Senator Volker, Dr. Jerry Thomas, Dr. Ruth Conley, Dr. Bruce Kelley, Dr. Kathleen Gaberson, and Dr. Richard Gibson. President Shurbutt presented general comments from Dr. Carter, Dr. DeVito, and Dr. Austin about the proposed policy. A long discussion followed the introduction by Senator Horner. Listed below are some of the major points:

line 14-16—requirements stay in force for six years from date of hire or promotion

lines 54, 100—“at the time of application the candidate will have” added

lines 64, 67, 70-71, 75—“significant or significant record of contribution” added under Professor requirements

line 79—add “sustained”

line 88—add “local”

line 109—add “growing record of scholarly contribution” under Associate Professor

line 112—add “reviews”

Other items discussed include what constitutes body of work, the importance of reviews, the use of online forums, professional participation, grant activity, and publishing in professional disciplines. The question was discussed concerning whether or not particular Departments (i.e. Accounting, Nursing, Social Work, and Business under Professor and Associate Professor ranks) were to be excluded from the requirements of scholarly and/or pedagogical publication and presentation requirements, when journals and conferences were common in these fields.

Motion: (M/S/T— Tuttle; Reid) Add the word “significant” to lines to lines 67, 70-71; sustain to line 79; “reviews” to line 112.

Motion: (M/S/P— Best; Galligan) Postpone and clarify any changes at the department levels. Motion passed. This motion tabled the first motion.

Dr. Stern commented on the importance of deliberateness as opposed to speed in approving the document, and he commented on what constitutes the appropriate terminal degree in the field used in the section A under Professor and Associate Professor.

It was unanimously agreed that the document go to all members of the faculty in order for departments and schools to discuss before the next meeting of the Senate on December 4.

III. Committee reports:

A. Admissions & Credits: No report.

B. Assessment Task Force: No report.

C. Bylaws: No report.

D. Calendar: No report.

E. Curriculum & Instruction: No report.

F. Equity & Diversity: No report.

G. Honor’s: No report.

H. Institutional Review: Committee continues to review proposals as they are submitted.

I. Library: No report

J. Professional Development: Reported above.

K. Scholarship & Awards: No report.

L. Technology Oversight: No report.

M. Washington Gateway: No report

N. Advisory Council of Faculty: President Shurbutt reported that she hopes to have the State Faculty Personnel Study for the HEPC for distribution soon. She asked Senators to pay attention to Shepherd in the ranking.

O. Strategic Planning Committee: President Shurbutt asked Senator Woods to report to the Senate on the actions and proposals before the Strategic Planning Committee.

IV. M/S/P – Willgoos/Smith – Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Maxwell, Secretary