Selfie-related wording dropped from Wake County policy By T. Keung Hui

The Wake County school system is taking another look Tuesday at updating its policy on student use of technology, but this time it’s minus any wording that could be construed as banning students from taking selfies.

The revised policy the school board’s policy committee had looked at in November said that “students are prohibited from taking pictures or videos with any device unless directed by a teacher.” Board members immediately raised a red flag that the wording covered selfies, prompting staff to say they’d talk to the attorney who drafted the wording.

That wording about pictures or videos is no longer part of the policy the committee will review Tuesday.

This new version of the policy does have some additional material, including saying “the superintendent may use any means available to request the removal of personal websites that substantially disrupt the school environment or that utilize school system or individual school names, logos, or trademarks without permission.”

School administrators have said the technology use policy needs to be updated to reflect how much things have changed since it was last revised in 2010. For instance, Wake now is encouraging students to bring their own electronic devices to school for use in classrooms.

Other items on the committee’s agenda Tuesday include reviewing policies dealing with bullying, harassment and non-discrimination.

What is the main idea of this news article? Remember to be extremely specific.

According to the context, what is a “red flag”?

What is the conflict discussed in the passage?

What was the resolution to the conflict?

A Loaf of Poetry

you mix
the dough
of experience
the yeast
of inspiration
and knead it well
with love
and pound it
with all your might
and then
leave it
it puffs out big
with its own inner force
and then
knead it again
shape it
into a round form
and bake it
in the oven
of your heart

Naoshi Koriyama

What is the message of this poem?

This poem consists of an extended metaphor.

What is it? (what is compared to what?)

What is “the oven of your heart”?

What does it mean to “knead” a poem?