Scrollsaw Association of the world
Expo Manual
Expo Manual
Last Update:
September 12, 2012
Table of Contents
Saw Expo: 1
How to Host an Expo: 2
Normal Schedule: 3
Raffle-Door Prizes: 4
Money Handling: 4
Payment: 4
Volunteer Sign-Up: 5
Expo Checklist: 11
Final Agreement : 15
Scrollsaw Association of the World
Box 340
116 East Lynn St.
Botkins, OH 45306
Phone 937-693-3309
(10:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST)
Saw Expo:
SAW. EXPO is the bi-annual meeting of the members of the Scrollsaw Association of the World, whereby SAW members can meet and join in discussions with the Board of Directors of SAW. This is an opportunity to learn more about the running of the Scrollsaw Association of the World and to participate in your association. In addition, the Board of Directors has a meeting where we are not dependant upon the internet to converse. But an EXPO is much more than meetings. Seminars and Demonstrations are given of some of the latest techniques in scrolling. Vendors from across the country join us and offer their goods to our membership. A huge Scrollsaw Contest is held with prizes that make the trip to EXPO a valuable experience.
You will have the opportunity to meet with your fellow scrollers, and to speak to those members directly involved in the organization and running of your Association. It's more than a picnic and a little bit less than a convention. It's a good time for everyone who attends, and an event sorely missed by those who could not make the trip.
Often a "Companion Craft" is highlighted at each EXPO. In Iowa, the Companion Craft was carving. In California, the Companion Craft was working with a router. At each event, an attempt is made to add to your woodworking skills and offer a technique that could improve your scrolling tremendously.
Local Chapters get involved in an EXPO also as many of them send at least one representative as a delegate to the EXPO. They can bring up any concerns of their Local Chapter and have direct input to the Board of Directors. In addition, the opportunity to meet with other Local Chapter representatives from around the world can provide invaluable ideas and resources that can then be taken back to their group,.
In addition, this event allows many vendors who market their products to scrollers to showcase their wares and talk to an extremely targeted audience. Seminars are held where attendees have the opportunity to learn and expand their craft. The opportunity to participate in a Scrollsaw Contest, sponsored by SAW, Creative WoodWorks and Crafts magazine, and ScrollSaw Workshop magazine, allows attendees to display their work and participate in this prestigious judged show.
An attempt will made to move the location of the Expo from one part of the country to another each time, so that more people will have the opportunity to attend at one time or another. Each Expo will be filled with informative demonstrations and seminars, vendors, Scrollsaw Contest, raffles, etc. This will also be an opportunity to hold a regular SAW meeting and allow a face-to-face discussion with the officers and leaders of the Association. If you would like to recommend a location to have SAW hold an EXPO in your area, please check our location requirements.
We currently plan on keeping with the every other year timing of a SAW EXPO. We are currently planning for the next event, etc. With enough growth in the Association we can make this an annual event, but that is for the future. There is also no known restriction that this must event must only be held in the United States. We are, by name, and by choice, a worldwide Association. If you would like to see this event in your country, then by all means, gather the information from the location requirements and send it along also.
This is an event that you will want to experience at least once. You will not regret having made the effort to attend!
How to Host an Expo:
If you would like to recommend a site for a future SAW EXPO, this is the information that you should gather up and send to the Home Office for dispersal to the Board of Directors:
1. Specify the location. Name of building, address, size and cost of renting. Pictures attached to the proposal would also be helpful. Also include parking capacity.
2. Suggest a date. Final negotiations with the building owner would be handled by SAW, but it would be helpful if you could determine ahead of time that there are dates when the building would be available within a three month period of time. This proposal must reach SAW at a minimum of 18 months prior to the suggested date.
3. List the number of potential workers within the area. We need to know what groups/individuals would be available to help man and put on the event. It will help to know if there are 10 workers available or 100.
4. List extra expenses involved with renting this particular site. Are chairs and tables and electric included in the rental or are they extra expenses. A quote on prices would be most helpful.
5. List of other attractions within the geographic area. Many people make a vacation trip out of attending, and it is helpful to know if there are other venues that would make this site more appealing as a location.
6. List of motels and campgrounds and restaurants in the area and if possible, the distance from them to the building location.
7. Transportation available to the area - Major airports, train, bus, interstates and their proximity to the building location. If there is some distance from say an airport to the venue, are shuttle bus's a possibility.
8. List the local scrolling resources - Wood suppliers, pattern makers, etc. within reasonable proximity to the building. This can also include other woodworking clubs within the area. This list should also include major personalities with the area that would possibly be willing to do a seminar or demonstration.
9. List the advertising possibilities within the area: Newspapers, magazines, cable TV, etc.
There should be no expense involved with compiling this information. Final negotiations and costs would be incurred by SAW and not by you locally. If your site is selected, we would ask that you or your group be involved with the planning and assist with the co-ordination of the event.
Normal Schedule:
So, what goes on at an EXPO? Why do I want to attend an EXPO? Coming in on Thursday evening?
Join us Thursday evening for dinner. Meet your fellow scrollers and talk over some scrolling issues.Following the dinner you will be meeting the Scrollsaw Association of the World Officers and Board of Directors. We will then introduce you to the vendors attending. The seminar presenters will also be introduced and given an opportunity to tell you a little bit more about the seminars they are presenting.
Friday is the day when you will enter your items in the SAW contest. Yes, you haveall dayto enter your items. You do not need to be a member of the Association in order to enter the contest. However, as a member of the organization you do receive a reduced entry fee. We will offer some door prizes throughout the day. If we have our Chinese Raffle? You buy a ticket and deposit it in the bag that is sitting by the item that you would like to win. Those of you who have attended expos in the past know that our raffle table is pretty well-stocked with items worthy of owning.
You will attend seminars and also visit with the vendors and stock up on some new patterns, books, magazines, new tools for the shop and let's not forget that coveted piece of lumber that we need to finish our intarsia project. Lunch will be available at your expense right outside our exhibition center. The program following the Friday evening dinner* will consist of introduction of our Association notables: Officers and Board Members, past Officers and Board Members, Charter Members, Lifetime Members and the Expo committee.
Saturday the fun starts all over again. The raffle table, if we have one, will be open. Lunch will once again be available at your expense outside our exhibition area. We ask that you shop till your hearts content and attend the seminars to further your scrolling interests. Since this is the day the contest judging takes place we ask that you honor the judges and let them do their thing, undisturbed. We will not allow attendees walking through the contest area while judging is going on. At the close of judging, the ribbons will be placed on the projects receiving awards, and the area will be opened to all in attendance. This will give you ample time to take photographs in the contest area. If there is a raffle the winning raffle numbers will be drawn between 1 PM and 1:30 PM and will be posted on the winning numbers board. Contest ribbons and prizes will be presented to the winners at approximately 2 PM, each winner holding his own project and ribbon with an opportunity for photographs. These are the photographs we will use on the SAW website.
Most of all to make new friendships and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow scrollers.
There is no reason to be bored at one of these events. Get the answers to your scrolling questions. Scrollers are always willing to share tips and techniques. Fellow scrollers do not need to be strangers, walk up, and shake their hand and say “I’m Joe from Ft Wayne, Indiana, what type of scrolling do you enjoy cutting.” You just may make a friend.
Raffle-Door Prizes:
Raffle Table: If a raffle table is set-up, there should be four (4) volunteers to work the raffle table both days of the event.
Another option:
The Raffle table be left out and just go with the admission ticket number for the door prize and the Grand Prize.
Only this time instead of using those little double tickets that you have a hard time writing your name/address and phone on the back lets go to a regular nice created admission/raffle ticket that is approximately 2-1/4" x 4-1/4" with a perforated stub attached that is approximately 1-1/2" x 2-1/4" overall the ticket is 2-1/4" wide and 5-3/4' long. By the way these tickets would be consecutively number like 0110 to 0609 or whatever we want.
Money Handling:
SAW will handle all moneys for the event.
You are not encouraged to accept any money for SAW membership. SAW renewals, or for ordering of merchandise. If you choose to accept money, you will be ultimately responsible for any missing or unreported money. Missing and Unreported money will be determined if SAW is contacted by someone who claims to have paid for a membership, renewal, or to have purchased merchandise at your event. If you have accepted money at your event, then SAW and you will honor all such claims. You will be billed for the amount claimed. Only accept money if you feel confident in your bookkeeping methods so that no money becomes unreported to SAW. Any money collected should be sent to SAW and reported as soon as possible after the event.
The club needs to decide which of the methods of payment they would like to receive for co-hosting the event. Co-hosting means supplying volunteers and labor as agreed upon.
You need to pick ONE form of payment you would like to have for this event.
- The club(s) could waive the fixed fee for the CLUB and choose to go with the individual volunteers getting the benefit of volunteering. That option would give each individual volunteer free admission for the show and up to two free seminars. The club(s) would receive no other payment on this option. If a club does not have enough volunteers and there is no other club to work with them, they or SAW can put out notice with the position that needs to be filled and that person would get their fees paid, on a first come first serve basis.
- The club(s) would be paid a flat fee of $400.00 for the event, but they would be required to fill all volunteer positions on the list. If one all the volunteers came from one club then that club would get the full fee. If there were volunteers from two (2) or more cubs then the fee would be split amongst the clubs involved based on the number of volunteers from each club. The club(s) could use that money to offset the cost of the Registration Fee and seminar fees for those volunteering. They could also hire other people to fill the positions, as in option 1, to be paid for from their share of the flat fee.
Volunteer Sign-Up:
Contest Table: These volunteers will need to follow the Contest Rules as set out in the Contest Manual of SAW. Entries will be judged and scored according to the SAW rules. They will help with the setting up and taking down the contest area.
A minimum of six (6) volunteers. There will three (3) volunteersat the Contest Table. One volunteer to take the entry, oneto properly tag the project, and oneto put the numbers on the various places. Then two (2)or three (3) volunteersto run the projects to placed at the various locations on the risers, easels, or table in their assigned categories.
The same people would work the Contest booth both days. On Saturday they will be helping the judges and tallying the scores etc. When the judging is done these volunteers help with the handing out of the prizes/ribbons and picture taking.
Registration Table: On the first day of the event there will be at least four (4) volunteers working the Registration Table from about 7:30 a. m to about noon.Then another four (4) volunteers will work the Registration Table from noon till quitting time 4:00 pm. for a total ofeight (8). The Registration Table should be set-up with one (1) volunteer taking care of the pre-admission, two (2) taking the money for same day admission. The fourth volunteer will be responsible for selling Seminar tickets. The second day of the event there should be four (4) volunteers to start since it will be just people who will pay as they come in and also Seminar tickets to be sold. The pre-registered should have already arrived on Friday.