ATS Second Setting

Trainee Name: XXXXX

Second Setting School: XXXXX

Second Setting Mentor: XXXXX

University Tutor:

Dates of Second Setting: 4th Jan-12th Feb

The second setting school should provide you with opportunities to teach in the same age ranges that you intend to qualify, and your timetable should be approximately 60% whole class teaching. You will be expected to continue to maintain teaching files and records of progress against the Teachers’ Standards (TSs) for your work within the second setting. These will form part of your Professional Portfolio. Alliance leads will have a role to play in facilitating arrangements for second settings and reviewing second setting reports to ensure that transitions, between the host school and second setting school are as smooth as possible.

Trainees must ensure they are maintaining their working files, which will include:

·  A record of lessons plans and resources

·  Samples of pupils' work , showing progress

·  Lesson evaluations and weekly reflections

·  Lesson observation records

·  Records of observations of other staff

This report should record evidence claims for the TSs and these claims should be verified by your second setting mentor. This report should be shared in the penultimate week of the placement with the host school mentor who will use it to inform the completion of the ATS progress report. Ideally a meeting should be arranged between host school mentors, second setting mentors and the trainee to discuss achievements in relation to TS in the second setting. If possible, this could also include joint lesson observation and coincide with the link tutor visit.

The form should be emailed to your university Tutor and your host school mentor on completion. A signature is not required if the form is emailed by the second setting mentor or PCM.

Second Setting Individual Training & Subject Knowledge Development Plan (to be completed prior to, or in the first week of your second setting experience)

Summary of current developmental targets (Based on most recent ATS review and targets set at recent mentor meetings)
TS7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment- consistently following school policies and procedures in individual lessons
TS2/6 Demonstrate confident judgement in planning for pupils progression both within individual lessons and overtime. Set appropriately challenging tasks drawing on a sound knowledge of the pupils prior attainment which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment.
TS5Be proactive in differentiating, employing a range of clearly directed and timely intervention strategies to secure progression for individuals and groups
Focus for Second Setting – identify training opportunities which may not be readily available in your main school, or areas of interest to support you career development needs E.g. EAL, alternative year group, aspects of knowledge:
The school has a slightly higher level of attainment and my timetable in this school setting allows me to teach a number of higher ability groups. This will enable me to start to show confidence in my ability to adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils- especially the more able.
I will be teaching a new unit of work from January and this will allow me to show how my teaching has promoted good progress (TS2) and I will quickly need to familiarise myself with pupil attainment and the new assessment systems at the school (TS6)
I have the chance, especially with a challenging Y9 set, to continue to use a range of behaviour strategies (TS7) and this will show I am rapidly adapting to different circumstances, working confidently and effectively within the frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly.

Second Setting ATS Review:

The trainee should summarise achievements against the TSs

TS / Examples of activity and evidence demonstrating achievement of each TS / Mentor confirmation
(Please sign/ initial each claim)
1 / Consistent in encouraging pupils to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning and consistently set high expectations of pupils in different training contexts. Effectively promote pupils 12.1.16- Lesson Obs
Positive relationships with pupils and staff around the school. Establish a safe and stimulating environment with pupils for pupils rooted in mutual respect WMM12.1.16; WMM 19.1.16
Seating plans WMM12.1.16 19.1.16
Reorganising the lab to remove clutter and creating wall displays to motivate and encourage learning 29.1.16
“Consistent in encouraging students to participate and contribute to the lesson, circulated well to show you are developing positive relationships” Tutor visit observation 12.2.16 / HG
2 / Working in close collaboration with science teachers for short and medium term planning WMM-12.1.16-26.1.16
Assess students’ progress: giving students formative and summative assessments, marking and feedback; Informing co-teachers of students’ progress WMM:12.1.16
Effective questioning, circulating to check pupils progress LO: 12.1.16; 29.1.16;15.2.16,
Learning checks students meeting learning outcomes; good knowledge of students LO: 29.1.16
Be accountable for students attainments progress and outcomes: Going through exam papers and getting students to self -assess their work WMM-3.2.16 Be aware of students capability and plan teaching to build on these WMM- 3.2.16
Attending SIMS training to learn how to monitor students’ progress 29.1.16
Attending Green pen CPD 3.2.16
You have assumed responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of these pupils and quick to familiarise yourself with this group- Tutor meeting 12.2.16
Attended Science staff meetings to be kept updated on progress of KS3 and 4 / HG
3 / Promote a love of learning, caring out practical experiments to facilitate intellectual curiosity WMM-12.1.16
Addresses misconceptions effectively LO:29.1.16
Employs a range of teaching strategies, had good subject knowledge on the topic WMM19.1.16 & 12.1.16- LO
Weekly training on science practical
Twice a week observation of experienced science teachers Observation form
Open door week-observing teachers in history-, English, Art, IT and Science
Helping children with literacy WMM-12.1.16 Literacy in science LO 29.1.16
Attending CPDs every Wednesday-Green pen, good teaching practices, data, lesson plans, registration tutor
Attended Eating and Learning lunch club 11.2.16
Lesson showed a well-developed knowledge and understanding Tutor visit obs 12.2.16 / HG
4 / Timing of activities; engaging starters; TS2 circulated to check pupils progress LO12.1.16
Well planned and structured lesson; great timing of activities, pupils were settled LO 29.1.16; 15.2.16
Well planned and structured lessons LO 15.2.15 WMM-3.2.16
Clearly planned in detail for the lesson and developed resources which were designed for learning Tutor’s visit 12.2.16
Lesson observations of science teachers twice a week to learn structure of a lesson in 50 mins
Creating wall displays of students work to enthuse further in the learning 3.2.16 / HG
5 / Good knowledge of students, responding to their strengths and needs. Differentiated seating plan and Class Context sheets WMM:19.1.16
Lesson observation of English and History lesson on open day observation week to learn lessons on effective questioning and differentiating for more able
Effective differentiated questions
Met with SENCO- to learn about SENCO strategies and read SENCO booklet 29.1.16
Meeting with Lead teacher to discuss green pen strategies-10-2.16
Meeting with 2nd Lead teacher to discuss differentiation in lessons 2.2.16
Elkan speech and language course every fortnight for SENCO strategies
Visit to Swiss Cottage school for insight on SEND 5.1.16
Middlesex keynote lecture on SENCO 4.1.16 / HG
6 / Using AFL techniques such as effective questioning, circulating to check progress, peer assessment, self-assessment See all LOs
To know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas: setting tests and marking Year 7, 8, 9 papers and then recording them into SIMS WMM-3.2.16
Make use of formative and summative assessment to inform and secure pupils’ progress: Planning future lessons to remove misconceptions and going through papers with students WMM-3.2.15
Use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets and plan subsequent lessons WMM-3.2.16
Attended ELKAN course for speech and language every two weeks on Thursday through -out the half term
“Your planning is clearly characterised by the use of formative and summative assessment strategies designed to support students in making progress” Tutor visit Obs 12.2.16 / HG
7 / Using SIMS to record behaviour; use sanctions and rewards WMM-12.1.16,19.1.16; 29.1.16
Stimulating environment rooted in mutual respect, seating plans WMM19.1.16
“Good classroom management; lots of praise, managed behaviour positively” LO:29.1.16
Signing students reports, sending students to shadow time table, using call out WMM29.1.16, 3.2.16
Observed WL on setting expectations and managing behaviour 18.1.16
Set detentions regularly for breaks, lunches and after school, recorded in SIMS Jan –Feb 16
“Managed behaviour well, lots of praise” LO 15.2.16 / HG
8 / Fulfilling wider professional responsibilities; Working as a co-tutor taking a registration group WMM: 12.1.16
Helping with literacy in registration time, taking students to assembly;
Helping with science club for three weeks and taking the lead on the 3..2.16
Advertising and Informing Yr 7 and 8 tutors about science clubs weekly experiment WMM3.2.16; 11.2.16
Attending staff meetings.
Break duties and morning duties every Tuesday during the term
Attended Year 8 registration tutor meetings every Tuesday afterschool / HG
PART TWO: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT / Sources of Evidence / Mentor confirmation
Attended Inset day Safeguarding
Module 4.1.16 / Read safeguarding booklet and implemented it WMM12.1.16
Set high expectations of myself always arriving on time, being polite and being a role model 12.1.16
Overall Development (to be completed by the Second Setting mentor)
Please comment on the trainee teacher’s potential to become a grade 2 or grade 1 trainee (referring specifically to Part 1 of the Teacher Standards).
Second Setting review / Comments:
XXX has made excellent progress in her time at XXX, particularly in the structure of her lesson plans. She now recognises the need for mini plenaries, and routinely builds these into her lessons to reinforce learning and to give an idea of where each pupil is at (TS4/6). XXX has also improved on her use of rewards and sanctions. Whereas at first she used only the sanctions board, she now aims to have more positive rewards on the board than negative sanctions at the end of each lesson. She has been quick to establish the positive relations that have meant her students have taken to her very well, and all her lessons had a very positive environment (Ts1/7). In addition to this improvements, she has always circulated the class during activities as well as having a good pace to her activities. After a short adjustment (as lessons are only 50 minutes), she was been able to improve the timing of her lessons too, ensuring her students have made good progress during her time here (TS2)

Personal and Professional Conduct (to be completed by the Second Setting mentor)

Please comment on the trainee teacher’s personal and professional conduct (referring to Part 2 of the Standards).

Second Setting review / Comments
XXX’s personal and professional conduct is excellent. She is always punctual and is very prepared for the tasks that she has to accomplish. XXX has built good, effective relationships with both colleagues and pupils. XXX kept the high professional standards of the school at all times and showed lots of respect for those around her.

The signed document should be emailed to your university Tutor and your host school mentor on completion, and you should keep a copy in your Professional portfolio.