UBC Meeting Minutes:

February 22, 2012

Senate candidates:

  1. UBC gets a vote on three of main positions now
  2. We are not at quorum so council will need to look over platforms and vote tonight
  3. Financial Directors:
  4. Bala Varadhan:
  5. Show of hands, raise your hand if you have planned an event or budget, many of your, how many are aware of senate appropriations? Grants? This is what we need to work on.
  6. Council relationship with senate has been laid back. Going forward info transfer between councils need to happen to allow for collaboration. Increasing collaboration in putting on events or documents between councils. A financial director workshop orientation will allow for info sharing.
  7. Reaching across campus to get student feedback with surveys helps give and receive info
  8. Question: How do you know if other councils want work shops?
  9. Social work wants having different standpoints of funding
  10. He isn’t any smarter but he can share information and can help orgs and councils with.
  11. Kendra Loftice:
  12. Current Admin Director for Senate
  13. Appropriation transparency and promotions. Large councils and organizations miss out on opportunities. The process is also vague on what can qualify so spending workshops would be helpful. High promotions with student organization to help them with forms and other financial org issues.
  14. Council allocation advice: She wants to get council FDs everything they need right at the beginning of their positions. Set up systems to help them spend efficiently and effectively
  15. Active roles in CTBAC’s
  16. Student Services Budget Committee has a big tuition setting voice and we want a senate seat.
  17. Questions: Experience
  18. I have been around bhargav on the committee and helped put on ready, set, go and was a FIG mentor.
  19. Presidents
  20. Michael Morton
  21. Current communication director for past 2 years
  22. Enhancing the value of UT degree and bettering UT core curriculum. It should relate back to your professor and what you want to do in your career. Course Curriculum streams will center around ideas like in FIG systems. Can register for all of them at once
  23. Increase competitiveness at UT. 4 year graduation rates are a big deal, report doesn’t address problem or treat but needs to be handled at a school level
  24. Increase student presence at the capital, he worked on Invest in Texas Campaign this past year. He has met with legislators and higher education funding. It needs to be met 2013 is key to have a strong presence in session
  25. Really passionate about transparency. There is a huge disconnect in internal and external Senate. There need to be much better cohesion. He wants to be at UBC and answer question and give feedback. That is how you get student voice. Coming to Senate is unfair, we need to reach out. We care.
  26. Question: Developing centralize career services for McCombs?
  27. Shocked! He talked to Michael, he wants to see career services open to everyone. To start we need to address a simple way for employers to post a job online to access all student. Access UT is awful. It needs to be reformed. McCombs should have access of where our tuition goes to. It wouldn’t work centralized but it needs to be better.
  28. Emily Vandoon
  29. Currently the Vice President. Has been to a lot of meetings to forge relationships with Provost and tower and can be more forward next year
  30. Student initiatives. In Senate it is really beaurocratic. A student comes with and idea but Senate takes over. Wants to open up legislation to all students. That is who we should be serving. Students set the agenda and councils hold them accountable. Can vote down but any student should be able to come in.
  31. Having a senate officer in meetings would help since Senate Exec doesn’t interact with councils. Senate exec should have a face in the meetings
  32. Course Relevancy: Core curriculum is really stale. To make better, must change memorization so there needs to be course transformation.
  33. Invest in Texas: Going to the capital. It is a lot more important to meet with legislature to share ideas. Many student opinions are better than one. Joint resolutions are key for power. Data in meetings is much more convincing.
  34. Questions:
  35. Course transformation: Technological innovation is what she means. Course overlap with high school is bad since college should be making us better thinkers. Need to reach learning objectives you can use after you graduate. Critical thinking that you can take into a field.
  36. Question: Curriculum taking a back seat to technology?
  37. Course transformation has said that but you need both.
  38. Vice President
  39. Andrew Clark
  40. Been an at large member and a chair of the integrity committee
  41. Engaging senate reps: They way senate functions as an umbrella happens top down. Council issues and needs should be more of the focus. That is how they gain legitimacy and what they can do for you. Spend more time talking with senate reps and what their issues are. There is not a one size mold.
  42. Served on CTBAC for liberal arts and got to represent on big budget issues. Use Senate reps to leverage his skills to help councils. How can we get a more diverse sampling of student opinions.
  43. Hannah tucker
  44. Second year in Senate, started as an at large and was a co-chair this year
  45. Worked to raise 10000 for Bastrop fire relief
  46. First Alumni reunion happening soon and she is super happy about it
  47. The gap between internal and external senate needs work like the difference between UBC and business students. Getting more students in general and getting a greater circuit of student ideas. As an internal senate member she is involved in a lot of councils. There isn’t enough time to get everywhere. Broadening the pool for UI appointments and getting people out to meetings to get student opinions is important
  48. Evaluation: Make sure council needs are addressed. None are the same. Some are volunteering and some are programs. Same resources won’t work. She wants to sit with exec members and make sure that we get the resources we need
  49. Question: SR 1111 opinion?
  50. Costs of texts books is ridiculous. We need to vote this. It isn’t the end all be all bt there are a couple of things we need to do as students.
  51. Questions: Sit down with exec members
  52. Each council has different needs so sitting down and having a conversation is important.
  53. Discussion & Debate about Senate Candidates

Meeting Minutes

  1. Apologies for the Senate voting being a little rough since it was our first time
  2. UBC members can lobby Michael, Taylor, Bhargav for their vote
  3. Sign-Ups and Announcements
  4. HBSA is having College 102 where they are bringing middle schools kids on March 2nd from 8AM – 2PM. Looking for 100 people. 3 or more hours will get you a t-shirt
  5. Thanks for all the beyond business recommendations. Lots were taken into consideration. Jay really needs contact. Put name down if you know people in the industry
  6. Kayla: I am in an org called China Care and they are having a benefit next Friday in the UTC 2.112. All proceeds are going to fund surgery’s in China. It is $6 at the door and $4 before. There will be lots of free food! There are t-shirts too!
  7. Bhargav: Tomorrow is the last Sophomore transfer info sessions. If you are interested you should come out. From 5-6 in CBA 4.304
  8. Bhargav: If you are a freshman in the honors program the peer advisor applications went out! Talk to Michael or Bhargav
  9. Jamal: Deloitte is having a case comp, the info session is this Friday at 6 PM in the Legacy Events Room. It is a national competition. There is a $16,000 case comp first prize. There is no deadline. By March 9th you have to submit the presentation to Deloitte. They will pick top four and they will go against one another. It is all online.
  10. Adam and Jay: Win $1800 in the FBA underclassman case challenge. The kick-off is Monday Feb 27th and the competition is on Friday. Go to UTFBA.com and sign up. You pay a deposit so you don’t drop out.
  11. If you are doing homework. Don’t. It is important for us to be engaged.
  12. SG
  13. Thank you for listening to everyone!
  14. AR 28: In Support of Advertising on University Shuttle Busses
  15. Passed unanimously.
  16. Next this will go to the SSBC. Contract with Cap Metro is done
  17. AR 29: In support of a Centralized Comprehensive Online Room Reservation System
  18. This passed
  19. All room pictures are done
  20. Next, it is just working with Dean of Students and Registrar to implement it
  21. AR 32: In Support of Increasing Awareness of and Ease of Access to CIS Results
  22. SG wants to work it IT to make students more aware of CIS results
  23. With each class listing to the surveys
  24. This is for when you are registering to find the attached one
  25. Maria V: Can Syllabuses be included in this IT issue
  26. Yes
  27. Seher: Can it go on the registration page?
  28. Yes
  29. Comments too
  30. Kevin Mei: Are comments typed?
  31. Only the ones from the electronic ones will be viewable
  32. Connie: Never seen any comments on the electronic ones?
  33. Not automatically released
  34. Fangy: Links?
  35. On the course schedule when you are looking at unique numbers it will have a link there and the UT direct page and a big link on the home page
  36. AR 33: In Support of Banning Anti-Bacterial Soaps on the University of Texas at Austin
  37. From the public policy school rep
  38. Triclosan causes anti resistance and doesn’t help that much anyways
  39. UT to stop buying the weak antibiotic soap and just use normal soap.
  40. UT has already agreed to to get rid of this chemical since it showed up in the water supply
  41. The authors want to have student education since it is in other products and it more expensive
  42. Jenny: is money spent for awareness
  43. Not sure, will check
  44. Kayla: The wording on AR 33 is bad
  45. How much does it bother us on campus that the big fountains don’t work?
  46. Some but not worth the cost
  47. Please make sure they are on for graduation
  48. Senate
  49. SR 1111: There have been no changes since the last time we talked
  50. Recap: The focus is to try and have a more standardized process for ordering text books. The change to 3 year is new so that they can gauge the flexibility themselves
  51. SR 1113: Displaying Waitlists and Enrollment Details in the Course Schedule
  52. The main issue is posting current registrar information on the course sign up page
  53. Olivia: Will this still preserve senior specialties
  54. Integrity UT Week
  55. Michelle is the co-chair
  56. Thank you for all of the support this week!
  57. Case study tomorrow night in San Jac
  58. Audit: Stay Tuned
  59. BBA Legacy: WOO!
  60. BJGM: Will be announced next week
  61. Presidential Challenge: Come to Senate Elections!
  62. Thank you.

Vice President: But Michael

  1. Constitutional Review Committee
  2. Todd: We are working on big things for elected reps. Go to audit!
  3. Community Service Committee
  4. Kite Festival!
  5. March 4, 2012 from 10 AM – 12:15 PM
  6. There are 50 spots available
  7. Org Reps
  10. Do your org outreach!!


  1. FRC
  2. Look out for next publicity!
  4. If you are volunteering, you will get an email from Nancy with specific information, come at 8:50
  5. If you are just attending, please be there by 9:30
  6. Dress Code: Business Casual for attendees but Business professional for volunteers, committee, and exec
  7. GPS:


  1. Banquet Committee:
  2. Will be announced next week
  3. Coming along pretty well
  4. Them for next week:
  5. Spring Break Fitness
  6. Put all your athletic gear on!


CFT Committee:

  1. CFT California
  2. Surprise next week
  3. VIP Committee:
  4. Going Well
  5. Case Committee:
  6. Going well
  7. Beyond Business:
  8. Going well


  1. Ordering –shirts next Thursday so get your money to Adam
  2. $8
  3. Corporate Relations
  4. Going well!
  5. Awk-Word of the Week
  6. Didaskaleiniphobia
  7. Love my family!

Internal Controls

  1. IM Sports and Wellness
  2. Nutrition Facts: Whataburger
  3. BC Health Fact of the Week: Headphones breed bacteria
  4. Traditions: BC Look-A-Likes
  5. Jay Shah = Slumdog Guy and girl…
  6. Nick Navarro = Paolo Nutini
  7. Gaby DeLeon = Sarah Bareilles
  8. Petras = Tony Hawk
  9. Pranitha = M.I.A.
  10. Lauren Kemme = Amanda Seyfried
  11. Kayla = Emma Roberts
  12. Luke = Andrew Garfeild
  13. Ian = David Beckham
  14. Peggy = Zhang Ziyi
  15. Alex and Mars = Disney Channel Twins
  16. Stephen Friedberg = Simba/Matt Damon
  17. Skylar = Sponge Bob character
  18. Jeff and Michelle = Cuddling cats = king kong
  19. Texas Revue
  20. Peggy: thank you to my committee!! Surveen has been awesome!


  1. Publicity is good
  2. PR is good
  3. Elected reps are awesome
  4. EVB
  5. Met with the engineers! They are going to be cool and we will beat their faces in later


  1. Tech team: Going great!
  2. Wiki Team: Good job at getting everyone to sign up!
  3. Video of the Week: Texas Revue!

Recap! See Eugene’s slides!

Member of the Week….. Olivia Luko!