Sensory activities to promote regulation of arousal level, interaction, and motor/body development.
Deep pressure touch and heavy work incorporating body movement
Repetitive rolling, falling, crashing in/onto pillows, bean bag chairs. Sew folded sheet and stuff with foam.
Rubbing/ massaging with towels, cloth, cotton, felt, lotion, etc. and talk about body parts for awareness.
Animal walks rabbit (jumping), tip-toes (giraffe), crawling (dog/lion), belly crawl (snake), hands and feet with stomach up (crab) etc.
Use heavier balls to roll over back while lying on stomach on rug/ cushions. Steam roller.
Catch/kick with heavier balls.
Roll over obstacle course.
People sandwich.
Climbing playground equipment, cushions, stairs, ladders.
Roll in sheet/ blanket. Hot dog. Squirm out.
Carry/ push/ pull heavier items (wagons, closed containers of sand, large balls, weighted balls, cushions)
Hold child while he/ she holds arms and, if possible, body like an airplane.
Walk up hill, in sand.
Big hugs/ sitting in lap/ play wrestling.
Repetitive hand squeezes. May help while walking in public places.
Play tug-of-war with rope or each other’s arms. Play push-of-war. Row, row, row your boat.
Shake arms and legs.
Bounce on a hippity-hop.
Bang with hammer/drums.
Hit bat to ball, bop man.
Play in pool; especially needed to swim.
Obstacle course in house. Climbing/ rolling up, under and through. Use boxes.
Lying on belly holding upper body with forearms.
Pillow fights
For Fine Motor:
Use play dough, puddy, clay and resistive manipulatives (legoes, bristle blocks)
Color on a bumpy surface. Crayon rubbings.
Water play (squirt bottles, squeeze sponges, turkey baster)
Pop-beads, clothespins, chalk on sidewalk.
Tear paper.
Tongs and tweezers.
Eye droppers.
Vestibular incorporating body movement
Playground equipment (swings, tire swings, merry-go-round, slides, etc.)
Swing in sheet or regular hammock.
Rocking chair/horse
Play with balloon in air.
Ride in wagon/wheel barrow.
Jump on trampoline, mattress, cushions, inner tube.
Do somersaults.
Play wrestling-rolling and upside down positioning. Body bowling to knock things down.
Play on large ball.
Roll down hill.
Scooter board/ skate board on belly and sitting. Using arms and legs with be resistive.
Walk on toes/heels.
Tactile Activities (lighter touch)
While wrestling incorporate different textures (carpet, foam, satin, etc.) with shirt off and shorts on.
Rub powder off body parts.
Paint body with different brushes.
Messy play- finger paint, shaving cream, pudding, yogurt, sand, beans, noodles, rice.
Play with feather duster, cotton balls, stuffed animals.
Soft baby brush
Use Auditory and Visual Watch for how audio and visual inputs are impacting upon arousal system. Too many/ too loud sounds, bright-dimmed lights. Smells can also affect arousal-calm to excitatory.
Toys, personal affect, voice level, sounds, etc. for engagement and arousal level.
Small cans filled with rice, beans, etc.
Kristen Posner, OTR/L