Return your completed form:
Please return this form to:, Community Education Team
By post to:Lancaster House, Ermine Way, Huntingdon, CAMBS, PE29 6XU
Or email to:
School/ community group details
Contact name:
Name of school or group
Telephone number:
e-mail address:
Your visit
Date/s of visit:
Please note sessions require set up and clean up time. Sewage soup requires 15 minutes either side of the session and lasts approximately 1 hour, Waterwise needs 10 minutes either side of the session and lasts approximately 1 hour. Access to a sink is required for all sessions.
Please plan this into your school timetable.
Time of sessions:
(please include break times) / Age or year group / Number of children: / Activity / Location
About your class
Please let us know if any of the children have special needs.
Any information you provide will be used solely to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to access the activities.
Market intelligence
How did you find out about us? / Repeat visit / Information on the web / Mailshot / Word of mouth
There is no charge for the visit but a cancellation fee of £20 may be charged if the booking is cancelled at short notice.
Visit information
Is there a cost? / There is no charge for the visit.
Community Education / Qualified teachers: Richard Park, Rachel Harvey
Phone: 07711351241, 07711351242
Please ask prior to visit if you wish to see CRB form.
Parking / The Anglian Water staff will require parking. Please advise if parking is not available on the site.
Emergency contact / If the member of the Anglian Water team does not arrive for the specified session and you cannot reach them on their numbers above please call:
Marcia Davies – 07809 084838 in case of emergency
Additional information / A member of teaching staff needs to be present during all sessions.
DVD will be used in the session – please make sure this facility is working / available for the session.
Classroom sessions: Where there is a sink classrooms we will carry out a tap experiment.
Uses of our visit
Our visit can be used to benefit your school in a variety of ways:-
-Introduction of a water topic
-Reinforcement of prior learning for a water topic
-Assisting schools in progressing the following award schemes
(i) Eco- schools (ii) Sustainable learning (iii) Healthy schools (iv) DfES International schools
Demonstrating business/community links
-to know who Anglian Water are and what we do
-to know the water cycle is important to provide water for all life on Earth
-to learn how to be Sewerwise, what should and shouldn’t go into the sewers
-to have knowledge of the sewage treatment process
-to know why it is important to save water
-to understand that water is important for health
Useful links
Eco schools award /
Wateraid /
The Water Family /
Captain Splosh /
Including games and lots of activities in the teachers section
Waterwise audit pack
Key Stage 2 pack /
If you post the booking form back to us please retain page 2 for your information.
Please note £20 cancellation fee applies unless a valid reason is given.
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