1. Blood is filtered by which pair of organs? / ______
2. Which planet is the fifth from the sun? / ______
3. Who developed the theory of relativity? / ______
4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol N? / ______
5. In which organelle of a living cell is DNA found? / ______
6. Which travel faster, light or sound waves? / ______


1. In which country is Mount Everest? / ______
2. Which continent has the biggest population? / ______
3. What is the capital city of New Zealand? / ______
4. In which continent is the Sahara desert? / ______
5. Name the two longest rivers in the world. / ______
6. Which ocean is to the east of Africa? / ______


1. What is longest running race in the Olympic Games called? / ______
2. Who won the 2003 British Open golf tournament? / ______
3. In snooker, what is the colour of the last ball potted? / ______
4. What nationality is the tennis player Lleyton Hewitt? / ______
5. In which sport can you throw a 'curve ball'? / ______
6. Which team won the 2003 Formula One car racing championship? / ______


1. Which pop singer married British movie director Guy Ritchie? / ______
2. Which rock group did George Harrison belong to? / ______
3. Which classical composer became deaf near the end of his life? / ______
4. How many strings does a bass guitar usually have? / ______
5. In what country did reggae music originate? / ______
6. How many instruments are there in a string quintet? / ______


1. Blood is filtered by which pair of organs? / the kidneys
2. Which planet is the fifth from the sun? / Jupiter
3. Who developed the theory of relativity? / Albert Einstein
4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol N? / nitrogen
5. In which organelle of a living cell is DNA found? / nucleus
6. Which travel faster, light or sound waves? / light waves


1. In which country is Mount Everest? / Nepal
2. Which continent has the biggest population? / Asia
3. What is the capital city of New Zealand? / Wellington
4. In which continent is the Sahara desert? / Africa
5. Name the two longest rivers in the world. / Amazon and Nile
6. Which ocean is to the east of Africa? / Indian Ocean


1. What is longest running race in the Olympic Games called? / the marathon
2. Who won the 2003 British Open golf tournament? / Ben Curtis
3. In snooker, what is the colour of the last ball potted? / black
4. What nationality is the tennis player Lleyton Hewitt? / Australian
5. In which sport can you throw a 'curve ball'? / baseball
6. Which team won the 2003 Formula One car racing championship? / Ferrari


1. Which pop singer married British movie director Guy Ritchie? / Madonna
2. Which rock group did George Harrison belong to? / The Beatles
3. Which classical composer became deaf near the end of his life? / Beethoven
4. How many strings does a bass guitar usually have? / four
5. In what country did reggae music originate? / Jamaica
6. How many instruments are there in a string quintet? / five


1. Triton is a moon of which planet? / ______
2. For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water? / ______
3. Which physicist wrote a book called 'A Brief History of Time'? / ______
4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Zn? / ______
5. In which organ of the body is the cerebrum found? / ______
6. What do we call the study of birds? / ______


1. In which country is the world's highest waterfall? / ______
2. What natural phenomena are measured by the 'Richter scale'? / ______
3. Which two oceans does the Panama Canal link? / ______
4. What is South America's highest mountain range? / ______
5. What is the capital city of Kenya? / ______
6. What is the line of latitude 23.5 degrees north of the equator called? / ______


1. In which athletic event is a heavy metal ball thrown? / ______
2. In what sport could you 'hit a six' or 'bowl a leg spinner'? / ______
3. Golf was first played in which country? / ______
4. In which sport could you find yourself in a headlock? / ______
5. In which sport are a bow and arrow used? / ______
6. What does a third-place getter at the Olympic Games win? / ______


1. What instrument did the jazz musician Miles Davis play? / ______
2. Which British rock group do Liam and Noel Gallagher belong to? / ______
3. Which instrument has keys, pedals and strings? / ______
4. In which country is a 'gamelan orchestra' most commonly found? / ______
5. Who wrote the song entitled 'Yesterday'? / ______
6. Which is the largest stringed instrument in a classical orchestra? / ______


1. Triton is a moon of which planet? / Neptune
2. For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water? / photosynthesis
3. Which physicist wrote a book called 'A Brief History of Time'? / Stephen Hawking
4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Zn? / zinc
5. In which organ of the body is the cerebrum found? / the brain
6. What do we call the study of birds? / ornithology


1. In which country is the world's highest waterfall? / Venezuela
2. What natural phenomena are measured by the 'Richter scale'? / earthquakes
3. Which two oceans does the Panama Canal link? / Atlantic and Pacific
4. What is South America's highest mountain range? / the Andes
5. What is the capital city of Kenya? / Nairobi
6. What is the line of latitude 23.5 degrees north of the equator called? / tropic of Cancer


1. In which athletic event is a heavy metal ball thrown? / shot put
2. In what sport could you 'hit a six' or 'bowl a leg spinner'? / cricket
3. Golf was first played in which country? / Scotland
4. In which sport could you find yourself in a headlock? / wrestling
5. In which sport are a bow and arrow used? / archery
6. What does a third-place getter at the Olympic Games win? / a bronze medal


1. What instrument did the jazz musician Miles Davis play? / trumpet
2. Which British rock group do Liam and Noel Gallagher belong to? / Oasis
3. Which instrument has keys, pedals and strings? / piano
4. In which country is a 'gamelan orchestra' most commonly found? / Indonesia
5. Who wrote the song entitled 'Yesterday'? / Paul McCartney
6. Which is the largest stringed instrument in a classical orchestra? / double bass