Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mountainview Christian Reformed Church, Grimsby

Classis Niagara CRC – October 17, 2007 – Page 1 of 3

Classis Niagara CRC – October 17, 2007 – Page 1 of 3

Officers: Rev. Greg Fluit, Chairman; Rev. Ryan Braam, Vice-Chairman; John TeBrake, Stated Clerk

1. Opening and Constitution of Classis: Devotions were led by Rev. David Tigchelaar of the host church, after which Rev. Greg Fluit welcomed all delegates and visitors. A roll call read by Rev. Tigchelaar indicated delegates from each church were present. First-time delegates signed the Form of Subscription and were acknowledged. Rev. Fluit declared the Classis constituted.

Rev. Fluit also informed delegates that the CIC had planned a discussion of the Article 41 items brought forward so far; however, the facilitator for that discussion was unable to be present at this meeting and the discussion is rescheduled to the February 2008 meeting of Classis.

2. Report of the Classical Interim Committee (CIC): John TeBrake led the delegates through the reports of the CIC as provided in the agenda and in the supplementary materials.

The CIC presented the following recommendations:

(a) 1) Compensation for Treasurer and Stated Clerk be raised incrementally for the next few years to reach fair rates.

2) The following rates of compensation:

For 2008--$4000

For 2009--$5000

For 2010--$6000

3) Thereafter the compensation be reviewed annually. – Approved

(b) CMLT [Classis Ministry Leadership Team] share be set at $1 for 2008, with annual review. Ground: Though CMLT is well-funded now, it is important NOT to drop as a budget line item one year and add it another year. Continuity is important. – Defeated [it is understood that this means the budget will be nil, as the CMLT requires no additional ministry shares for its budget during 2008]

(c) Classis needs to confirm that the new ministry of the Thorold Church Plant, as outlined in the “Job Description” on pages 3 and 4 of the Agenda, fits the guidelines for the office of Ministry Associate as adopted by Synod 2001. The CIC recommends that “Classis approve the position of Ministry Associate/Church Planter and that it is coincident with the Synodical Guidelines for ministry associates” – Approved

Delegates were informed that the Synodical Deputies from Classes Toronto, Huron, and Chatham had been previously provided with the relevant documents and concur with this decision.

(d) The approval of Classis is also required for the installation of Mr. [Mike] Collins by his new calling church [Covenant CRC, St. Catharines]. Due to pre-arranged vacations and other timing factors, the installation has taken place. The CIC recommends that “Classis approve of and recognize the installation of Mr. Mike Collins as an ordained Ministry Associate/Church Planter with Covenant CRC as the calling church”

There was some conversation with respect to Covenant CRC having installed Mr. Collins prior to receiving Classis’

approval to do so. In the end there was agreement that the reasons for the timing of the installation were legitimate, delegates expressed thanks for having Mike Collins in the position of Church Planter, and the recommendation was – Approved

The work of the Classical Interim Committee was – Approved

The Pulpit Supply Schedule (page 5 of the agenda) was also presented. Churches receiving pulpit supply, and pastors providing pulpit supply, were reminded to adhere to the practice of ensuring that any scheduling changes should be arranged and confirmed by both the pastor and by the council of the church involved.

  1. Report of the Stated Clerk: John TeBrake led the delegates through the work of the Stated Clerk as reported in the Agenda and in the supplementary materials. After opportunity for questions, the work of the Stated Clerk was – Approved
  1. Budget for 2008: The Classis’ Treasurer, Ms. Emma Winter, presented the proposed budget for 2008 which had been included in the agenda on pages 7 and 8. It was recognized that a previously approved motion would bring the CMLT budget to nil (shown as $1 on the proposed budget), and that classis had at a previous meeting approved that the budget for the church plant should be $8 per member for 2008 (shown as $7 on the budget). The net effect of these two adjustments was neutral to the bottom line, and the budget was – Approved

The Treasurer asked that churches make their Ministry Share remittances to her on a regular basis, in order to lessen a cash flow problem she encounters during the first part of each year. She also indicated a willingness to work with new church treasurers to enable them to follow classis, denominational and CRA requirements.

  1. Classis Ministry Leadership Team (CMLT): Rev. Derek Bouma, the chair of this committee, presented the proposed new mandate for the CMLT (pages 9-11 of the agenda). The proposed mandate for the CMLT was – Approved

Rev. Duane VanderLaan, reporter for the committee, referred delegates to the report of the committee (page 9 of the agenda). Upon the recommendation of the CMLT, Classis approved financial support for Mr. Kyle Kloostra, a member of the Mountainview CRC. Rev. VanderLaan reminded all delegates of their opportunities to be aware of, and to encourage, any potential candidates for the Ministry; any council/pastor/elder aware of a person contemplating or having the potential for ministry should inform the CMLT as soon as possible.

  1. Church Counselor Report: Rev. Duane VanderLaan, counselor for the Maranatha congregation, informed Classis that the Maranatha CRC Council is working cooperatively and in harmony with the Maranatha Liaison Committee (Rev. EJ deWaard, Rev. Duane VanderLaan; and Mr. Frank Engelage) appointed by Classis to help the congregation plan its future; and that Rev. Jerry Hoytema, Interim Pastor at Maranatha, is providing strong leadership to the Council and congregation.
  1. Maranatha Liaison Team: Frank Engelage informed the delegates that along with the Council, they have discussed the formation of a Discovery Team to work toward enabling the congregation to accomplish the tasks of the interim period, particularly in regard to coming to terms with the church’s history, discovering a new identity, and a commitment to new directions in ministry under new leadership. Pastor Harold Winter led in a prayer for the Liaison Team, for Pastor Hoytema, and for Maranatha as it seeks its future.
  1. Regional Pastor’s Report: Rev. Peter DeBruyne described the new division of the Classis between himself and Rev. Rudy Ouwehand – Group A will be pastor Rudy's concern and consists of: Brock Chaplaincy, Thorold Church Plant, Welland, Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. Group B will be Pastor Peter's area of concern and consists of Fenwick, Wellandport, Smithville, Beamsville, Grimsby, Shalom Chaplaincy, Fruitland and Dunnville.
  1. Shalom Manor Chaplaincy Committee’s Report: Rev. DeBruyne on behalf of the Shalom Manor Chaplaincy Committee introduced Rev. Fred VanderBerg, who has been appointed as the chaplain at Shalom Manor after the retirement of its previous chaplain. Rehoboth CRC is Rev. VanderBerg’s calling church.
  1. Denominational Board of Trustees’ (BOT) Report: Classis Niagara’s Regional Representative to the BOT, Rev. Andrew Beunk provided a synopsis of transactions at the September BOT meeting. Highlights of the meeting will be distributed to Councils as soon as they are available [these were distributed to Clerks of Councils of the churches in Classis Niagara on October 18, 2007]
  1. Brock University Chaplain’s Report: Chaplain Dr. André Basson gave several examples of the positive impact this ministry has on student, faculty and the community. He expressed thanks to Classis for its ongoing financial, but more importantly, prayer support and he indicated that the committee takes that support seriously. He has been approached about establishing an outreach chaplaincy at Niagara College, and there is an increasing number of students from Niagara College attending Brock CRC Chaplaincy events.
  1. Shalom Manor Chaplain’s Report: Rev. VanderBerg provided an overview of his first weeks at Shalom and outlined a number of his ministry goals in which he feels used by the Spirit to provide moments of rest to residents at Shalom.
  1. Redeemer University College: Mr. Tim Wolfert, Director, Alumni & Community Relations at Redeemer addressed Classis on behalf of Redeemer. He described Redeemer’s growth and God’s direction at its 25th anniversary mark, and extended thanks to Classis Niagara for its ongoing support.
  1. Credentials Committee Report: Rev. Rudy Ouwehand reported on behalf of the committee. All credentials had been completed and were in good order. There are several Article 41 Questions which will be referred to the CIC. Maranatha CRC expressed appreciation of the current and ongoing support they are receiving during their vacancy through the Liaison Team and Classical appointments. Covenant CRC invites Classis for an upcoming meeting. One church has requested advice on a discipline matter. Rev. Fluit declared an executive session
  1. Executive Session. The Stated Clerk maintains separate minutes for Executive Session of Classis Niagara.
  1. Denominational Nominating Process: Rev. James Poelman and Rev. Shawn Brix are proposed to be nominated to reappointment as Region 4 representatives to the Calvin Theological Seminary Board of Trustees. Delegates offered no objections to this slate.
  1. Classis Ministries Committee Report: Ministries Coordinator Frank Engelage reported that with the installation of Mike Collins as Church Planter in Throrold, the Church Plant Team is transitioning into a support team until such time as a Launch Team is organized. Mr. Engelage also indicated that the position of Classical Prayer Coordinator remains vacant, and asked for suggestions or offers to fill the position.

Frank Engelage, on behalf of the Ad-hoc Committee re proposal to merge the CMC and the CIC (Rev. K. Stieva, Brian VanStaalduinen, Henry Kikkert and Frank Engelage) presented a draft report of what the committee is proposing The report was presented for information at this time with opportunity for questions. Classis agreed that the committee continue in the course that is outlined in the draft report.

The work of the Classical Ministries Coordinator was approved by Classis.

  1. Church Visitor Reports: Rev. Rudy Ouwehand read the report of the April 2007 church visit he and Elder Lowell Witvoet had conducted with the Council of the Bethany CRC, and gave opportunity for questions.
  1. Adjournment: With the business being completed, Rev. Fluit adjourned the meeting. Rev. Ryan Braam led in a closing prayer.

Next Meeting:

Date: February 20, 2008

Agenda Deadline: January 4, 2008

Location: Covenant CRC

Chairman: Rev. Ryan Braam

Vice-chairman: Rev. Steven deBoer

Credentials: Covenant (to chair) and Jubilee Fellowship

Overture Advisory: Maranatha (to chair) and Trinity

Following meetings: May 21 (at Fruitland CRC), October 15 2008


Classis Niagara CRC – October 17, 2007 – Page 1 of 3