Lythe Church of England Primary School
Friday 22nd December2017
Telephone: 01947 893373 General email enquiries:
Confidential email enquiries to Mrs Armstrong:
Always check our website for information on or our Facebook page.
Diary Dates
Monday 8th January 2018 – School re-opens for the Spring Term
Remember that if you are eligible for 30 hours free childcare, you need to re-register with HMRC by 31st December 2017. If you don’t re-register, you will lose your entitlement for next term.

Governors’ Update

Following on from our Ofsted report we have had a number of representatives from the Local Authority rigorously assessing the whole school and supporting its improvement in a number of key areas. The first action plan, which was informed by the Ofsted report, was reviewed by the Local Authority this week and we are delighted to say that the outcome was very positive. External representatives were very satisfied with the new processes and procedures that have been recently implemented across the school by the Headteacher and are confident that key areas of development are improving.

We would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your continued support.

We look forward to working with you in 2018 on Lythe CEVC School’s journey out of ‘requires improvement’ and into ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’.

If you have any concerns of queries please contact either Mrs Armstrong or one of the governors directly – you can find full details of our Governing Body on our website:

Best Wishes and Merry Christmas.

We are delighted to announce that the following children have earned their Bronze Award through our Dojo Points System.
Clover, Isaac Arnold, Liam and Toby from Class1. Ethan, Holly, Jacob, Archie, Ted and Autumn from Class 2.
Lily Crooks, Evelyn, Naomi, Ashlea and Emily from Class 3. Charley, Jim, Katie, Storm, Joseph, Violet, Finlay, Thomas, Brook, Eloise, Lilith, Edward, Eve, Dylan C, Jakob, Tillie and Dylan P from Class 4.
Parents are invited on Friday 12th January to our celebration assembly at 2.30 p.m. to see their children collect their award.


The Christingle service this morning at St Oswald’s was lovely. The church was packed and we all enjoyed the carols and readings. Thank you to Mrs Mason for making the Christingles for us – it is always a memorable moment when the lights are turned down and all the children sing by candlelight and we can really say that Christmas has arrived.

Cracking Christmas Concert!

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make our concert a success, including all the friends and families who worked hard practising songs and lines, proving costumes and being fantastic audience members - your participation was much appreciated!

School Dinners

Please remember you will need to say on a Monday whether your child will be having school dinner or packed lunch that week, and keep to the same choice for the whole week.

Payment for a week’s school dinners should be sent in a named envelope on the Monday morning (If Monday is a holiday, or your child is absent, payment should be sent on the first day of the week that your child is in school).

Harriet is very happy to discuss individual dietary requirements – please ring school.

Is your child entitled to free school meals?

Find out what you could be receiving:

Find out more about the North Yorkshire School Meals service:

The new system is working extremely well – thank you

There is still some outstanding dinner money and would appreciate settlement as soon as possible.

Friends of Lythe School – Mini Bus Appeal

We need your help! We are asking for the school children to give us 1 hour of their time on Saturday the 13th January 2018, to help pack bags at the tills in Sainsburys. Parents are welcome to stay too, we appreciate all your support. Teachers, governors and FoLs will be on hand through the entire day for supervision. The bag pack runs from 10am till 4pm. If you can give us an hour of your time please can you fill in and return the slip below, ticking the hour you would like to attend.

My child/children …………………………………………………………would like to pack at;

10am to 11am [ ] 11am to 12pm [ ]

12pm to 1pm [ ] 1pm to 2pm [ ]

2pm to 3pm [ ] 3pm to 4pm [ ]

I will also be able to stay, Yes [ ] no [ ]

Parent / guardian ……………………………………………………………