Welcome to Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services

We appreciate your interest in learning more about our agency and how we can potentially help you find solutions and generate success. We want to work with you to help you find a job that you want. IVRS is a state and federal agency that works with individuals with disabilities to help make connections to employment. We work with community businesses in hiring individuals with disabilities and we have identified and meet the needs of individuals with disabilities so they can participate in the workplace on an equal basis.

The purpose of this presentation is to help you decide if you are ready to consider your employment options and make an appointment with IVRS to move forwardwith the application process. You may decide to take Information home with you to further think and consider your next steps and call later to make an appointment.

Or you may decide that you’re not currently ready to consider employment or that IVRS is not the place for you at this time.

Our purpose is to work with individuals who have disabilities to reach their employment goals.

Our mission is to provide expert, individualized services to Iowans with disabilities to achieve their independence through successful employment and economic support.

Employment is the objective for each individual served by the VR program.

Eligible individuals receive counseling and guidance in choosing a vocational objective.

The IVRS team will provide support, encouragement and counseling and guidance to facilitate your employment efforts.

It’s an active partnership and you are part of the team. You will get out of the program what you put into it.

You might be able to benefit from IVRS Employment services if you do not participate in behaviors that are harmful to yourself or others, you demonstrate that you are,or want to,managea disability, work is a high priority for you and you want to work to your maximum ability. There are differences in our system as it relates eligibility for services and participation in developing an employment plan. We will talk about eligibility and plan development but it is important for you to recognize that they are two different things.

Let’s talk about eligibility.

To be eligible for IVRS services:

  • The individual must have a disability
  • The disability must affect the individual’s ability to be employed
  • The individual must need rehabilitation services in order to work

You may be interested or referred to IVRS services if you need IVRS services to find full-time, competitive employment or work towards substantial, gainful employment of at least 20 hours a week,if you need assistance in choosing a job goal or career field and could benefit from vocational counseling or if you are unable to accomplish your employment goals without our assistance.

Eligibility is based upon the existence of a disability and how that disability impacts your ability to be employed. It is an individualized decision as no two people are the same and no two disabilities are the same. There are no age requirements and you must want to work.

You will be expected to help by sharing background and medical information to help determine your eligibility. This may include signing releases to allow us to gather necessary information from past and current providers. This should be done along with any other necessary testing or medical assessments at no cost to you. If you have medical records available to you, please bring them with you to your first appointment.

IVRS assists with all types of disabilities that have vocational barriers. It is an individualized program. No two diagnoses or labels impact the same person in the same way. We want to get to know you and help you gain insight into your situation and you needs so you can move forward. Your position on our waiting list and which category you are placed is determined by your counselor and is based upon your disability and the resulting limitations that impact your ability to work.

This will be an area that will be discussed in more detail with you by your counselor. It is important that you have a good understanding of your strengths as well as your support needs.

Your counselor can help provide information in this area. You do need to understand however, the impact of our waiting list. You will not be able to begin your plan development, or receive services, beyond information and referral until you come off of the waiting list. Please talk to your IVRS team member regarding the current status of our waiting list.

Now let’s take a look at Plan development.

To make your vocational goal a reality, your counselor will help you develop an “Individual Plan for Employment” or an IPE. The IPE is a written document that identifies your job goal and lists all of the services and resources necessary to reach your vocational goal.

VR is a highly individualized process whereby the counselors and the clients work together as partners to identify vocational interest and aptitudes, determine a vocational goal and develop an employment plan to achieve that goal.

All of our services are linked to the achievement of an agreed upon employment goal and are specific to what is necessary for you to achieve that goal.

The purpose of plan development involves looking at your vocational interests, your skills, learning about your specific job readiness, and arriving at a common goal with your counselor as well as identifying those services that will be necessary to help you achieve that goal. It takes time to understand your interests and abilities, and how those factors relate to the business communities that you want to target. Understanding the business culture and relating it to your individualized plan will help you achieve the success that you want. The IVRS team has relationships with various employers but that does not guarantee any placement success. Applicants for employment must have the job skills and abilities that the specific employer is looking for. The IVRS team will work with you to find your strengths and interests to identify areas that would be an impediment employment so those issues can be addressed as much as possible before job placement begins.

Every eligible individual who is not on a waiting list can and will participate in plan development.

Let’s take a look at the type of services which may be available to assist you in your search for successful employment.

Vocational counseling can help you make better employment choices. You can discuss your skills, interests and abilities with your counselor and explore the various ways and what type of work you can do in the future.

Skill and academic training can take place in a variety of forms including training done by an employer, by another community agency, by a vocational technical school or community college, by adult education or by a 4 year college or university.

You made need equipment or a device to help you do a job task because of your disability. If needed your counselor can help you find a piece of equipment or device that may work for you.

Job placement services can include learning how to find a job, where to look for a jobs, help in filling out applications, writing resumes and having a job interview or consultation with an employer to best market your skills and abilities. Services could also include planning and starting a small business.

Services are individualized to meet your employment needs. That is why we spend time up front getting to know you and your history. Sometimes when you start a job you may need to bring your own tools or have a license or your own equipment. IVRS can help with what is necessary to start the job.

We will also be a resource to employers to help identify and meet their employment needs. This type of service helps us better understand their business culture so we can share that information with you to help you meet your needs.

Some General Guidance:

  • VR does not pay for services for which someone else has a responsibility to pay for
  • Some services are based on financial need
  • VR has limits on how much it can pay for some services
  • VR has requirements to determine services needed
  • It is a partnership process, not a “hand out a job” program

We will work with you individually to help figure out expected costs, comparable benefits, and services and resources available to help you in your plan. It is a time commitment for you and for us. We have an equal investment in you, and want to do what we can to help you be successful.

IVRS provides time-limited services directed toward a final goal for employment.

All participation is voluntary. We are not an entitlement program. Both federal and state dollars fund IVRS.

The IVRS team partners with you and will be as active as you’re willing to be in working toward an employment goal. You have rights and well as responsibilities for participation.

If you decide IVRS is the best place for you, we will discuss your rights and responsibilities during your personal interview.

IVRS has 14 area offices located throughout the state and 32 service units across Iowa.

Now we’ve talked a lot about what you can expect from us. What can employers expect?

Well employers expect communication skills, a good work ethic, job skills that match their openings, decision making skills, team players and people who are willing to learn.

We work with employers that can help you better understand what it will take to be successful in today’s business culture.

Skills and characteristics like:

  • Presentation – how do you come across to potential employers?
  • Attitude – do you want to work and will you do what it takes to help the employer meet their needs?
  • Dependability – will you show up for appointments, follow through with assignments and be there when the employer needs you?
  • Motivation – do you care about the employer’s goals or just about your goals?
  • Ability – Can you do the Job?
  • And the ability to Network. What do you bring with you that connects with the employer’s customer base? Who do you connect with and who do you relate to?

We can help identify your strengths in these areas and you can use these positive characteristics to help market yourself to potential employers. You might not have certain interests or strengths in these areas and that is understandable and expected. You do need, however, insight into your strengths and skills so that you target appropriate employers and can meet their expected needs. Employers have different expectations and you will want to find the right fit for you.

By working with your IVRS team, you will be able to identify your strengths and interests and how to better market yourself to the employer.

As an IVRS client, please follow these dos and don’ts”


  • Listen carefully
  • Show up for appointments and be on time
  • Bring all relevant information with you
  • Notify and get approval from your counselor on any change in your program
  • Stay in communication with all of your resource networks
  • Talk to us and stay active in your program
  • Manage your disability
  • Don’t quit your Job
  • Don’t enroll in school or a training program until you have discussed it with your counselor
  • And don’t buy anything that you believe IVRS will pay for until you have discussed it with your counselor and received authorization

So where do we go from here?

Well, Next you will need the complete the application paperwork, review the attached packet of information and meet with an IVRS staff member to complete an intake. You can call 1-800-532-1486 for the office nearest you.

The IVRS staff will review your paperwork and help clarify any outstanding issues or questions you might have.

Our focus is always on employment, but initially information is gathered to you help gain insight into your situation and help begin the eligibility and plan development process.

Most of all, IVRS looks forward to being a partner with you in your journey toward successful employment.

Thank you for being here today and I hope this information was helpful in improving your understanding and awareness of Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Please feel free to ask any further questions when you meet with your IVRS team member.
