Current Events Form

Name _____________________________________ Date __________ Per _______

Part I. Required

1) Title of article: _________________________________________________________________

2) Two New Vocabulary Words. From the article, choose two NEW vocabulary words to define. You should choose ONE academic vocabulary word (a word that a 6th grader may not know, but should learn) and ONE content (science, social studies, math specific) word. Do not define a word with itself. Please make sure that you are choosing the correct definition of the word (ie. The definition you found makes sense as you read the word in the context of the article)

A. ________________________________________________________________________________



B. ________________________________________________________________________________



3) Main Idea: State the main idea (one sentence that states what the article is MOSTLY about) of the article: _______________________________________________________________________________________


4) Summary. In your own words briefly summarize (re-tell in your own words) the article. Your summary should be no more than 4-6 sentences, be sure to include details from the article that support your main idea from above. Do not include your opinion in a summary.







5) Two NEW facts you learned from the article (other then the vocabulary words you defined).

Give specific details/examples. Answer in complete sentences using the example below.

BAD Example: While reading this article, I learned that…. the moon is far away from earth.

GOOD Example: While reading this article I learned that… it takes astronauts 3 days to travel to the moon from the earth.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Part II. Choice Activity: Connections

6. Make a connection to something in the article that you found interesting. You MUST make a relevant text to self, text to text, or text to world connection. Use complete sentences and be sure to explain how your connection ties back to the article. (Ex: I thought it was interesting that the lunar eclipse is called a “blood moon.” I asked my parents if they could set the alarm so that I could see the color of the moon and the lunar eclipse for myself. Then, I called my friend in California, and he saw the eclipse as well so we were able to talk about it.)
