Hunter College

ADSUP 751 – District and School-Based Experience Seminar in Administration and Supervision

School Building Level Internship Portfolio Assignment

During the internship you are required to prepare an E-portfolio of evidence that demonstrates the fieldwork you have completed during the internship. It is a collection of samples of your work completed during the internship portion of the program that demonstrates the quality of your field-based activities and your mastery of critical knowledge and skills to be a successful school leader. The evidence collection is a visual representation of your learning and readiness for a leadership position.

Standard/Indicator Guidelines

Your portfolio should provide evidence of the 2011 ELCC Building Level Standards using the following standard indicators:

-  Standard 1

1)  1.2

2)  Another standard 1 indicator of choice

-  Standard 2

3)  2.3

4)  Another standard 2 indicator of choice

-  Standard 3

5)  3.1

6)  Another standard 3 indicator of choice

-  Standard 4

7)  4.1

8)  Another standard 4 indicator of choice

-  Standard 5

9)  5.2

10)  Another standard 4 indicator of choice

-  Standard 6

11)  6.3

Sample activities aligned with each of these indicators are provided after the Scoring Rubric in this document.

The Portfolio should not include:

-  Key assessment assignments from other courses

-  Readings or handouts given to you throughout the program

-  Names of individuals with whom you worked

Content and Organization Guidelines

You will submit the following items organized by standard:

Sections 1-6: Six sections representing each of the standards using the following organization:

Standard Number and Standard Text/Description

o  For each indicator:

§  Indicator Number and Indicator Text/Description

§  Description of progress on standard using the following embolden headings (approximately 2-3 single-spaced pages)

·  Activity Description: Provide an overview of activity undertaken, including if/how technology was used.

·  Evidence of Indicator: Describe why/how the activity exemplifies your proficiency level of the indicator.

·  Impact: Describe how the activity influenced or contributed to the work of the school.

·  Lessons Learned: Explain how you might use the successes, areas for improvement, or other lessons learned in the future.

§  Artifact(s) that document the activity (such as an agenda, worksheet, graph, evaluation, improvement plan, and so forth, as appropriate to the activity).

Artifact Guidelines

·  The artifacts should be evidence of the activity (both of which are selected to act as the strongest evidence that you have mastered the designated skills embedded in standard indicator).

·  You should have one artifact for each standard indicator. If it was a meeting or a series of activities, you may have a bundle of shorter artifacts that correspond to the activity (such as an agenda, handouts or presentation used, summary of stakeholder groups present, meeting minutes, and so forth).

·  Length of the artifacts is at your discretion. These will be improvement plans, agendas, and similar items that you developed and used in the context of your internship. The length and format should be determined by what best suits the activity and stakeholders involved.

Section 7: Archive

Include the logs and reflections you have submitted throughout the internship, as well as reports of site visits. These will not be directly scored/graded as part of this assignment, but, instead provide an easy way for us to collect this information from you.

Portfolio Format

The portfolio will be submitted as an electronic document. The E-portfolio can be of your own design or you may use Digication (discuss preferred method with your instructor). It should be easy for your supervisor to maneuver through the portfolio and the overall mechanics of your portfolio will be rated.

Scoring and Grade

The Internship Portfolio is will be scored using the rubric in this document.

Rev. February 2015 | 1

Sample Contract Activities to Develop/Demonstrate Proficiency in Standard Indicators

Rev. February 2015 | 1

Sample Contract Activities to Develop/Demonstrate Proficiency in Standard Indicators

Reviewer Directions: Use this rubric to rate the evidence provided in the Internship Portfolio. For each standard, enter a rating in the “rating” column using the point values designated for each performance level. If no artifact/evidence was provided, enter a “0” in the rating column. Enter a total rating tally and then convert it to: 1) an overall assignment rating; and 2) an overall assignment grade using the scoring guide provided at the bottom of the rubric table.

Rubric Item / Above Standard
4 pts. / At Standard
3 pts. / Developing/
Below Standard
1-2 pts. / Not Applicable
NA / Rating /
ELCC Building Standard 1
ELCC 1.1: Candidate understands and can collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a school. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a school. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a school. / Candidate demonstrates limited or no understanding of and ability to collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a school. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 1.2: Candidate understands and can collect and use data to identify school goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and create and implement plans to achieve school goals. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to collect and use data to identify school goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and create and implement plans to achieve school goals. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to collect and use data to identify school goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and create and implement plans to achieve school goals. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to collect and use data to identify school goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and create and implement plans to achieve school goals. / Required indicator.
ELCC 1.3: Candidate understands and can promote continual and sustainable school improvement. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to promote continual and sustainable school improvement. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to promote continual and sustainable school improvement. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to promote continual and sustainable school improvement. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 1.4: Candidate understands and can evaluate school progress and revise school plans supported by school stakeholders. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to evaluate school progress and revise school plans supported by school stakeholders. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to evaluate school progress and revise school plans supported by school stakeholders. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to evaluate school progress and revise school plans supported by school stakeholders. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC Building Standard 2
ELCC 2.1: Candidate understands and can sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration, trust, and a personalized learning environment with high expectations for students. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration, trust, and a personalized learning environment with high expectations for students. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration, trust, and a personalized learning environment with high expectations for students. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration, trust, and a personalized learning environment with high expectations for students. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 2.2: Candidate understand and can create and evaluate a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and instructional school program. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to create and evaluate a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and instructional school program. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to create and evaluate a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and instructional school program. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to create and evaluate a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and instructional school program. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 2.3: Candidate understands and can develop and supervise the instructional and leadership capacity of school staff. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to develop and supervise the instructional and leadership capacity of school staff. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to develop and supervise the instructional and leadership capacity of school staff. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to develop and supervise the instructional and leadership capacity of school staff. / Required indicator.
ELCC 2.4: Candidate understands and can promote the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning in a school environment. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to promote the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning in a school environment. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to promote the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning in a school environment. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to promote the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning in a school environment. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC Building Standard 3
ELCC 3.1: Candidate understands and can monitor and evaluate school management and operational systems. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to monitor and evaluate school management and operational systems. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to monitor and evaluate school management and operational systems. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to monitor and evaluate school management and operational systems. / Required indicator.
ELCC 3.2: Candidates understand and can efficiently use human, fiscal, and technological resources to manage school operations. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to efficiently use human, fiscal, and technological resources to manage school operations. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to efficiently use human, fiscal, and technological resources to manage school operations. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to efficiently use human, fiscal, and technological resources to manage school operations. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 3.4: Candidates understand and can develop school capacity for distributed leadership. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to develop school capacity for distributed leadership. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to develop school capacity for distributed leadership. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to develop school capacity for distributed leadership. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 3.5: Candidates understand and can ensure teacher and organizational time focuses on supporting high-quality school instruction and student learning. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to ensure teacher and organizational time focuses on supporting high-quality school instruction and student learning. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to ensure teacher and organizational time focuses on supporting high-quality school instruction and student learning. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to ensure teacher and organizational time focuses on supporting high-quality school instruction and student learning. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC Building Standard 4
ELCC 4.1: Candidate understands and can collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment. / Required indicator.
ELCC 4.2: Candidate understands and can mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources within the school community. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources within the school community. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources within the school community. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources within the school community. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 4.3: Candidate understands and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers. / Indicator not selected for portfolio
ELCC 4.4: Candidate understands and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners. / Candidate demonstrates an in-depth understanding of and ability to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners. / Candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners. / Candidate demonstrates a limited or no understanding of and ability to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners. / Indicator not selected for portfolio