Client UR Number: TextSurname: TextGiven Name: TextDate of Birth: Text



To ascertain whether the consumer has a carer or other friend, family member or individual who is involved in their care.
This module is to be completed by a clinician based upon discussion with the client and information gathered during the assessment / INSTRUCTIONS
  1. Complete all areas that apply
  2. If unsure whether a question applies discuss withconsumer
  3. Discuss types of support that can be offered to the carer/family and how/ or if consumer would like carerinvolved
  4. If consumer declines direct carer involvement, discuss with consumer ways of offering indirect support to careras appropriate (i.e. resources, support groups, etc.).


Click here to enter text. / Given Name:
Click here to enter text. / Other Names:
Click here to enter text.
Address (Unit/Street):
Click here to enter text. / Suburb:
Click here to enter text. / Post Code:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Date of Birth:
Click here to enter text. / Marital Status:
Click here to enter text.
Dependent Children:
☐ Yes ☐ No
If Yes how many?
Click here to enter text. / Carer Status:
Click here to enter text. / Living Arrangement:
Click here to enter text.
Home Phone:
Click here to enter text. / Mobile Phone:
Click here to enter text. / Preferred Method of Contact:
Click here to enter text.
Email address:Click here to enter text.
Country of Birth:
Click here to enter text. / Preferred Language:
Click here to enter text.
Interpreter Required:
☐ Yes☐ No / Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander:
☐ Yes☐ No☐ No answer
Medicare Number:
Click here to enter text.
Healthcare Card:
☐ Yes ☐ No / Employment Status:
Click here to enter text. / DVA Card: ☐ Yes ☐ No
DVA Card Type:Click here to enter text.
DVA Card Number:Click here to enter text.


Emotional Health (e.g. experiencing any: depression or anxiety, loss of sleep, anger, guilt or difficulty concentrating) / Click here to enter text. /
Relationships (any frequent arguments, feeling distant, giving up own hobbies to care for loved one) / Click here to enter text. /
Other family members (not having enough time for friends and family, finding drugs or alcohol in the home) / Click here to enter text. /
Financial stress (lost money due to inability to work, excess expenditures to care for loved one) / Click here to enter text. /
Physical Violence (any physical violence experienced while caring for loved one) / Click here to enter text. /
Legal Issues (any legal problems you’ve had to deal with while caring for loved one) / Click here to enter text. /
Physical Health (experienced physical problems, have had to take medication for physical ailments) / Click here to enter text. /


Consumer agreeable to carer involvement in treatmentYES ☐NO ☐
Consent given to speak with carer YES ☐NO ☐
If no, consider other ways of providing opportunities for carers to participate without breaching consumer confidentiality i.e.
  • Providing information about their consumer's mental health in general terms and offer reassurance about the supports that monitor the consumer's wellbeing.
  • Provide an opportunity for the carer to present their issues, to have them listened to and taken into account in the assessment, planning and delivery of services to the consumer
  • Provide opportunities for the carer to be involved in the organisation at the service level, even though their involvement in decision making about the consumer is limited
  • Offer support to help them access carer support and advocacy services.

Carer Support offered
☐Carer’s Rights and Responsibilities statement discussed and provided to carer
☐Family Single Sessions offered
☐Carer involvement in consumer’s Recovery Goals, care planning and discharge planning
☐Psycho Education around their loved ones conditions
☐Resources, fact sheets and relevant materials offered to carer
☐Support and referral information provided to carer (i.e. respite services, counselling,crisis support, important contact numbers, etc.)
☐Education and training offered to maximise carers wellbeing and ability to care and advocate for the consumer
☐Other:Click here to enter text.


Clinician name: TextPosition: TextSignature: TextDate: Text

Form Name: Optional Module 12Version: 1.0