Improving MuirhousePennywell
2pm, Wednesday 11 September2013
North Edinburgh Arts
Actions1. Present/Apologies / Present: Roy Douglas (Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council); Danielle Ward (Youth Forum); Cllr Redpath; Cllr Day; James Riordan (Community Renewal); Kate Wimpress (North Edinburgh Arts); Paula McVey (Muirhouse Housing Association); Christine McKay (Total Craigroyston); Steven Whitton (NHS Lothian); Henry Coyle (CEC, NELO); Michelle Fraser (CEC); Tim Packer (Total Craigroyston); John McDonald (CEC, Regeneration); Rachel Fraser (CEC, Regeneration); Simon Lievesley (CEC, 21st Century Homes); Pamela Roccio (CEC Corporate Services);
Apologies: Alex Dale (Drylaw Telford Community Council); John Davidson (TRIM); Robert Pearson (TRIM); Betty Stevenson (MSCC); Cllr Jackson; Cllr Cardownie; Peter Johnson (MYDG); Julie Crawford (Muirhouse Link-Up); Brenda Tonner (Muirhouse Housing Association); Linda Dunbar (Centipede Project); Christine Liddle (NELO); Elaine Scott (CEC 21st Century Homes)
2. Previous Minute /Matters Arising / CD asked that it was noted there were no plans to move the library to Craigroyston CHS, this had been mentioned at the last meeting as an example of what could happen, but was never planned.
HC reminded the Group that co-operative working and the option to return would both be future agenda items for group discussion.
The minute of the last meeting was approved, with some changes noted to the present/apologies list of the last minute. / HC
3. Economic Development / Craigroyston HS has a new head teacher, Steven Ross , who will consider the school curriculum becoming more skills-based and employment-related. There is a need to consider specificcommunity benefits for the school. Janice Belshaw, the project manager for Urban Union, will be asked to attend the meetings. Steven Ross and/or a representative from the Parent Council should be invited to attend future meetings.
A representative from the Council’s co-operative working group will be invited to attend a future meeting to provide an update on co-operative working. / HC
4. NWEPC / Concept designs at the end of July were not well received by user teams,and have been redesigned, factoring in that Integrated Dental Holdings are moving to shopping centre instead and Muirhouse Medical group are unlikely to move in. The GPs would be a significant loss to the building. The options available would be to set up a new practice in the area or for another existing practice to set up a branch surgery.
The design process is frozen until a final answer is received from Muirhouse Medical group. Planning application is also delayed. SW intends to undertake community consultation work for four weeks before the planning application is submitted. SW distributed his community engagement plan, comments back to Steven directly. SW to check if there is a requirement for a PAN.
CD was very disappointed that the GPs don’t want to move into the building and suggested that there is community support for another practice to move into the building. IMP to write to NHS board expressing disappointment with the GPs, HC to draft letter. RD’s and KW’s comments on the design have been passed to the architects. / ALL
5. Shopping Centre / Civic Centre / Public Realm / The bid to the Scottish Government’s Regeneration Fund for work to the civic square was unsuccessful. There will be feedback on the bid and we can apply again next year. The Northview Court play park bid was also unsuccessful, but environmental improvements will go ahead with existing funding committed by 21st Century Homes and the Forth NP’s Neighbourhood Environmental Programme.
CEC has agreed to buy Credential’s interest in the shopping centre; this will go to Committee for approval on 19 November. Nothing will be done about the roof removal until after this date.
The community shop is doing very well and is well supported by the community. A Housing Roadshow will be held there next week. [Post meeting note, this was very well-attended and very well received locally]
PR noted that the Group should consider the Community Empowerment & Renewal Bill and it was agreed that this be added to the agenda for future meetings.
Discussions with Corporate Property on placemaking will continue and a representative will return to the group ASAP. / HC
6. Housing / Muirhouse Housing Association
PMcV provided an update. Building is on schedule, an apprentice from the area is working on site as part of the community benefits package. The properties will not be advertised on EdIndex, need to contact MHA directly, undertaking housing options interviews with tenants. Priority will be given to existing MHA tenants wishing to transfer due to Welfare Reform.
West Pilton Crescent
Work had started on site and is on programme, should be completed by October 2014. First homes should be available in summer 2014. Initial Lettings Plan will be discussed with the group at a future meeting.
A site event is planned for West Piton Crescent on Wednesday 25 September at 10am, the invitations are to go out through IMP and all IMP members are invited. Please contact Rachel Fraser if you wish to attend. [Post meeting note, this was very well-attended and very well received locally too]
Pennywell sites
PPiP for the North and South areas was successfully renewed in July. The preferred bidder was approved on 29 August. Urban Union Ltd is a consortium of Keepmoat, MacTaggart & Mickel and Robertsons, an initial meeting will be held next week. The contract is not awarded yet, but this should happen in the next few months, as there are still details to sort out. Likely to be around a year before work starts on site. The old High School site will be the first one to be built on, providing a mix of private and Council homes. The 356 Council homes will be a mix of social and mid market rent and will be finished 6 years from start on site. The private housing will be built over 10 years.
Pitch Improvements
HC had discussion at TRIM meeting, mainly drainage and levelling work required. Steven Cuthill to programme the work in consultation with C21 Homes and SportScotland.
It was agreed that the IMP should act as a champion, to drive positive stories for the area and the new developments. HC expects Urban Union to help to take this forward. / ALL
8. Community Engagement/Comms / TP presented the Comms Plan, with a request for members to get back to him with comments by Friday 20 September. / ALL
9. Any Other Business / KW informed the group that the work to the garden will take place between now and December, a co-ordinator is starting next week.
Suggested that meeting are set on a six weekly cycle, HC to implement. / HC
Date and time of next meeting:
Wed 23 October 2013, 2-4pm, North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Road, EH4 4TZ. The next meeting dates, for the same time, with venues to be confirmed, are:
04 December 2013
15 January 2014
26 February 2014
09 April 2014
21 May 2014
02 July 2014